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The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

And it doesn't even look sexy.


Probably 75% -- maybe a lot more -- of the hoops Ebay forces sellers to jump through and 98% of all the busy-work and really eye-bullying pages, links and assorted garbage is unnecessary.


One has to wonder if Ebay feels insecure under the crtitical importance of its sellers that keep it afloat, and this is Ebay's way of asserting "author-o-tay". That's a question.


Every time Ebay says they're improving efficiency with "brand new looks!", they are actually destroying it. It belies an apparent lack of objective. Profits never increase when efficiency decreases. You don't have to be an MBA to realize this.


Does anyone have a clue what Ebay is trying to do?

Message 1 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@goodluckselling wrote:

  • Slightly more than half of all revenue are from mobile sources
  • 63% have mobile touchpoints
  • 414 Million eBay app downloads with 175 Million active registered accounts worldwide (more than two per account).
  • 13.5 Million new listing submitted each week from mobile devices (up from 10 Million 2 years ago)

These next stats are interesting.  These are sold stats not listed stats.

  • 71% of all transactions have free shipping
  • 80% of all items sold on eBay are new condition items
  • 60% of all revenue is international
  • 89% of all sold listings are Fixed Price


The US market represents less than half the revenue for eBay.  eBay has clearly become a true international company, and changes we think are not right might be overall for the growth areas of the company (international).  I am sure the international users thing some things are backwards as well.


Good Luck Selling!





I beleive every-single-word that ebay says - and every stock analyst, and financial advisor, snakeoil seller and used car salesman, too.  Smiley Wink


Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 16 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@tiktakyak wrote:

The majority of users do not use mobile apps to trade on ebay. This is because, unlike you, they are not "trendy" and really don't think you're telling the truth. Perhaps you can back that up.

Mobile apps are the way the world works these days, if you havent noticed ... not a trend.


Cell phones and tablets are not going anywhere ... they get more powerful every day .... a lot of the younger folks I know don't have a "computer" anymore, unless they are gamers or need a laptop for work.


According to Statistica, eBay is the #3 retail app in the United States (after Amazon and Walmart) with 54 Million smartphone visits in the month of October 2017 (just that month!)


My own records back this up ... my number of mobile sales has been stealily increasing since PayPal started tracking that information and is hovering around 50% ... it's only going to go up.


My numbers for July


penguins_dont_fly is a Volunteer Community Mentor
Buying and Selling since 2013

Message 17 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

Oh ... and just in case you were wondering ... I don't sell "new" trendy items ... I sell glass and china and other vintage items.


Don't judge your buyers by the way YOU shop.


My husband and I are in our 50's.  We both have smartphones and tablets ... and use them constantly.


And most of our friends do too ... our friends group ages from 40's to 70's ... all have smartphones and tablets ... and use them to shop.



penguins_dont_fly is a Volunteer Community Mentor
Buying and Selling since 2013

Message 18 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

I triple hate the new format/layout that Ebay has forced upon all of us (I think).  It is hard and time-consuming, difficult to navigate and to find the active items.  Before the active list was much more condenced and so much easier to see at a glance how your listings are doing.  Then there is no 'shipping labels' or 'Paypal' (and much more) on the left side to click on.  I loved the old format, it was efficient, easy to get around, and I miss it terribly.  If it wasn't broken, WHY DID IT NEED TO BE FIXED??  Please bring back the old Ebay format!!

Message 19 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.


I've had a number of buyers mention that they surf and ask questions on their mobile, but that they will buy when they get home to their desktop.

Mobile devices are becoming more powerful and with higher-resolution screens. Eventually they will be like little desktops and the kindergarten-style of page design will look as weird on mobile as it does on a desktop.

Message 20 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@penguins_dont_fly wrote:

Oh ... and just in case you were wondering ... I don't sell "new" trendy items ... I sell glass and china and other vintage items.


Don't judge your buyers by the way YOU shop.


My husband and I are in our 50's.  We both have smartphones and tablets ... and use them constantly.


And most of our friends do too ... our friends group ages from 40's to 70's ... all have smartphones and tablets ... and use them to shop.



And, conversely, don't judge others by what you do, or know.


I'm 79 and have 4 desktops within reach, 3 laptops - which seldom have a charge, let alone are used and a couple of 'little' ones - same.  Flip phone, no smart phone.  I don't pay bills online or by phone.  My roommate - 71 - flip phone and doesn't pay bills online of by phone, either.  Very few of our friends do the mobile gig, though there are some kids in their 30's-40's who do.  Most of what we buy, is either at the store or an Antique show or a speciality site (which is getting quite rare to find anything these days).


The world is as different as there are people in it.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 21 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

The US market represents less than half the revenue for eBay.  eBay has clearly become a true international company, and changes we think are not right might be overall for the growth areas of the company (international).  I am sure the international users thing some things are backwards as well.


Those are interesting figures, and while I don't trust eBay or their data collection methodology, I don't see anything there I have serious doubts about. 


That said, there seems to be a lot of complaints about eBay's mobile app.   If compromises to the computer side have to be made to support mobile, I'd at least expect the mobile side to work well.  I can't see how having shipping display wrong is going to be any more popular outside the US.  I had to phone someone with a computer to send out an invoice. 





The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 22 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.


We are talking about 414 Million app downloads, and I doubt the amount of issues expressed here in the forum would qualify as a lot based on that many downloads.


I understand not all users with issues will report here but I also understand 100% of the users not having problems would also not report here.


Gpod Luck Selling!

Message 23 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@penguins_dont_fly wrote:

@tiktakyak wrote:

The majority of users do not use mobile apps to trade on ebay. This is because, unlike you, they are not "trendy" and really don't think you're telling the truth. Perhaps you can back that up.

