07-25-2024 11:22 PM
I have 99 "unsold and not relisted" listings. Under Promotional Offers I have used 184 out of 250 "Free Insertions" leaving me 66 left. I check the boxes of 30 listings, then click "Relist". But then nothing. The usual next screen which lets me edit these is grey blank and just "stuck". What is wrong?
07-26-2024 07:31 AM
That should be unrelated to the number of free insertions you have left (it would just charge you, not prevent you from listing them).
Have you tried another browser, and/or cleared your cache and cookies? Others have reported problems with the bulk editor too, so it may be an eBay issue. Here's one thread from the technical board if you want to read over it and/or add your issue to it (even though you're relisting and not making changes to active listings, it's the same tool): https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/BULK-EDIT-FUNCTION-NOT-WORKING/m-p/345870...
07-26-2024 07:35 AM
Have you tried sell similar instead of relist?
I usually use the sell similar versus relist.
Relist gives you the same item number and lets you keep the watchers you may have had if they are still watching the item.
Sell similar gives it a new item number which is a more recent id number but you start all over again.
Perhaps this could help the greyed out areas become able to use again?
07-26-2024 08:04 AM
Maybe those 30 additional listings would put you over your listings limit. You can check your limit here: