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Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

You see the title.  Simple question.  Q: Where is it?  A: Not there!  

Discussion only please - not a name and shame witch hunt.


Why or why not have such a Topic, pinned on these boards, latest post at top not bottom of the pages.   Or - New Board category - Scam Watch

Such would serve to warn buyers and sellers... and eBay of the latest scams going around.

Lets face it, some are old scams and some are new innovations... and it's not all 'happy puppies playing in the sun' .. is it.

Whats bad for sellers here is bad for buyers and so, bad for sellers... the honest ones that is.


Whats your thoughts on this?


Message 1 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

An introductory tutorial wouldn't be updated quickly when it came to a new scam or an alert of variations to old/new ones.

Such a tutorial has no 'real time' user contributions too. It's written by an anonymous eBay writer... for eBay - subject to bias, 'gloss' and again... DENIAL.



Message 16 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

They are all on my BBL. All these folks get a lifetime ban.Smiley Happy

Message 17 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
There used to be a trust and safety board but with the change over it went away.

You take me back.  I remember the Trust and Safety Board.  Yes, it disappeared.


I doubt they would provide a place for the latest scams.  Reading this Board helps as many threads can be found.  You can also search the internet or this Board for topics.  


While having them all in one place might be easier, the implications of having a Board just for that would make them too easily accessible and prominent.  Under the Selling Board, there are other topics so threads would be less alarming.

Message 18 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@couldabeenworse wrote:

Who's going to read a combative, repetitive 10000-post thread about scams that wouldn't be able to find plenty of ordinary posts on scams they way they are now?


Agreed. I can't believe I even clicked on this thread--I knew better, but it's like watching a train wreck. Just one more thread about how lousy eBay is. Gosh, they sure get tiresome. I'm promising myself that I will no longer click on these "C'mon! Let's All Discuss How Horrid eBay Is!" threads. It's like those online stories about "You'll Never Believe How Badly These Celebrities From the '80s Have Aged."

Message 19 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

The best thing that any website can do including Ebay is have an introductory tutorial on what to watch for for sellers and buyers regarding known scams that many of us have discussed here over the years on the boards. There are many that are not unique to Ebay, they happen all over the web and inexperienced sellers and buyers need to know what to watch for.


1) Give me your Pay Pal info so I can send a Fake payment.

2) When possible use signature tracking for packages to prevent INR.

3) Do not sell high end extremely expensive items online until you have enough experience selling online and have sufficient back up funds if a bad transaction should happen.

4) Never agree to a transaction to take place outside of Ebay.

5) Sellers take full responsibility for items switched out in a return and if expensive enough of a scam, file local police charges,  IC3 Internet division of the FBI fraud claim. Collect evidence for postal fraud and file mail fraud charges when evidence is sufficient to do so. Start small claims court case, or ALL of the above.

6) Do not give in to partial refund fraudsters SNAD requests because that keeps them in business.

7) Take six aspirin, four shots of vodka, and call your doctor in the morning if you have been significantly frauded.

Several more but, I gotta go.

Love number 7, LOL!


A tutorial sounds great, but how many do we see on this Board that just leap into selling without knowing anything?  The info that is available is not being used.  I can understand why this may happen.  Many people just don't take the time to read or know what they are getting into.  They think it is simple, just take some pictures, throw up a listing, get paid, and ship it.  Many just don't exhibit any caution or any concern that they may not know how the site actually works.


Like many who do their buyer's due diligence after they buy instead of before, these are the sellers who come to the Board after they have fallen for the fake PP email, or the higher offer to sell off Ebay, the request to ship overnight, and before they know what hit them, they just gave away their item and they are stuck.  That's when they vow to never use Ebay again.  

Message 20 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@couldabeenworse wrote:

Whats your thoughts on this?


I am missing the point. <maybe // think about it.


Who's going to read a combative, repetitive 10000-post thread about scams that wouldn't be able to find plenty of ordinary posts on scams they way they are now? <rhetorical question // based on a false premise that this would be so.... There is policy to deal with this.


Would the purpose of such a thread be to help someone - or just to scare everybody away? <rhetorical question // that's corrected with strike out so it is a helpful question worthy of reply.