Mobile apps are the way the world works these days, if you havent noticed ... not a trend.


Cell phones and tablets are not going anywhere ... they get more powerful every day .... a lot of the younger folks I know don't have a "computer" anymore, unless they are gamers or need a laptop for work.


I took a course in web design from a local well-known university a couple of years back and it spent a lot of time talking about how these days the focus in web design is "mobile first" because the majority of internet browsing nowadays is done on mobile devices.  You design your websites to be mobile friendly first and foremost and then adapt them for desktop.

Message 24 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

We are talking about 414 Million app downloads, and I doubt the amount of issues expressed here in the forum would qualify as a lot based on that many downloads.


I use mobile apps so infrequently, my opinion is pretty worthless.  All I know is I couldn't do what I needed to do.  And I get that discussion boards attract complaints.  But I've discussed the eBay mobile app with dozens if not hundreds of people... out in the real world people who actually use such things a lot... and I've heard nothing but complaints. 

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 25 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@goodluckselling wrote:


We are talking about 414 Million app downloads, and I doubt the amount of issues expressed here in the forum would qualify as a lot based on that many downloads.


I understand not all users with issues will report here but I also understand 100% of the users not having problems would also not report here.


Gpod Luck Selling!

414 million app downloads. I can 100% guarantee that figure includes the fact that every time someone upgrades or gets a new phone, they have to download the app again. Granted, some newer phones have the capability to transfer from your old phone, but that's not happening if the old phone is lost or damaged beyond working. Most (if not all) of ebay's "statistics" are skewed in a similar way.

Message 26 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@goodluckselling wrote:


We are talking about 414 Million app downloads, and I doubt the amount of issues expressed here in the forum would qualify as a lot based on that many downloads.


I understand not all users with issues will report here but I also understand 100% of the users not having problems would also not report here.


Gpod Luck Selling!

Are there any statistics on how many actually use them, or how many use them twice or how many download more than once or ....? 


Downloading an app doesn't mean that it is used or used frequently or used for the purpose it was intended. 


ebay could have somebody just sitting there - for minimum wage, or less with a sandwich - downloading the app 24/7/365, and someone else would be counting the stats.


"lies, 'dang' lies, and statistics" - to make an acceptable paraphrase.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 27 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

Downloading an app doesn't mean that it is used or used frequently or used for the purpose it was intended. 


...same person downloaded it 10 times trying to get it to work right...

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 28 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@gracieallen01 wrote:

@goodluckselling wrote:


We are talking about 414 Million app downloads, and I doubt the amount of issues expressed here in the forum would qualify as a lot based on that many downloads.


I understand not all users with issues will report here but I also understand 100% of the users not having problems would also not report here.


Gpod Luck Selling!

Are there any statistics on how many actually use them, or how many use them twice or how many download more than once or ....? 


Downloading an app doesn't mean that it is used or used frequently or used for the purpose it was intended. 


ebay could have somebody just sitting there - for minimum wage, or less with a sandwich - downloading the app 24/7/365, and someone else would be counting the stats.


"lies, 'dang' lies, and statistics" - to make an acceptable paraphrase.

I posted a link from Statistica ^^up there somewhere^^.

That statistic is for "unique visits" in the month of October 2017.

Not downloads ... actual visits to the site using the app.

54 Million

In the month of October 2017.


I also posted, in the same post .... The eBay app is the #3 "most used" retail app in the United States ... Amazon and Wal-Mart are the only ones above it.

penguins_dont_fly is a Volunteer Community Mentor
Buying and Selling since 2013

Message 29 of 63
latest reply

The garbage is getting deep, Ebay.

@gracieallen01 wrote:

@penguins_dont_fly wrote:

Oh ... and just in case you were wondering ... I don't sell "new" trendy items ... I sell glass and china and other vintage items.


Don't judge your buyers by the way YOU shop.


My husband and I are in our 50's.  We both have smartphones and tablets ... and use them constantly.


And most of our friends do too ... our friends group ages from 40's to 70's ... all have smartphones and tablets ... and use them to shop.



And, conversely, don't judge others by what you do, or know.


I'm 79 and have 4 desktops within reach, 3 laptops - which seldom have a charge, let alone are used and a couple of 'little' ones - same.  Flip phone, no smart phone.  I don't pay bills online or by phone.  My roommate - 71 - flip phone and doesn't pay bills online of by phone, either.  Very few of our friends do the mobile gig, though there are some kids in their 30's-40's who do.  Most of what we buy, is either at the store or an Antique show or a speciality site (which is getting quite rare to find anything these days).


The world is as different as there are people in it.

I'm not judging anybody... I am pointing out to the OP that there ARE lots of mobile users that aren't millennial. And that mobile is not *trendy*, but rather a fact of life for anyone in ecommerce.


We have, in this household of two 50+

1 Desktop

2 Laptops

2 Smartphones

2 Tablets


The desktop is in my office and it is where I list from and where we pay the bills from (because that is where the file cabinet is and the desk with the inbox).

But the mobile devices get more everyday use for everything else.


It actually annoys me, when I am shopping or researching on my phone or tablet, when a website is not mobile friendly.


What I am trying to say is ... any seller that disparages mobile users, or thinks that mobile is not relevant to them, is dismissing approximately 50% of their buyers (as shown in my screenshots). And ... I would think that the percentage is higher for those sellers catering to the "newest and hottest" crowd.


The app is terrible for listing or doing any seller-related tasks ... but it obviously does the job for buyers. 


penguins_dont_fly is a Volunteer Community Mentor
Buying and Selling since 2013

Message 30 of 63
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