05-04-2021 07:00 AM
Last Thursday, April 28, EBAY changed my view from the Classic View -"MY EBAY ALL SELLING" to MY EBAY SELLING OVERVIEW. I do not like this new view and requested to be switched back. Now they tell me the Classic View, MY EBAY ALL SELLING, is not available. Has this happened to other Ebay sellers?
05-04-2021 07:05 AM
It has happened to many for months now, if you read on you will see many things about, try this it works for me and others,
All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side
Classic View Active Selling
Classic View Unsold
Classic View Sold
05-04-2021 07:05 AM
Yes, eBay has discontinued the classic page - go through Seller Hub to the Seller Page and see how you go, come back and ask questions as most sellers have been using it for some time and can be very helpful.
Also there are many threads on the subject so you may find some answers if you read through them on this board
05-04-2021 09:56 AM
Bigger pics of my items IS NOT an improvement to the Classic Selling Page...
WHO IS THE HIGH BIDDER ON MY ITEM? (do I really have to click on a new page to find this?)
These are all things and more I'm missing from Classic Selling page. I complained in person and no response. I've replied to survey twice, no reply.
05-04-2021 11:56 PM
We are all screwed !!!!
05-06-2021 06:01 AM
Looks like the Active Selling is no longer classic. **bleep** is THIS EBAY GARBAGE!!!!
05-06-2021 06:08 AM
now bye-bye.
no longer works...
05-06-2021 06:10 AM
These do not work anymore. Hope Ebay listens and returns to classic view. I have been selling for awhile on Ebay and have over 12,000 feed backs. Getting very tired of their changes. Not better worse.
05-06-2021 06:15 AM
The jig is up. 😒
05-06-2021 06:17 AM
I HATE Hate HATE this new layout. H.A.T.E. !!! It's hideous and inefficient - the other seller page (the one we can no longer access) was perfect for "at a glance" daily upkeep.
makes it nearly impossible to do Ebay without wasting time.
how to completely ruin Ebay = just ask Ebay, they are really good at it 😠
05-06-2021 06:20 AM
Sooo effn **bleep**. Can't even access via the bookmarks now.
EBAY ~ FIX WHAT'S BROKEN.... not what works for so many!!
05-06-2021 06:40 AM - edited 05-06-2021 06:42 AM
@cinanty wrote:It has happened to many for months now, if you read on you will see many things about, try this it works for me and others,
All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side
Classic View Active Selling
Classic View Unsold
Classic View Sold
As of TODAY the work around to the CLASSIC pages.... the SELLING & SOLD classic pages NO LONGER WORKS. I guess FEEbay even took away what little semi sane functioning user friendly seller's page AWAY. ☹️
05-06-2021 06:50 AM
I agree, where are my total's ebay. The classic view had the best layout for the totals. I can't even figure out my sold totals on this new ebay. I have been selling for over 20 years on ebay and this is the worst sellers page ever. I have to add my sold sales by hand now, come on what is happening with you ebay. Wake up, we do not like this format, give us back the classic view it was pretty much perfect and easy to use. This new one is very confusing.
05-06-2021 09:53 AM
05-07-2021 11:52 AM
I do not want to have to figure out how to use ebay again for an non user friendly much to complicated and unorganized POS system. The ebay classic pages worked well and should not be messed with, much like
Coca Cola and the Coke bottle
The Ford blue oval emblem
The paint on Air Force One
Packaging for Marlboro Cigs
Packaging for Lucky Strike Cigs, etc...
The point is that the new system is actually inefficient, compared to the tried and true classic, brilliant in its simplicity and ease of navigation with minimal clicks from subject to subject.
Those who simply do as told are sheep and ripe for domination from nefarious people and organizations leading them from choice to being told what to do in every aspect of life.
No thanks, I like choices.