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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

I'm really not sure what were paying for. I preface this by saying there is nothing more disheartening than having an issue to only be mocked by the "cheerleaders" about somethng were doing wrong. Sure, we dont always do everything right but we've done 3 million in sales here with over 24 thousand sales.

Im not sure what we've been paying for lately. We all know now that ebay hides our listings as they say to drive a 'positive buyer experinece" but we know this isnt true. Many of us were/are buyers and see how hard is it find anything which is the opposit of a positive experience. We know what we speak as weve spent over $100,000 dollars a year for more than one year and almost $200,000 one year. Due to Devins reign of terror, we cant find our own items and just stopped spending money here. Ebay was so concerned about having x number of buyers that they literally chased away some of their best buyers and their family members.

My point today is really about whats happening today and yesterday. Were paying $300 a month for store, yet weve had a blackout since 7 o'clock last night. The one message we received was a buyer saying

"Did I order 1 or 2 ? First one said transaction complete a few hours later it was gone, Ebay sent msg problem with it. Reordered it, hours later got msg was a problem with it. Checked card statment 2 charges to you on it. I only need 1 set of them."

A very cheap purchase that now I have to convince the buyer he only ordered one as hes seeing 2 charges. My job has been to be an apologist for a terribly poor working platform with terribly short sighted rules in place. I understand companies need to make profit and I understand some corporate raiders were knocking at the door and I understand this destroy the sellers for profit business model needs to end.

I was having the same issues yesterday as everyone else. First I received a payment from paypal but, nothing in ebay for several hours.

We cant make a single mistake here without being terrified of having our fees raised even though we have a stellar track record and spend more time fighting to keep that, than actually doing what weve always done, which is create an awesome store. Yet ebay constantly has issues and we pay them handsomely for that. We sign crazy terms of service becasue of captured market or we shove off all of the work weve done over the last decade. We didnt sign up for this **bleep** and we certainly shouldnt be charged when they are only creating problems and dont even have to show our items. That wording about driving a better buyer experience so some items may not show up in search should absolutely be illegal. They could park every listing of yours or an arbitrary amount of your listing yet still charge for the entire month because some person or algorythym doesnt think you add value for the buyer. You could have a perfect rated account with 24,000 sales like ours and they will create a great buyer experience by showing the customer someone with far less standards.


Were not rewarded for good service anymore and that makes zero sense. The people running this company are greedy and they are breaking people for fun. Ebay was extremely profitable for us and demand for our products is higher than ever. our investments are huge, supply is diminishing and competition hasnt gotten much worse.

This company is morally bankrupt and gets on by screwing over its sellers who may have been some of its best customers. After years of helping to build ebay into something awesome the greedy shareholders demand a company squeeze those people until they break financially and/or mentally. Those loyal people who offer something that can only be found on ebay in many cases.


What happened under Donohue and Whitman pails in comparison to the nonsense under Wenig. Back then with all of the changes we could still build a business, grow, and profit. under Wenig, were treated like bad children always waiting to be punished and ripped off. Also not knowing if our items will come up in a search that we once came up in due to our seller standards. It  must have people not listing new or good stuff as it seems to be a waste of time these days.

I hope we get a new administration that allows us to retroactively challenge this corruption. TOS that makes the marketplace not responsible for all of the terrible stuff they do to increase share price by few dollars for people who only have a hand in pushing bad policy, in bankrupting a once awesome company.


I digress.


Yesterday I sent 4 screenshots to cs. My store search wasnt working for anything. One search term should have pulled back 204 items like it did just now and it pulled back zero. By the time cs gt back to me, one wanted more info of course and the second one said it must have been a browser issue. So they either had no idea that all of ebay was in tatters yesterday or its the second time blaming something on the browser that magically works fine today. It feels like they dont pass on messages of issues to all of cs to keep deniability as we know thats a frequent tool. How many times have many here been talking about an issue and ebay cs says 5 dfferent things?

Wouldnt cs wide messages alerting that there may be an issue be pretty easy. Color coded perhaps for confirmation so they know what the customers are talking about.

