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We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

We’ve heard from our sellers that item specifics is one of the most complex parts of our listing experience. 


As a part of simplifying the listing flow, we are testing a reduced set of item specifics, optimized for the selling and buying experience. As a result, in select categories, some sellers may see fewer item specifics to fill out when creating a new listing on web or mobile. We’re actively monitoring performance and taking seller feedback into consideration.    


We’re constantly evaluating how to make listing on eBay easier and will keep you informed about any site-wide listing changes. Feel free to leave feedback in a comment below or via our survey during the listing process.  


As always, thank you for selling on eBay. 


Update as of 10/16/23:


Thank you to all sellers who shared their feedback. We have listened to your concerns and ended the test. We will continue to work on improving item specifics and keep the community informed of any site-wide changes.

The full list of item specifics will automatically reflect on your account for future listings. If you wish to add more item specifics to your previously published listings, the full list of item specifics is available when you revise your listing.

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215 REPLIES 215

Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

after 3 year experiments finally, thanks for nothing.

Message 31 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Very helpful. Thanks! 

Message 32 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Why can eBay not hide the extra item specifics behind the "see more" link instead of removing them from the listing form entirely?

Sounds like the best option, leaving sellers a choice based on their needs.

Message 33 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

That's Exactly What I Was Thinking!, Ever since ebay open i haven't had a sale, Every time they think they have the next best thing, They actually just kill sales even more!

Message 34 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

I am sorry but this is HORRIBLE.


I want to fill out all item specifics when I list.


This causes me to have to list the item and then go back and add the item specifics.  It's like listing it twice or immediately revising/changing my listing.


I don't usually dislike things on eBay but this one just causes me more work.  I can't see how it helps at all because after I list I immediately see "add item specifics" and have to go in and repair the listing.

Message 35 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Extremely Frustrating Isn't It?, & Then they come up with new ones for you to add,but in the process they deleted some that were already there!, & now you have to redo those, Endless work!, & Their are some that just can't be filled in, but they want you to anyway???

Message 36 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

I 100% agree that the item specifics for certain items is way over what is needed and also redundant. When listing hobby paints for example the specifics ask questions like Coverage (which also has redundant questions) what room.. UV protection..opacity..etc so many questions that have NO relation to Modeling paints.Model Paint here sells in the 1/4oz  & 22ml ,3oz cans. mostly..its very time consuming and need fixed.There are other areas like Hobby tools also way to many "Construction tool"questions that don't pertain to the hobby tool being sold.Please fix this asap...

Message 37 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

@psfhobbies wrote:

I 100% agree that the item specifics for certain items is way over what is needed and also redundant. When listing hobby paints for example the specifics ask questions like Coverage (which also has redundant questions) what room.. UV protection..opacity..etc so many questions that have NO relation to Modeling paints.Model Paint here sells in the 1/4oz  & 22ml ,3oz cans. mostly..its very time consuming and need fixed.There are other areas like Hobby tools also way to many "Construction tool"questions that don't pertain to the hobby tool being sold.Please fix this asap...

It shouldn't be our job to fix @psfhobbies , but if you ever want to make an effort to do a little clean up in the categories you use, create a list of redundancies and email it to


I've done a lot of IS clean up in my own categories through the structured data team and it's made my listing process easier - and no doubt made things easier for others that sell in my categories - and, in turn, made things better for buyers shopping my categories.

Message 38 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Mixed about this.


On one hand, eBay has been expanding and expanding item specifics, and it has NOT improved the search nor has it made it easier for customers to find items. So many of the specifics seem like a waste, and it's an unnecessary hassle to have to spend so much time on data entry.


On the other hand, is this going to actually help the search at this point? Is removing data from search going to cause more problems, or less. That's what it really boils down to. Customers being able to find the items they ACTUALLY SEARCH. And disqualifying fields from search may cause problems unless done properly, and there's not a lot of faith in eBay at this point since search has degraded for 5+ years now.


I'm of the opinion that part of the issue with search is eBay is trying to consider TOO MANY VARIABLES.  With that said, I don't believe item specifics are the problem at this point. Because let's think of all the things search is trying to consider - in addition to IS, they're looking at location, shipping time, shipping type, PLS, PLA, pricing, promotions, stagnant listings, seller velocity, service metrics, and more. And many of these variables are linked to completely different systems (such as the marketing/promotion systems, etc).


