07-24-2023 10:07 PM
How do you feel about eBay regarding posting items that are unique & encounter very little competition? It could be anything. An old board where there is only 2 others listed. It could be something very old or even post 2000. Sports, boy scouts, clothes, military, magazines, glassware. Does everything have the same chance to sell or is it all dust collectors for months & years? This is just about how comfortable or confident you feel when listing something when few, if any, are found online under any kind of search. Do you just rely on doing a search for sold items. What if there is nothing comparable? Do you feel that was an older eBay experience & now it is fallen by the wayside? You prefer to list every day items that 100 other people also list because you feel it is more of a 'want?'
07-24-2023 10:12 PM
I ask because it just seems so random. I try to post items that lack competition. My last 2 sales were such items. Nothing valuable but no competition. Yet, I list other things that I feel have the same chance at a quick sale & they sit for weeks or months with barely any eyes at attention. Are there any systems that provide some insight for you? 🙂 Not looking for you to give away your secrets. lol
07-24-2023 11:35 PM - edited 07-24-2023 11:39 PM
I have 2 very antique cars. A while ago I needed a particular part which I knew would be hard to find. I did a search anyways and found nothing. BUT I clicked on the “save search” button. Three months later I get an email that someone just lusted the part.
I wonder if that seller had the same doubts as you - nobody has this part listed so clearly it will never sell.
On the flip side of that.
A couple of years ago I came across some NCAA license plates for Slippery Rock University. Yeah, I never heard of them either. But, I reasoned, the people who graduated from that school have heard of it. There were NO plates listed, either on eBay or Google. Which meant ANYONE looking for it they HAD to come to me. I bought a dozen and sold them out in about a month.
Preconceived notions can be your enemy.