If you are going to deny everything I said or just write something snide, first answer the question of whether you are paid in any way through any company to answer on these boards. I know people have been accused and of course noone works directly for ebay but there are companies who will tow the line for companies acting inappropriately toward their members. Some of these answers are so obvious that someone is answering on behalf of ebay with insider knowledge. This stuff will come out at some point. Just dont bother answering in the negative if you are working by writing your words. Sellers come here with real grievances and some very evil person thought it was ok to employee people to gas light and deny things going on vs. just fixing a terrible platform. It doesnt matter who that person works for if they are working by being on these boards.

Devin and the shareholders destroyed this company and they will walk away with more money than theyll ever need with piles of small businesses that did everything they asked yet still were just farmed for monthly fees. From what I read, ebay is one of the most hated companies out there and doing some of the dumbest things for short term gain. And stop calling Elliot activist investors, theyre corporate raiders and they cant grow companies organically, so the make their money off of destroying peoples livelihoods.


Weve had zero contact aside from the issue I mentioned of the person seeing 2 charges and getting 2 error messages yesterday (that will come back and haunt me Im sure). Its been 15 hours of no sales or contact. We have almost 5000 in demand items listed, many of which noone on ebay has. Even when sales are terrible blackout status, we still get the lowballer questions and offers. Were getting none of that.

The new CEO should reverse course on many of these terrible changes and ebay should sell off stubhub and classifieds and hopefully someone can get back to growing this bsuiness for ebay vs faking it with complex tricks. Wallstreet says to sell the most un-educated people the most complex financial instruments is how you make money. Thats how the psychopaths and narcissists do it anyway. The one side makes a few bucks, the other gets destroyed.

I really believe the government may change and the doors will open up on how harmed people were and by who. People should behave better as this corruption may be nearing its end.

We should definitely be getting some free months since instead of ebay fulfilling what we signed up for, they just changed it to they dont have to do what youve been paying for for years, which is showing our listings and then we'll do the selling.

Back to no sales and No communication and back to paying for a broken store. I think its time to start my career as a youtuber about ebay like Rally Roots and daily refinement. Ive got numbers and growth to show growth for 10 years and then a cliff last June. You cant adapt to changes when you dont know what they are and they wont tell you because they dont know or they dont want you to its just a money grab. People steal from you and then act like its your fault is adding insult to injury.

Were customers of ebay but, were treated like employees when its fitting.

Message 1 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

Dividend Re-capitalization. That is where they take out loans to pay investors. 

Message 31 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.



Morning, great post...keep in mind, the head honcho at Elliott did quote in his initial correspondence about revamping ebay (selling off those 2 sections of ebay), that his Mother sells jewelry on ebay so maybe there is hope the "core" will be saved. Unless he, too, is putting his own mother in the workhouse. LOLOL.

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 32 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

Then I take it you have no hope for Ebay ever being a good place to sell anymore. If this is the case there will be a lot of people without income. I have not found any other place yet that is good for selling antiques or one of a kind items. Thankfully this is not my only job but it surely was helping out for a good while. Every year for the past 5 has been a downward spiral though. I so wish someone would come up with a site that was similar to the original Ebay.

Message 33 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

I appreciated your insight on this issue and it just shows what a mess they are probably going to make of this company and these board of directors are going along with it instead of fighting it. Course it’s hard to fight these people with all this money. Money and monkey business controls everything these days.

Message 34 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

Sure, let’s make another Amazon, just like Wenig said, we do not need another Amazon. We need a place that everyone can sell. Can you even imagine how many people rely on this site to pay their bills, get through rough times, it has been an oasis for people like that. People on disability who cannot work, small sellers trying to work through all this retail collapse. Millions of sellers livelihoods are being put at stake so these people can turn a quick buck. We are not just talking about ebay employees here, we are talking about the world of sellers these people are messing with. I hope they do what they say they are going to do. 

Message 35 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Very well said @ yesssika, thank you 🙂

Sadly, eBay won't listen, nor will the know it all's negative nellies here who like to make you feel bad for sharing your thoughts.

Smaller platforms are kissing the ground eBay walks on right now for sending them a tidal wave of awesome sellers with awesome products and the buyers who are following them to still get said items. I know, I am killing it on a smaller platform thanks to eBay. So are others. eBay doesn't want us, other places do.

Indeed a wonderful thread! I wonder if there is a way to get this forwarded to the new VP? In his letter to us, he indicated he wanted feedback from sellers. I truly hope he was sincere... 

Yes I agree about the thread!


Are you referring to Jordan Sweetnam? 

Yes, referring to Jordan. In his letter to seller' s though, he did not make it known how to reach out to him and he locked the letter so responses could not be made.  But this thread and at least two more come to mind that he needs to monitor, or at least be made aware of if he was serious. Do you have his tag sign?

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 36 of 80
latest reply

What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

Sure, let’s make another Amazon, just like Wenig said, we do not need another Amazon. We need a place that everyone can sell. Can you even imagine how many people rely on this site to pay their bills, get through rough times, it has been an oasis for people like that. People on disability who cannot work, small sellers trying to work through all this retail collapse. Millions of sellers livelihoods are being put at stake so these people can turn a quick buck. We are not just talking about ebay employees here, we are talking about the world of sellers these people are messing with. I hope they do what they say they are going to do. 

Not for nothing but, as much as Wenig claimed he "doesn't want to be Amazon", under his direction eBay implemented change after change that was a direct copy from Amazon. I'm having trouble thinking of anything that was implemented in the last year and a half that was NOT on Amazon first.


The only thing that comes to mind are policies such as the returns policy that is determined based on the choice of the buyers decision when opening the case and can NOT be appealed... and this is a money grab that is even worse than Amazon.

Message 37 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

 Its been 15 hours of no sales or contact. We have almost 5000 in demand items listed, many of which noone on ebay has. Even when sales are terrible blackout status, we still get the lowballer questions and offers. Were getting none of that. yesssika 


Exactly ,, so we know something has gone dreadfully wrong . It's unlikely   for a seller to have nearly 5000 in demand items  to go that length of time without  a single sale or a offer   otherwise . My stuff is also unique and  even though I've expanded  on the styles, quality   and quantity  nothing is really selling  that is  unless resellers can get it dirt cheap. Sometimes I can't believe my eyes when I see I have a best offer  on an item that has free shipping and  has already been  marked way  down  to barely cover the cost of the materials . As I've mentioned previously,, I think e bay has coddled/ spoiled  buyers to the point  that this place is starting to be viewed as a giant cheapo  50 cents or less garage sale. Tulips 

Message 38 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

I am in the same boat. I really think Ebay owes it to its sellers to at least be honest and let us know why everything is falling apart here. Sales are almost down to nothing.

Message 39 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

You are right about the perception of a giant cheapo yard sale! I get offers all the time asking for 80-90% off and wanting free shipping. That's a big no for me. But the buyers really believe that we owe it to them. I don't know how eBay thinks the race to the bottom helps anyone?
Message 40 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

Very well said! I had a purchase from a buyer and they said ebay doesn't reflect so I checked my paypal and it was paid in full. I call ebay so they'll be credit for this transaction. 


They said don't ship hold off 48 hours umm really I would be penalized for delay in shipment! so i printed from paypal without a problem but the customer service said NOT TO SHIP. please Ebay really got to get their act together instead of just re-arrange ebay to only profit without considering the sellers hardship.


Ebay is here because of the seller being faith on eBay during the process of transition 1st ensure this platform is STABLE!



Message 41 of 80
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What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Very well said @ yesssika, thank you 🙂

Sadly, eBay won't listen, nor will the know it all's negative nellies here who like to make you feel bad for sharing your thoughts.

Smaller platforms are kissing the ground eBay walks on right now for sending them a tidal wave of awesome sellers with awesome products and the buyers who are following them to still get said items. I know, I am killing it on a smaller platform thanks to eBay. So are others. eBay doesn't want us, other places do.

Indeed a wonderful thread! I wonder if there is a way to get this forwarded to the new VP? In his letter to us, he indicated he wanted feedback from sellers. I truly hope he was sincere... 

Yes I agree about the thread!


Are you referring to Jordan Sweetnam? 

Yes, referring to Jordan. In his letter to seller' s though, he did not make it known how to reach out to him and he locked the letter so responses could not be made.  But this thread and at least two more come to mind that he needs to monitor, or at least be made aware of if he was serious. Do you have his tag sign?

