02-01-2023 03:59 AM
This is getting ridiculous.
Going on 3 years now ebay has told us that buyers will have to set a pre-payment before sending offers.
I have had 4 offers non-paid just this week and god only knows how many over the past years. They keep telling us "it's in the works". Sure, maybe 1 out of 15-20 offers are prepaid, but that seems very miniscule.
Just venting with the hopes that my 20% fees now with what little views we get nowadays, and the luck of actually getting a buyer will be paid.
I am sure I am not the only one with this happening...
02-01-2023 04:06 AM
Or maybe there is a setting I am not aware of to not allow offers unless pre-payment is entered?
Thanks for the help ya'll!
02-01-2023 04:34 AM
Why are your final value fees 20%?
02-01-2023 04:57 AM
I think you are looking for this in Buyer Requirements
02-01-2023 05:14 AM
Like me the poster must use the "promote your item" adding to the final value fee, but also
if you sell low value items and the 12.9% that is added to shipping and taxes have to pulled from the profit somewhere.
02-01-2023 05:36 AM
Ebays normal percent fee plus promoted listing %.
02-01-2023 05:40 AM
It has been checked. Thanks though!
I love the "Currently, this only affects a SELECT number of buyers".
So yeah, still not fixed. And probably won't be.
02-01-2023 06:36 AM
If you're having a lot of trouble with buyers not paying for best offers, then don't accept any offers.
If you get an acceptable offer, then run a markdown sale on the listing, at the acceptable price. That way, if any buyer wants to take advantage of the discounted price, the Immediate Payment Required will still be enforced. Markdown sales are available to store owners.
I don't think that the test on the requirement to pre-authorize payment for offers is going very well for buyers or sellers. There have been reports that their payment was tied up for days or weeks after the offer was rejected or expired, and other reports where buyers were double charged because the pre-authorized payment was not used, and they had to pay again, and then either wait days or weeks or fight to get one payment refunded.
Some sellers have reported that the were not receiving many (or any) offers, and needed to uncheck the box in order to begin receiving offers again.
I was in the test group for this, and was not able to make any offers while that was in place. I always pay ASAP for offers, within minutes to hours after they are accepted, but I won't risk dealing with the issues I described above. However, I have now either been removed from the test group, or all the sellers I have been interested in buying from recently have unchecked the box and are not requiring pre-payment.
02-01-2023 07:08 AM
To ebooksdiva
I used to know how to get to that page in the photo when it only had the 'buyer requirements' stuff at the top with no bottom buyer PAYMENT part. Was gonna ask you how to get to that page in the photo till I notice it was only for offers, which we don't do/want. But I still would like to see what the other setting are, so I enlarged the photo and noted the address but it only got me the kid covering his eyes and saying 'we looked ...'
As we don't do the store bit is it something only for people with a 'store'
02-01-2023 07:15 AM
There is a link to your Buyer Requirements here:
You do not need a store to set Buyer Requirements.
02-01-2023 07:18 AM - edited 02-01-2023 07:21 AM
@tankedupthreads wrote:I love the "Currently, this only affects a SELECT number of buyers".
I suspect eBay ran a trial in order to gather metrics about how many legitimate buyers (i.e. known buyers who had a history of honoring accepted offers) were discouraged by this setting.
The fact that it has not been rolled out to everyone leads me to suspect that the results of the trial were not encouraging.
Just because seller(s) think they want something does not always mean it is a good idea.
02-01-2023 07:50 AM
Thank you - really a page with a link to that page - after scrolling a bit we found it. I almost just closed it before looking. Everything is set right so thanks again.
02-01-2023 08:01 AM
You are welcome. I almost posted a direct link to the Buyer Management page, but there is some good info on the "Setting Buyer Requirements" page that you may find helpful, along with other useful links like the Activity Log. I usually get to the Management page through that page by first searching for eBay buyer requirements.
02-01-2023 08:04 AM - edited 02-01-2023 08:06 AM
Get rid of “Best offer”, price item at the absolute lowest you will take for it, and add immediate payment required. Your problems are now solved. I don’t accept offers on 99.9% of my listings.
02-01-2023 08:07 AM
They make millions off all the sales that never happened / never got cancelled. Why would they have any incentive to change their policy.