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To eBay CEO: No sales

Mr eBay CEO: What servicve are you exactly providing for the money we pay you?


Average 15-20 sales a day has gone down to 0-1, can you explain?


Waiting for your  response, been here since 1998.

Message 1 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

@yardsalevilla007 wrote:

We can now use eBay to list and sell items at no cost within 5 miles of our account address just like was available on Craigslist.

I must have missed the announcement re "Free Local Sales" - do you have a URL describing this feature on eBay UK ?
Thanks in anticipation, Mike.
Message 31 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

@unluckytheloser wrote:

@thepostingid wrote:

@daneiac wrote:
sales are down 2% and that is substantial?

I think it is technically sales GROWTH is down 2%.  So eBay didn't grow as fast this year as it did last year.  It is still growing, but not anywhere as fast as other marketplaces, which means it will eventually lose its marketshare if it doesn't do something.


A rising TIDE raises all boats, but if one boat doesn't go up as fast as the others it eventually sinks.




The numbers I was looking at was the merchandise volume, not the growth of merchandise volume.


In Q2 2014, it was $20.485 Billion. 

In Q2 2015, it was $20.061 Billion. 


That's a drop of $424 MIllion, or 2.07%. Not a huge drop, but a drop nonetheless. 





The substantiation can be found in the Q2 earnings report filed with the SEC in July:





I think I was looking at revenue growth for the martketplace,,,

Message 32 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

What the Etsy chart leaves out is the big free 2nd quarter advertising boost they got from their IPO. 


They also changed policy so that manufactured items can now be included as "handcrafted" if you only employ a limited number of workers. 


So, yes, their 2015 vs 2014 results should show substantial growth, but whether that year over year growth will continue without additional expansion of what can listed there beyond 2015 is questionable.   From their forward guidance given with the second quarters results, I would expect fee increases for sellers in the not too distant future. 

Message 33 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Spin selling!
Message 34 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Google rss feed has been turned off

May the cheese be with you
Message 35 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

I have been here since 1999. All of a sudden my sales have just completley stopped. :  (.   I was getting 3,4 and five sales a week and more - consistantly for a long time. Now, nothing. Something or someone pulled the plug. 

Message 36 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Absolutely ridiculous. Thinking about the river. What a shame - just signed up for anchor store that I have 60 more days to cancel.
Message 37 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

This all started when Google was replaced with cassini search....That's it! Not much more to still has a good relationship with google, while ebay does not.Google is a pretty powerful search engine and it shows.

Message 38 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Wonder why you never hear from a Chinese seller complaining about low sales? Because Ebay has catered to them to have a care free ride here. Ebay proudly supports the red communist ,But they chose to call the USA home? That just leaves a terrible taste in my moulth.............Im going to Donald Trump's site to discuss this .Maybe he will throw this illegal alian venue out of our country for good .

Message 39 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Ebay is going DOWN HILL! When you can sell an item and they make more than you do, where do you think the sellers/buyers are going to go. You have to mark stuff up so high that people can find the items cheaper else where. EBAY SUCKS!

Message 40 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Why would anyone think that the CEO cares about what we think. Wenig was part of the team that courted the chinese and big box retailers as the future of Ebay and I'm pretty sure they're happy with the decision. The babble about courting mom and pop to clear out the closet and listing it on Ebay is just that, meaningless babble. The day of the small sellers is pretty much over.

Message 41 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

I for one have done my best to avoid general no name items that china has for sale at peanut prices and free shipping. But china doesn't sell brand name products that can only be purchased domestically like sony, and microsoft games for example. So I stick to selling stuff that china cant sell, and it does nothing for my traffic. So even if I under cut to try and get rid of something really fast ill only get 2 views a month for a .30 cent fee.


Now if my item isnt available in china, and I have one of the best prices on the market, its obviously an exposure  problem. People just aren't seeing my ads thats the major problem. Ebay must guarantee your item will be view a minimum number of times if they are going to charge us a fee to list. Sure china has the best prices for generic no name items, but thats just it they have generic no name items. If someone wants a nike shirt, a Gucci handbag, any video game that isnt in a **bleep**py emulator. They need to buy domestically but it isnt happening for some reason and its not china that is taking those sales.

Message 42 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

Well personally I think the CEO and the rest of those overpaid CEO's that proceeded him ought to start gving back to the community. They should all pledge to spend $5 - $10 million each year strictly on Ebay.


If they think their changes have been so great, then they should buy everything here including their fancy cars right down to their underpants. How about supporting this community that you created wrecked.


Instead of having that stupid guy sell expensive items for nothing to get to being a power seller, he should have been buying stuff instead of taking sales from people that need money. Why don't they have a challange and all of them spend a million in one week and see who comes back with the coolest stuff. I wonder if they will think that foreign **bleep** is so great when they are spending their money? 

Message 43 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

@bigyellowdog2012 wrote:



I for one wish a CEO would stop by here....



I know they are so busy and work so much harder than the rest of us but you would think they might 

want their base's input....

Too busy attempting to have a relaxing swim...


Unfortunately, due to the lack of cartoon physics, they will be unable to reply after said attempt...


If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
Message 44 of 53
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Re: To eBay CEO: No sales

excluse me. 

One sale a day, tomorrow the entire Galaxy!
Message 45 of 53
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