I like your idea of sharing with Jordan.  Maybe you can put the links together in a post for Community Chat today and ask for them to be shared with Jordan?

Message 42 of 80
latest reply

What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Very well said @ yesssika, thank you 🙂

Sadly, eBay won't listen, nor will the know it all's negative nellies here who like to make you feel bad for sharing your thoughts.

Smaller platforms are kissing the ground eBay walks on right now for sending them a tidal wave of awesome sellers with awesome products and the buyers who are following them to still get said items. I know, I am killing it on a smaller platform thanks to eBay. So are others. eBay doesn't want us, other places do.

Indeed a wonderful thread! I wonder if there is a way to get this forwarded to the new VP? In his letter to us, he indicated he wanted feedback from sellers. I truly hope he was sincere... 

Yes I agree about the thread!


Are you referring to Jordan Sweetnam? 

Yes, referring to Jordan. In his letter to seller' s though, he did not make it known how to reach out to him and he locked the letter so responses could not be made.  But this thread and at least two more come to mind that he needs to monitor, or at least be made aware of if he was serious. Do you have his tag sign?

The link below is a good read.


I was also looking for his tag sign, but haven't found one yet.

Message 43 of 80
latest reply

What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Very well said @ yesssika, thank you 🙂

Sadly, eBay won't listen, nor will the know it all's negative nellies here who like to make you feel bad for sharing your thoughts.

Smaller platforms are kissing the ground eBay walks on right now for sending them a tidal wave of awesome sellers with awesome products and the buyers who are following them to still get said items. I know, I am killing it on a smaller platform thanks to eBay. So are others. eBay doesn't want us, other places do.

Indeed a wonderful thread! I wonder if there is a way to get this forwarded to the new VP? In his letter to us, he indicated he wanted feedback from sellers. I truly hope he was sincere... 

Yes I agree about the thread!


Are you referring to Jordan Sweetnam? 

Yes, referring to Jordan. In his letter to seller' s though, he did not make it known how to reach out to him and he locked the letter so responses could not be made.  But this thread and at least two more come to mind that he needs to monitor, or at least be made aware of if he was serious. Do you have his tag sign?

The link below is a good read.


I was also looking for his tag sign, but haven't found one yet.

Could it be as simple as this? 

Message 44 of 80
latest reply

What is going on at ebay? This marketplace is busted and corrupted.

@mcdougle4248 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@nc-daydreamer wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Very well said @ yesssika, thank you 🙂

Sadly, eBay won't listen, nor will the know it all's negative nellies here who like to make you feel bad for sharing your thoughts.

Smaller platforms are kissing the ground eBay walks on right now for sending them a tidal wave of awesome sellers with awesome products and the buyers who are following them to still get said items. I know, I am killing it on a smaller platform thanks to eBay. So are others. eBay doesn't want us, other places do.

Indeed a wonderful thread! I wonder if there is a way to get this forwarded to the new VP? In his letter to us, he indicated he wanted feedback from sellers. I truly hope he was sincere... 

Yes I agree about the thread!


Are you referring to Jordan Sweetnam? 

Yes, referring to Jordan. In his letter to seller' s though, he did not make it known how to reach out to him and he locked the letter so responses could not be made.  But this thread and at least two more come to mind that he needs to monitor, or at least be made aware of if he was serious. Do you have his tag sign?

I like your idea of sharing with Jordan.  Maybe you can put the links together in a post for Community Chat today and ask for them to be shared with Jordan?

Sounds like a plan to me. One that I have already started actually - I've grabbed threads all the way back to May of this year. Wish I had older ones.  But the question is how do we - you, me and others - get these details to his attention... and if he is sincere, why has he not come forth with a 'contact me' option - or even a way to respond to the ONE letter he did put forth (which I give him kudos for doing that much anyway).


I know he is busy and can't respond to all of us 100% of the time and in full reply, but at least an acknowledgement for our efforts should be in order here so I would think.  We need to know he "gets it".


He has secretaries I'm sure - and if Alan, Brian, Trinton, Doug, Tyler and the rest of the gang can respond, then he should be able to as well. They don't always get back to us, but the effort that they try most of the time is apparent. This effort builds trust.  And trust is something we all need more of on this platform.

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 45 of 80
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