05-14-2024 11:47 AM
Imagine you went to an estate sale and they had flats of jewelry for $1/ea.
You've been going to this company's sales for years and always get good deals.
You pull out a big men's 10k gold ring, and go to pay. They look over what you bought, and pull the ring out, saying "oh, we must have put that in there by mistake" and now they want $250 for it.
Would you bite the hand that feeds and complain, or just let it go?
05-14-2024 01:40 PM
🎵Let it go, let it go...🎵
05-14-2024 01:46 PM
It might be the kind of people who I have dealt with, but I have allowed them to correct their mistakes while remaining cheerful about it. I have generally received even more favorable treatment from them after such an event.
05-14-2024 01:49 PM
I personally would be ashamed of myself for asking this question.
05-14-2024 02:01 PM
He did but he's a personal source I found years ago, not a vendor or anything, when he gets stuff in he calls me. He bought a huge lot of vintage fishing lures, he was sending pictures to a buddy at the lake and forgot to pull the 3 lures. I'm pretty there were other high dollar lures I never saw lol