08-03-2018 11:59 AM
I just gave my comments to ebay on the link within the page, but I wonder how many others are frustrated by the new view that comes up when you click on, "You have 1 active item with questions from buyers." We have lost the ability to select, "Mark as answered." Nearly every question I provide an answer to is acknowledged by the prospective buyer with, "Thanks," or something similar. This does not require a response, so it was nice to be able to just select, "Mark as answered," to clear it so it didn't continue to look like something I needed to address. I can still do this from the old classic My Ebay page, but I'm concerned that will be taken away at some point. Does it help much to send our comments on the new page layouts, or should I be doing more to make sure we maintain this ability?
08-03-2018 12:32 PM
I had no problem marking one as answered just this morning. It was still on the dropdown to the right of the item. (at least on myebay all selling, which I'm lucky enough to still have)
08-03-2018 01:02 PM
I had that same problem.
Maybe this will help: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Unable-to-Mark-Messages-Answered/m-p/28663715/highlig...
Once I was able to make the "Action" column wider the "mark as answer" option was visible.
08-03-2018 01:33 PM
I found that page and what you recommended worked, but I was originally on this page (hopefully shows up here), and the option is gone, as far as I can see:
08-03-2018 02:09 PM
Maybe they are trying to steer everyone into using the seller hub, by limiting what the "my ebay" section is able to do. Everything seems to be changing around here almost daily. Sometimes it's hard to keep up.