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What if...

The most pathethic selling platform called eBay went actually would you feel?

Message 1 of 27
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What if...

@stockjedi wrote:
I know about the predictions that is why I said "what if" I understand that there are enough chinese sellers and giant companies who dump databases of 1mill+ products on eBay so I doubt they will go away but I do fantasize about how great it would be if it would finally die off.

Glad you have other outlets.  Many don't.  They depend on ebay to survive.


So why would you wish ebay to die knowing it could hurt a lot of people.



Message 16 of 27
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What if...

@stockjedi wrote:

The most pathethic selling platform called eBay went actually would you feel?

Actually the real question would be.......If ebay went under, how much would the CEO get paid to watch it sink?

Message 17 of 27
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What if...

So, selling on eBay does not qualify as a job?
Message 18 of 27
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What if...

@pburn wrote:
So, selling on eBay does not qualify as a job?



Not by Government standards unless minimum wage is about $4.75 an hour lol.


Mr C

Message 19 of 27
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What if...


"The most pathethic selling platform called eBay went actually would you feel?"



My unselfish answer would be:  

I'd be sad, because in the last 9(?) months, I've spend about $2,000.00 here

buying from small mom-and-pops and individuals.. who I feel ... need the money.


As a seller,

I'd be sad.. because once you get .. into the 'groove' .. and offer some very rare things...

like small aircraft parts you've stumbled onto for 50 cents each...

or other obtuse but needed items.. which Completed Listings show 0 results...


then you'll see .. that I could no longer offer others.. the weird (neat?) stuff ... I've found

.. and they've been very very happy with.





You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 20 of 27
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What if...

I would be sad.  I started here in early '98.  Since '08, I've had Plans B and C working well and have a website with 15 years tenure. 


I will admit, though, that I would not be sad for the ebay of today going by-the-way.  I would be sad for the ebay of 2 decades ago - the one with the interesting things and the promise for a long run in helping people add to collections, promoting collecting, giving anyone a chance to learn and earn. 


If more foresight by the originator and more conservative and knowledgeable management had overseen the development of ebay, it could have been the Antiques Roadshow of the Internet.  Both for buying and selling, as well as for learning and sharing - just how many Amazon's, Alibaba's, Walmart's, Sears, Costco's, etc., are needed on-line? 


This is why I am/would be sad - the loss of the history, the culture and the knowledge associated with the vintage and antique items - and collectibles, and anything out-of-the-ordinary - that started the huge, initial success of ebay.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 21 of 27
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What if...

It's not a good idea to actively wish others harm.  You may not care for Ebay, but it is the livelihood of many.  For them to be hurt would be sad.  And remember, you reap what you sow.

Message 22 of 27
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What if...

@bigoljim47 wrote:

I would be really sad because I Have to cook more. My extra money lets me go out to dinner 1-2 x a week. 

Smiley Sad


I guess peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or microwave pizza?

Message 23 of 27
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What if...

Ebay has a value of around 34 BILLION dollars. I doubt they are going under anytime soon .
Message 24 of 27
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What if...

@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
Ebay has a value of around 34 BILLION dollars. I doubt they are going under anytime soon .

Bigger businesses than Ebay have gone broke due to poor management or dishonesty.


Size means little in the overall scheme, what does is the asset to debt ratio and Ebay owns no inventory as far as I know.


They are very much like the companies in that their value is based on non tangible things to a very large extent.


The fact they are doing layoffs and not replacing senior executives has me a little concerned.

Message 25 of 27
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What if...

Super sad actually because I buy AND sell TONS of stuff here.  I grew up in the house that Ebay built.  Everything from fruitcakes to furniture and clothes to cars came from here.  This is STILL my first stop when buying stuff and the sales are pretty regular.

Message 26 of 27
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What if...

Everybody I know who sells on Ebay - family, friends, coworkers - HAS A JOB.  They think of Ebay as I do - a big electronic yard sale.  Maybe that is why it works for us - we dont live or die by our sales (or non sales) because it isnt life or death for us, just closet cleaning and movie money.

Message 27 of 27
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