02-06-2018 06:00 PM
If your subscription starts on the 1st of the mont, but billing is on the 15th would I close a store on the 15th or the 1st of the month.
Do non store sellers get any free listings or just when there is some special?
02-06-2018 06:06 PM
I think it would be the last day of the previous month. Certainly not the first because you would have already rolled over at Midnight.
Your billing date is somewhat irrelevant.
I'm not 100% sure because my Store account is end of the month billing.
02-06-2018 06:07 PM
When I closed my store it took an extra month, but I don't recall where I was in the billing cycle.
As an individual seller I get 50 free listings a month fixed price.
I think I may also get auto listings, and perhaps auctions, but I need to check.
I need to pop over to my selling acct. and will get back to you.
And the 50 free don't add on each month, so it limits you on how many GTC you can run.
02-06-2018 06:13 PM
Regardless of your billing cycle, the store subscription itself goes by calendar month.
Sellers who don't have a Store subscription get 50 free basic insertions per month that can be used for either fixed price or auction-format listings. You also can add a "Buy it now" option at no additional cost (whereas Stores must pay a fee).
Fees for sellers who don't have a Store:
Fees for sellers with Stores:
02-06-2018 06:21 PM
OK I get 50 free that can be used for auctions, FP and buy it now, 6 auto listings a year.
When you do get promos read the fine print, often it is select catagories only, and limited time.
02-06-2018 06:22 PM
Thank you for the quick replies.
I was thinking that if I paid on the 15th that would take me to the 15th of the next month. I'll just close on the 27th and see what happens. lol
02-06-2018 06:31 PM
The store is paid-up a month in advance. So it doesn't matter which day in February you cancel the subscription, it will end on March 1.
02-06-2018 06:34 PM
It doesn't matter when you close a store - it will remain open until the end of the month as you will already have been billed for the entire month. You will be able to use all your store listings until the last day of the month. On the 1 st of the month after closing the store you will receive 50 free listings.
02-06-2018 06:41 PM
So your saying if I close the store today, it will remain open until March 1st? Also, do the listing just go into unsolds when it closes or into an ebay dark hole?
02-06-2018 06:47 PM
wrote:So your saying if I close the store today, it will remain open until March 1st? Also, do the listing just go into unsolds when it closes or into an ebay dark hole?
No your listings will go into your individual account, and still be live.
So if you intend to just use the 50 free, you need to make sure you have less than 50 items
Anything over 50 and you pay insertion fees.
02-06-2018 06:47 PM
Yes, the store subscription will just disappear on March 1.
But only the subscription will disappear. Your listings will stay up, they just won't have the store icon on them any more. And if they are "Good until canceled" they will roll over right on schedule in March unless you end them.
02-06-2018 06:52 PM
Thank you so much.
02-06-2018 06:59 PM
wrote:The store is paid-up a month in advance. So it doesn't matter which day in February you cancel the subscription, it will end on March 1.
This. ^^^
They'll bill you through March 15 if you close it later in Feb., then you'll see a pro-rated refund for half the store fee on the next monthly statement. It doesn't matter if you close it Feb. 2 or Feb. 28, you'll have a Store, get the Store fees, and pay for the Store through the end of the month. It might affect the details of how they bill it though, if you close it well ahead of the 15th you might not wait to get your half month's billed store fee back. It costs you exactly the same though in the end.
02-06-2018 07:01 PM
wrote:So your saying if I close the store today, it will remain open until March 1st? Also, do the listing just go into unsolds when it closes or into an ebay dark hole?
The listings stay right where they are, but the fees (for FVF, or for a relist) will go back to the non-store rate after the end of the month.
02-06-2018 07:23 PM
I would definatly call customer service and ask that question so they can tell you what exact date it is that you need to change it so you dont get charged the fees.