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Ty b

Hi. I have 5 rare beanie dolls from the 90s bearing the original Ty tags. What are they worth 

Message 1 of 13
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Ty b

Q: "What are they worth?"   

A: Not worth the time to bother taking photos, listing, waiting and waiting and waiting for them to sell... all for around $1.00 each.


Sorry, beanie baby craze is long long gone.  Donate them to a children's hospital, fire station, etc.

Message 2 of 13
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Ty b

What are they worth?


Fixed your sentence.



eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 3 of 13
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Ty b

There is a better board for this but they're going to want to know specifically which ones you are asking about, not just "rare". Be prepared for a little reality. Good luck~


Beanie Baby Collector!

Message 4 of 13
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Ty b

Sorry to burst your bubble but it's very doubtful that your Beanie Babies are rare.  Beanies were produced in the hundreds of thousands and are not rare.  Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


Beanies are a long dead collectible.  You might get a dollar or two at the most.  If you look at sold items on eBay, you might see some that sold for ridiculous prices but you need to note that these are usually listed by zero or low feedback sellers and purchased by zero or low feedback buyers who obviously do not pay for them.  It's a little game they like to play, for whatever reason I don't know.

Message 5 of 13
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Ty b

I have a friend who buys these by the box-full at local auctions and gives them away with candy each Halloween. They are not worth much.

Message 6 of 13
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Ty b



Items which were manufactured in amounts over 100,000 will never be considered "rare", until over 99.99% them have been destroyed.


In addition, Beanie Babies were deliberately promoted as "instant collectibles" by Ty Warner, as a means to con gullible and unsuspecting buyers that his cheaply-made stuffed toys would have investment value.


Big reveal:  Beanie Babies have NO value, because TOO MANY were manufactured.


He made millions of dollars hoodwinking his customers, and became one of the richest individuals in the United States.


The "rare" Beanie Babies were actually oversold inventory which retailers no longer wanted on their shelves; so Ty Warner came up with the marketing campaign that those particular Beanie Babies were going to be "retired."


Result?  Beanie "investors" rushed to gobble up all those "retired" stuffed toys, under the mistaken belief that anything being "retired" must eventually mean "rare."


No -- it simply meant that Ty Warner didn't have to pay retailers for returned merchandise -- the Beanie "investors" paid the retailers, and Ty Warner never had to pay a cent in return fees.


Don't believe me?  Check out this article from the History Channel --

Message 7 of 13
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Ty b



They might have been worth something years ago, now they are worth a dollar or two.

Have a great day.
Message 8 of 13
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Ty b

Hi I have 2 bins of "rare" Beanie Babies in my garage.  I used to sell these 3 for a dollar at the flea market  Good Luck!

Message 9 of 13
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Ty b

These are actually perfect for handing out to little kids at flea markets for free....seeing the smile on their face is worth more than the $1...or in your case the $ .33  🙂

Message 10 of 13
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Ty b

Every year I  sell about 5 beanie babies for about 8 to 10 each..

I have one just for someone who has a lot of disposable income


I have a lot of beanie babies left

Message 11 of 13
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Ty b

since they are rare it's gotsta be lots of monies. 

Message 12 of 13
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Ty b

one dollars with free shipping tops

Message 13 of 13
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