06-01-2022 07:21 AM
Seems alot of us have recently been affected by the new update that removed bots and somehow chased away a bunch of Real buyers, unless those bots were buying as well.
We kind of figured out the problem or atleast what might have caused the recent nose dive.
I'm wondering what is ebay doing to help steer customers back? Maybe some advertising, or better yet a little incentive like those ebay bucks that seem to have gone the way of the Dodo bird.
I've seen alot of talk of what has happened and it's been well over a week since we all got hammered, so what can we expect to see to fix the problem and drive sales back? I'm starting to see less listings as well. I think that's genuine. I'm about ready to pull the plug for a short time rather than Hemorrhage rare material I have never had and never will again for .99-2.99 each.
If enough sellers contract or stop entirely the site will fail. Less views and desire to even visit if they never have anything new or unusual to offer. See the slope we are on. You are still near the top, but you are losing traction fast. DO SOMETHING!
06-01-2022 10:56 AM
Are you working on this ebay??
Should I just pull all my listings and wait until you get the problem figured out? I can't keep selling my stuff this cheap. Every day I had random high sales of stuff I never thought overly valuable . I have had literally none in days. Not for lack of trying.
This is likely costing sellers tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, possibly even a day.
06-01-2022 11:10 AM - edited 06-01-2022 11:12 AM
eBay provides the platform on which sellers may list their items. It is then up to the seller to work with the tools the site provides to list and sell their wares and take care of business.
Successful Selling on eBay or ANY selling site is about the products/items, quality, uniqueness, supply & demand, target market...so just what is it that you expect eBay to do to sell YOUR products/items?
BTW, I fail to see your reasoning for the rant, or what you are complaining about given all those sales you've had over the past week...
06-01-2022 11:15 AM
I suggest you contact your senators & congressman.
Inflation is out of control, I suspect the true rate is much higher than the 8% we are being told. Everything costs more, thus people have to spend more on necessities, & have less to spend on items like you sell. I believe things are going to get much worse. The economy is supposed to have contracted 1%, if this continues we are headed in to a recession, & people will have even less money to spend on the items you sell.
eBay has nothing to do with this, your elected officials do. Elections have consequences.
06-01-2022 11:17 AM
I did see a few advertising on TV for motors and wheels the other day....
06-01-2022 11:20 AM
I've been seeing an ad for ebay pushing refurbished items. I've actually seen it several times.
06-01-2022 11:21 AM
I just did a google search and not one of my items comes up in it. Not 1949, not 1950 and not even the 1954 stuff that ended. That's a problem. I'm complaining because they broke something and need to fix it, while in the mean time, why not try promote stuff and not that crap that's been listed as a buy it now for years, but maybe auctions, you know what the site was started on!
Now I know why sales are down. literally nothing I'm selling comes up in an image search. In't that part of the $18,000 in fees I paid last year for? It's definitely not for the exceptional service, like the 6 month old invoicing problem they won't fix.
Oh yeah and those sales have dropped horribly. You do understand they are auctions and at that opening bid, the customers I run an open tab for for 30 days, will gladly buy atleast some of it at a price so low that I'm paying them to take it,
Have you ever had a bunch of rare stuff you will never have again, listed for sale at auction with a cheap opening bid top get it started and have one guy buy it all for the opening because the site you pay to promote it, isn't doing their job.
Have you been super faithful to provide an excellent product and service only top have someone run your business into the ground through nothing but their own incompetence. That's what's happening now.
I know others are experiencing the same thing, so I'm not alone.
06-01-2022 11:37 AM
The drop was a week or two ago and it affected sellers of many items, It was too steep and sudden to be the economy only, which I know is a small factor. This was plane dropping out of the sky type nose dive.
Right at the time of the update. It's not the economy as it is that. But don't worry I'm voting along with atleast one other that I finally encouraged to register to vote and letting everybody know who put us in the place we are at.
As mentioned the google search I did bring up one of my items for the three different searches I did. If I can't find them no one else can unless they come here specifically and alot of people won't do that anymore because one update or another chased them away so that they rate ebay like a junk bond and don't give it the time of day, though I try to promote it as much as possible on the sites I'm a member on. Sad part is it's getting hard to promote something that I myself am losing faith in.
06-01-2022 11:45 AM
Strange thing other ebay sellers with what I'm selling as a buy it now with much higher prices come up, but mine don't as an auction with very low opening bid and no reserve, of the few things i have that others do. You would think they would promote that or a seller that has such a good rating and feedback. Really a shame as Alot of this stuff is likely one of few in existence.
06-01-2022 11:54 AM
This answer is spot on. In my opinion, the real rate is closer to 35 to 40%. 8% would still be horrible if true. But we all see the actual prices that went up. People did fine in February and March from tax refunds. The reality is that some people are using home equity and credit to survive. These are just the conditions we're all seeing.
What is Ebay doing? Well, I sell automotive parts. Ebay has been having radio ads that probably help drive buyers who otherwise would not have considered Ebay.
For me, stuff comes in waves. Alot more sales occur near payday timeframes. Keep listing and let the law of averages work itself into things. You cannot sell what you don't have listed.
06-01-2022 11:54 AM
Yep, they're on the radio too. Ebay is actively trying to get buyers on the platform.
06-01-2022 12:01 PM
There is a real estate agent in my area, Gina is her name, that offers the following guarantee: List your home with me, if it doesn't sell in 90 days, I will buy it.
That is what eBay should be forced to do, by the government: If you list an item & it doesn't sell in 90 days, eBay will buy it.
06-01-2022 12:04 PM
eBay has been heavily promoting Motors during Nascar races. Lots of commercials, & eBay Motors is sponsoring segments of the races. The announcers say eBay Motors over & over, & eBay Motors is on the screen.
06-01-2022 12:13 PM
Why not send out an offer of ebay bucks to a bunch of bidders/ buyers that haven't been active lately. That would be more effective. By the way I don't sell parts so most of that advertising won't help, but hopefully atleast try to drive some people to the site.
Ebay should really go back after the niche market that started them. If not maybe someone interested could come up with a site that goes after it.
If Joe's Auction service in some random town in midwest America can pull record internet sales for an auction of brochures like I sell, how come an international company can't?
06-01-2022 12:18 PM
Online & big box stores are in the same boat. The platform offers plenty of promotion tools to try stirring up business. There are still buyers out there. It's just a matter of having items that are wanted & needed, even during these chaotic times.
Hang in there!