10-15-2021 09:20 AM
Hi all,
The last two weeks have been awful in regards to sales. I barely have any watchers and had one sale last week. It's like my listings just fell off the map. There are always ups and downs on eBay but in my 10 years of selling I have never seen this. I've checked everything that I can think of.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
10-15-2021 02:34 PM
I feel your pain!
10-15-2021 03:40 PM
It is disheartening, disappointing & frustrating. Trying to make a living here is impossible! That being said, most other avenues to sell seem the same! I had 3 fantastic weeks in a row at the local flea market then, 2 horrible weeks. I was getting good business even when it was quiet. Last week was decent with a small crowd coming through. It seems people have almost stopped buying in a variety of marketplaces, etc. I don't even know why people use FB to try & sell. It's as bad as Kijiji. Also getting tired of people who seem like they are going to buy then disappear! Why waste everyone's time?? Good luck to us all. 🙂
10-15-2021 03:59 PM
From Sunday to yesterday, I sold a pathetic $97 on eBay. Today, it was an EXPLOSION all the way up to almost $120! All in one day! lol
10-15-2021 05:11 PM
Record 2020, and Q4 looks like a surpassing record in 2021, for us. So much fun work to do!
10-15-2021 05:20 PM
@shado-x wrote:Record 2020, and Q4 looks like a surpassing record in 2021, for us. So much fun work to do!
They're definitely still buying from me too. I've had a sale pretty much every day this month so far, which isn't bad at all considering I sell the definition of "wants, not needs."
10-15-2021 05:24 PM
Ten years ago I used to get well over 100 views a week on items. Now it's fewer than 10.
10-17-2021 07:01 PM
Thank you so much for the follow-up. I hope you're right because I just had another bad sales night.
Great idea about expanding my inventory - I've actually been looking into it.
Take care.
10-17-2021 09:56 PM
Agreed,i am a small seller with less than 40 items max,currently have 20 odd.
I posted 2 new items on the weekend and theres bugger all going on regards views.
Not normal at all
10-18-2021 04:26 AM
I wish it didn't come true, there are a lot of people having this problem, the area I live in during the epidemic is much better but still a lot of people are unemployed, affecting the sellers like us is obvious
03-10-2022 04:28 AM
Yes, I haven't sold a thing in 3 straight months on ebay, only low ballers, etsy is taking over ebay in my case, all sales happening in etsy and my website, ebay is been dead in 2022 for me.
05-26-2022 10:02 PM
eBay became CRIME Inc overnite. I have been seller since inception. Stats went from legit platform to. THEIFT platform and I have LOSSES. My returns went astro overnite ..... Steller SMELL ... I hate went they outsource the platform to NK. Sellers must be swine ... Yeah RETURN RETURN recognize that word Sellers ????
05-26-2022 10:23 PM