Keep it rational, hey.


This is where restoring the Trust & Safety board would help file the threads currently scattered across virtually every discussion board and group here.  It's a dogs breakfast and this... this helps the scammers as much as cynical attitudes and a lack of critical thinking.


So to answer the now non-rhetorical question, YES. Obviously, unless you suggest ignorance is helpful.

Message 21 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

The best thing that any website can do including Ebay is have an introductory tutorial on what to watch for for sellers and buyers regarding known scams that many of us have discussed here over the years on the boards. There are many that are not unique to Ebay, they happen all over the web and inexperienced sellers and buyers need to know what to watch for.


1) Give me your Pay Pal info so I can send a Fake payment.

2) When possible use signature tracking for packages to prevent INR.

3) Do not sell high end extremely expensive items online until you have enough experience selling online and have sufficient back up funds if a bad transaction should happen.

4) Never agree to a transaction to take place outside of Ebay.

5) Sellers take full responsibility for items switched out in a return and if expensive enough of a scam, file local police charges,  IC3 Internet division of the FBI fraud claim. Collect evidence for postal fraud and file mail fraud charges when evidence is sufficient to do so. Start small claims court case, or ALL of the above.

6) Do not give in to partial refund fraudsters SNAD requests because that keeps them in business.

7) Take six aspirin, four shots of vodka, and call your doctor in the morning if you have been significantly frauded.

Several more but, I gotta go.

Love number 7, LOL!


A tutorial sounds great, but how many do we see on this Board that just leap into selling without knowing anything?  The info that is available is not being used.  I can understand why this may happen.  Many people just don't take the time to read or know what they are getting into.  They think it is simple, just take some pictures, throw up a listing, get paid, and ship it.  Many just don't exhibit any caution or any concern that they may not know how the site actually works.


Like many who do their buyer's due diligence after they buy instead of before, these are the sellers who come to the Board after they have fallen for the fake PP email, or the higher offer to sell off Ebay, the request to ship overnight, and before they know what hit them, they just gave away their item and they are stuck.  That's when they vow to never use Ebay again.  

Message 22 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

I wasn't around when this T&S Board was culled.


How did they rationalise this action?


Message 23 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

To me this sounds like a great tutorial for new scammers, or for old scammers to learn the latest tricks. 


A very small percentage of new eBay users would ever see these message boards.

Message 24 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

we have lot's of threads acomplish the discution

One sale a day, tomorrow the entire Galaxy!
Message 25 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

I don’t know why and can’t remember exactly when, but that’s just the first search that showed in google ^^^

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 26 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

And that argument is like the 'don't teach s*x ed in schools because they will all be at it like rabbits'.


Your also assuming ways and means of prevention and solution to a new scam wouldn't follow from useful advise provided.

Your also assuming that ebay T&S staff wouldn't be allerted or provide timely advice to new scams and flaws in new policies.


Finally, hazard a guess how many discover these boards as a result of trying to go through the ebay help pages?  There is a link to here when you get the automated 'can't help you' page.



Message 27 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

Scattered all over the shop... like a dogs breakfast... all over the place like a mad mans *beeept*.

Somewhat chaotic. don't you think?

And when a thread drops off the first page... what then?

What does this really accomplish and who benefits?




Message 28 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

@phono_0490xxxxxx wrote:

I wasn't around when this T&S Board was culled.


How did they rationalise this action?


I don't think they did.  It simply went away during a change in the Boards.


They used to have a Suggestion Box, too.  That is gone, also.

Message 29 of 52
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Re: Where is the scam/fraud warning discussion thread on these forums?

To answer your title question.  There isn't one.


Why?  It would not be to ebay's benefit to have or support one.  Nor anyone else's - selling site.


Because, among many, already listed reasons, ebay want's an upbeat site that shines and glitters, with lots of stuff that is popular, for lots of people to buy.  Lots of blogs with helpful hints and lots of people saying good things about ebay (thus FB).   Sort of the things that ALL sites would like to have.


When will there be one?  Hard to tell, but, unless you look real good in blue, don't hold your breath.


(personal opinion - your mileage may vary)

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 30 of 52
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