12-24-2022 07:06 AM
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!
I have a question about Time Away. At the beginning of this month I had to have surgery and had to set my store to time away for about a week. I allowed sales during this time and did have 1-2 a day during this time. I expected things to slow down while I was in the hospital since would be a delay in shipping. It’s now been 10 days since I’ve been home and sales have not picked up at all. Still maybe 1-2 a day and 2 days had ZERO sales avg about $15-40 a day in sales. Prior to Time Away I was selling 5-6 per day with $100-$200 a day in sales.
is this normal? How long does it take for my store to come back? I’m not getting near the views I was prior to surgery? Do you think EBay dumped my store to the bottom of the algorithm due to my absence? I am concerned because now will be having extra medical bills due to the surgery and hoping it turns back around.
I have been an EBay seller since 2006 and other than a day or 2 once in awhile this is the longest I’ve been away.
12-24-2022 07:35 AM
It's normal for the sales to be slow after being in time away mode. Plus, it typically gets slower for many sellers as you approach Christmas because the buyers are also going to the malls. Plus, buyers are being very careful with their spending this year & looking for specific things.
Just hang in there!
12-24-2022 07:45 AM
My sales are usually a little sluggish after vacations. I'd say it's fairly normal.
And my sales dropped about 50% starting around 12/15
12-24-2022 08:23 AM
Thank you for your reply. That makes sense I had surgery 12/9 and got home 12/14 possibly things died down for me around 12/15 a well. Like I said I rarely have used the Time Away feature and never for this long so was just curious.
12-24-2022 08:24 AM
Thank you for your reply.
12-24-2022 08:32 AM
I use time away quite often - even once over 30 days. I manually ended time away on day 29, then I waited about 1 minute and started another time away period for 10 days for a 39 day total. No problem.
Your store should come back up as soon as your time is ended. I believe it is at midnight PST of the chosen date, unless you manually end it immediately.
I do not believe that your store is dumped to the bottom. I have had no delay in getting orders once my time away has ended - as soon as 1 hour later I have received orders.
The past couple of weeks have been extremely slow for me and other sellers as well. Do not get discouraged. People have their minds on the holidays and eating!!
Best of luck with your recovery.