07-07-2018 04:29 AM
I really don't know where else you can buy a used item and return it in 30 day at the sellers cost. Among other things, I sell car, tractor and implement manuals. People can easily copy what they need and send it back on my dime. After returning clothing and such, at least the person wouldn't have it any more. Manuals, sheet music, etc can easily be copied and the person still has the info and all I have is a lot of expense and trouble.
My dashboard is at 100% and I've had 1 negative in 2500 transactions in the last year. I have gone above and beyond for customers and give refunds easily. I do not want to advertise to buyers that it is okay to get the information and then send it back when they are done.
Also, has Ebay thought about that this takes away the incentive for seller to keep up there performance? I used to worry about losing my Top Rated badge and discount. Guess I don't have to worry about that anymore. Ebay is just asking for more bad sellers because they've pushed the bar too far. Many will not care about cancelling orders, etc.
07-07-2018 04:58 AM
Yep, It's a poorly thought through one size fits all policy!
07-07-2018 05:23 AM
This policy is also tough on small sellers of antiques and collectibles, often one of a kind. Unsavory people out there "renting" such items, trying to resell them, and if unsuccessful want to return the item. On top of that the crumb bums don't have the courtesy to leave pos feedback. Thanks for nothing ebay.
07-07-2018 05:35 AM
Your banging your head against a wall. You must move on if your gonna survive. It's a simple as that.
There are plenty of other platforms out there besides eBay with lesser fee's & headache. eBay is no longer the only game in town. They are using every trick in the book to raise revenue. It's a sign of desperation for any shareholders out there.
07-07-2018 05:50 AM - edited 07-07-2018 05:52 AM
ebay isn't there to help anyone but ebay. The only help sellers should expect is from themselves.
It appears that ebay believes that buyers are their best customers and sellers are disposable and if they can do anything to keep the scammy and abusive ones working, they will. Because a scammy buyer will buy and generate a LOT more transactions than an honest one every will. And transactions on the books generate fees and makes ebay look good to shareholders.
ebay tells sellers that some loss is the cost of doing business. That is true, but the cost of doing business on ebay is a lot higher than anywhere else. Years ago during some of the many changes that ebay expects sellers to adapt to, I analyzed the costs of doing business with ebay and moved all my valuable stuff and a total genre to another site and ebay has never seen it again.
Now I use ebay as ebay uses me - to make money. I expect nothing more from ebay but a place to list my stuff on.
07-07-2018 05:57 AM
The new eBay is pretty much the buy, dispute & hope you get the product free platform these days. Whats the worse that can happen? You return a rock.
07-07-2018 06:09 AM
07-07-2018 06:28 AM
07-07-2018 06:33 AM
We have been here almost 18 years, Mostly as buyers and a small time sellers.Ive seen the view from both sides of the fence.Im disapointed of what ebay has become. Once a great place to buy and sell - find that hard to find auto part or rare concert poster
Each one of us has different ways of protesting the Corporate greed that has infested this site. I choose to run a minimum amount of auctions until my stock is depleated.I have no plans of selling anymore.We may buy a few items here and there but anyone can go to the "River" or simply take a drive to a retailer if you choose. Thank you Ebay for outsourcing a high percentage of your customer service calls.If enough sellers and buyers slow down or avoid ebay it will eventually will show up on the bottom line. If you want the folks in the board room to "HEAR" you must change your priorities here if you can. Devise a new plan and find a NEW platforn.Those who continue to be good soldiers are the ones who will be attacked the most.They can invite all the new buyers they want but it will not- over time replace the hard working sellers who should leave and take no more abuse.Its no suprise the new policies invite some bad apples who are not here so much to buy, but to test the waters to see if they can " rent" then return - "on the backs of the sellers".Ebay looses nothing, makes money- keeps going.What a business model.I miss the old days of ebay. No one was listening when many of us shouted "Dont fix it if its not broke"
07-07-2018 07:13 AM
This policy is broken for good sellers. We have to find a way to fix it. Best regards
07-07-2018 07:24 AM
@strangehill5 wrote:I really don't know where else you can buy a used item and return it in 30 day at the sellers cost. Among other things, I sell car, tractor and implement manuals. People can easily copy what they need and send it back on my dime. After returning clothing and such, at least the person wouldn't have it any more. Manuals, sheet music, etc can easily be copied and the person still has the info and all I have is a lot of expense and trouble.
My dashboard is at 100% and I've had 1 negative in 2500 transactions in the last year. I have gone above and beyond for customers and give refunds easily. I do not want to advertise to buyers that it is okay to get the information and then send it back when they are done.
Also, has Ebay thought about that this takes away the incentive for seller to keep up there performance? I used to worry about losing my Top Rated badge and discount. Guess I don't have to worry about that anymore. Ebay is just asking for more bad sellers because they've pushed the bar too far. Many will not care about cancelling orders, etc.
Good Luck Selling!
07-07-2018 07:37 AM
@mrrufusandmsladya wrote:
You don't have to use the FREE RETURN that ebay wants you to use. I was a TRS, 100% feedback, but I be dammed if I am going to help the buyer spam me. My sales have dropped over 50% since they started this and I didn't jump in on the FREE RETURNS. At this point...I DON'T CARE. If my sales have dropped by 50%, ebays fees have dropped too. The less I sell the less ebay makes. What ever idiot that thought of this FREE RETURNS is not only hurting the seller, but ebay themselves.
Agreed - tulips
07-07-2018 09:56 AM
07-07-2018 10:07 AM - edited 07-07-2018 10:07 AM
I sell old cookbooks and recipe pamphlets. I've never once had the fear that someone would copy them or read them and return them. Why? Because people who buy them actually WANT the item, not just the material inside. Add to the fact that most are freely available in PDF form on the internet, and I still don't worry. Why buy when you can get them for free? Because they want the actual, vintage, physical item. They want to posess it for what it IS, not for what it contains.
07-07-2018 10:10 AM