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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

I have had two items in the last two days that sold, show up on my sold page as a quantity of one with 0 remaining, and then they sold again within two days. I did not relist them. I called Ebay and they are checking into it which gives me little hope it will be fixed. ANyone have this happening? It's incredibly frustrating and potentially terrible for my business.

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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

Yes, this happened to me. It was just one item but it sold twice after it was no longer available. The second time the buyer canceled his order but the first time Ebay said it was my fault and marked it as a transaction defect against me. Ebay was not helpful in resolving this issue so now I double check to ensure each item has been removed after being sold.
Message 2 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

Unfortunately I have too many items to check that each time. I just found a 3rd item and am trying to get through to an Ebay supervisor.
Message 3 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

It's been posted on this board many, many, times. 

What bothers me is that this can't happen by itself, not even by a "glitch". Knowing what I studied with computer programming, it must be intentional. I can think of no situation where an unintentional programming error would cause sellers items to be relisted by anyone but themselves. 

So that leaves only ebay. Forcing out of stock defects. Why? 

Message 4 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

Or the items are not relisted but remain active somehow. Does anyone know of an inventory program or an app that would solve this issue like the duplictae scanner prevents duplicate listings?

Message 5 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

It is a glitch and not intentional on Ebays part.    There could be something as small as a wrong number in a string of code that causes it.     They are hard to find and fix.    My husband is chasing one now for his company.      There are rants of what a bunch of idiots coming from the other side of my warehouse.


I have it happen all the time.    I had Wizard of Oz fabric that I listed the other day.    Last night I pulled it up in my store and there side by side was the same listing.     I run a duplicate listing program and check inventory after every sale and than scream when it appears.


You can call Ebay and all you get is no one has ever told us that there is a problem.     One person told me that I probably did it.    I told him that  I was not that stupid. 


It has gotten worse in the last few months.     I sold some double knit yesterday from the 60's and while having dinner last night I was looking at a news web site.     There scrolling through on the ad section was double knit fabrics.      The first one was the very same fabric I sold earlier.


Message 6 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

@coniferclothingcompany wrote:

 ANyone have this happening?

Constantly. I'm seeing sold items, sometimes items that sold MONTHS ago ... show up as unsold and available to relist. I'm seeing it about once a month now. Sometimes just one item ... sometimes 2 or more. Of course, since I KNOW this is an ongoing problem with eBay, I watch this like a hawk, and delete these errors as soon as I see them. It's VERY time consuming to have to visually validate every item in my unsold list every day.



I'm ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ certain the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Message 7 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:

It's been posted on this board many, many, times. 

What bothers me is that this can't happen by itself, not even by a "glitch". Knowing what I studied with computer programming, it must be intentional. I can think of no situation where an unintentional programming error would cause sellers items to be relisted by anyone but themselves. 

So that leaves only ebay. Forcing out of stock defects. Why? 

Sure it can - a missing If terminator, a missing }, using not = instead of =, an incorrect 'relist' flag, all depends on the language.


It's still an error that they need to find and fix. But since it makes them money, it's low priority.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 8 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

What a depressing response. If it is so widespread why hasn't anything been done about it? Anyone have numbers to Ebay tech support? It may do me no good but I want to try to be a squeaky wheel.

Message 9 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

The Free Shipping Mobile Glitch lasted for YEARS ... until it was reported in the media, at which point eBay said they were "working" on it. It appears that occurrences have subsided somewhat, but have not fully disappeared, as we see an occassional report here of it still happening.


To my knowledge, Ebay has still not publicly admitted that the (some say) escalating Duplicate Listing glitch is even happening.


Apparently, if a glitch affects a seller it rates a very low resolution priority.

I'm ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ certain the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Message 10 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

@d-k_treasures wrote:

@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:

It's been posted on this board many, many, times. 

What bothers me is that this can't happen by itself, not even by a "glitch". Knowing what I studied with computer programming, it must be intentional. I can think of no situation where an unintentional programming error would cause sellers items to be relisted by anyone but themselves. 

So that leaves only ebay. Forcing out of stock defects. Why? 

Sure it can - a missing If terminator, a missing }, using not = instead of =, an incorrect 'relist' flag, all depends on the language.


It's still an error that they need to find and fix. But since it makes them money, it's low priority.


Ok, but if that was the case, then it would happen with every ended listing. How can it appear seemingly randomly, to some sellers but not to others? That would suggest different sellers are channelled through a different listing program.  There's the short and the long SYI forms, but this implies there are at least two long forms? And if the code is incorrect in another location, not the relist form, where? 

Regardless, when ebay is at fault, the least they could do is stop giving out of stock defects to innocent sellers for a problem ebay created. 

And then there's disappointed buyers, let's not forget about them. 

Message 11 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

This would be a good thing to bring up at today's live Chat !

Hopefully the team could help.


Message 12 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

It has happened to me so often, that I am not doing regular inventories of my listed items every couple of days.  I have caught one, deleted it and found it back a few days later.


ebay will do nothing because they really don't believe it is happening, after all their programming is glitch free. (where is that sarcasm font.)

Message 13 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

@wendybac wrote:

This would be a good thing to bring up at today's live Chat !

Hopefully the team could help.


Excellent idea!  This is a recurring issue, and can be very harmful.

Message 14 of 18
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Two items Relisted by Ebay after they sold

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

@wendybac wrote:

This would be a good thing to bring up at today's live Chat !

Hopefully the team could help.


Excellent idea!  This is a recurring issue, and can be very harmful.

I have no doubt the answer would be along the lines of, "send us an example of what you've experienced ... blah, blah, blah". When we call CS with that example, an item that was sold AGAIN after is was sold once before, sometimes months before, we're always told the same thing ... it's something YOU did. It's the seller's fault.


How can we point to an example of eBay relisting an item, when many times we are not even aware it was relisted until it is / was actually SOLD again?!? That' usually the FIRST we know of it happening.


This defect (a cancellation due to not having the item) is SO damaging to a seller's account that we should be entitled to a few removals per year, at OUR discretion, of defects that fall under this OBVIOUS glitch.

I'm ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ certain the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Message 15 of 18
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