06-27-2024 12:23 PM
Hi everybody or anybody who might happen upon this post.
I would like to take a moment to explain a simple solution to
offsetting the incoming USPS rate changes. It's simple...
Lower my shipping rates just by maybe 5 percent or so.
I will not go into further details about how this may swing to my
But I am hopeful it may result in more sales. We'll see.
I will initiate this change for a 1 month period and then study the results.
06-27-2024 12:43 PM
I shave boxes down and do all I can to minimize package weight and size.
06-27-2024 01:09 PM
If you can remove the remaining air out of the package you might be able to shave it down further. YMMV
06-27-2024 01:13 PM
If I spend 15 minutes trying to reduce a box, I'm working for about a dollar an hour.
I wonder if we can force DeJoy to live on a dollar an hour?
06-27-2024 01:39 PM
Let's see, you want to "explain" something and then state that you will not provide details.
Yes reducing prices can lead to more sales, reducing only the shipping portion by a paltry 5% isn't going to impress anybody, Many/most of your listings ship to me for $4.74, reducing that to $4.50 is not going to motivate many buyers.
FYI - The shipping rate increase for Ground Advantage under 1lb (pretty much everything you have listed) is going to be tiny.
06-27-2024 02:26 PM
It's much easier for me than that since I use calculated shipping on most of my items the adjustment is automatic. For those where I have free shipping, which are very few, it usually involves the used of a priority mail flat rate box or envelope so I just adjust the price or absorb the increased cost it all depends on the amount of the increase.
06-27-2024 02:31 PM
The Priority boxes take a couple seconds. The cardboard has invisible guides that will allow them to fold into smaller sizes.
06-27-2024 02:51 PM
I'm not entirely sure you've used the word "offset" correctly in this case. I will not go into further details about this grammatical faux pas.
06-27-2024 03:04 PM
I agree with @slippinjimmy
Not 1 person is going to Care or Notice...if you want to 'increase' sales- put together 2 or 3 cars together; do 'combined' shipping or a 'shipping discount' (buy 5 get free shipping) etc.
You ship tiny hotwheels so combining should cost next to nothing.