They've also integrated AI in to search more and more over the last 5 years.


And certain things are just at odds with each other. When the system is both trying to find best prices for buyers AND trying to factor in who is paying the most for promotions it is impossible to balance. Either low prices won't get enough traffic, or people who pay the most for promotions won't get enough traffic. It's a see-saw that goes back and forth.


The search is just split WAY too thin, and with the reliance on other eBay functionality, if any of those systems are having problems, it's going to cause the search itself to have problems.


So my conclusion based on my opinion... EBay needs to stop worrying about Item Specifics and start worrying about everything else. The search algorithms are impossible to balance. 


Search worked SO MUCH BETTER when it simply browsed for the terms the buyers are searching for within the chosen filters. And if the algorithm is going to weigh anything else heavily, it should be only things that will benefit the customer. Back in the day, the biggest factors weighed were seller level, selling history, and feedback - this made sense - if sellers have a positive history they are a good example to customers of what an eBay seller should be - and the better the feedback the more positive experience a customer will have. From a customer POV, this is great, they are given better experiences. And from a seller POV this is great as well, as sellers could simply focus on giving the best deal to customers and taking care of them, something that SHOULD be rewarded. 


Nowadays you have items on top of search that are NOT the best prices, for sellers who can't even meet Top Rated standards, with poor feedback. They are giving customers WORSE experiences and WORSE deals. And the only benefit is that at the end of the day, eBay is making extra profit from the promotion investment. 


I guess we should be glad that after so many years, they're finally realizing that focusing on Item Specifics for 4+ years probably wasn't the best move. But I don't believe they've actually realized just how far off the rails they've went and that the design of their search is flawed at the foundation. 

Message 39 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Then you should get your buddies to fix it all & make all our lives better!!, Why should it be done for you & not everyone??

Message 40 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

I just want it fixed. I'm tired of listing an item and then revise it for it to be right. It's getting really old and it shouldn't happen. Period. They wanna redo the hub page but yet this among other things are a REAL issue and they don't seem to even care at this point. 

Message 41 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Hold the phone, eBay. This isn't a kindergarten game where we compete on doing busywork to earn gold stars. We are not here to prove we are good kids by clapping the most erasers. You are not here to find new and different erasers to clap.  We are here to make MONEY.  And you get a cut. So....



Before you do any more with item specifics, show us the money. Prove that there has been increased sales from this laborious garbage.  Because no one has seen it.  And if no increase in sales from it?



Message 42 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

Why remove the item specifics? How does more listing specifics make things more difficult?


Leave all the listing specifics there. Those who feel the need to fill them out can fill them out. Those who do NOT feel the need to fill them out will leave them blank. Although, when I "Sell Similar" on someone's listing I scan to make sure they don't have specifics filled out that I need to clear or alter...


Ugh, either way, I just don't get how this is an issue. Spend time fixing real problems, not doing this. As at least one other person already mentioned MY ONLY ISSUE IS BEING BUGGED BY EBAY TO ADD ITEM SPECIFICS. I DON'T DO IT, STOP TELLING ME TO DO IT.

Message 43 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

@golfingaddict , @meme6253 

I agree with your take on this and just want to expand on your frustrations. 


ANY item spec that you add AFTER the listing goes live will not carry over when said listing rolls over in 30 days. Those added item specs will disappear just like it never happened.

Message 44 of 216
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Re: We are testing a reduced set of item specifics in the listing flow

@meme6253 wrote:

Then you should get your buddies to fix it all & make all our lives better!!, Why should it be done for you & not everyone??

What buddies? What are you talking about? I'm sure the SD team has no freaking clue who I am. I'm one of millions of sellers - not even a face in the crowd. A lot of sellers send in requests to that team. Any seller can make requests for changes to IS in their category by emailing that address. It's not a secret; eBay reps have given out that info on this board for years.


You send in a request and the SD support team reviews it with the eBay product team. Sometimes they make the requested change and sometimes they don't.

Message 45 of 216
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