12-19-2019 01:40 PM
Hi everyone,
Packages are starting to arrive, please remember no opening anything till the reveal date Dec 22nd... you can start posting pictures of the unopened packages here if you like or anything that is on your mind.... like what food or drinks you are looking forward to having this holiday season
Hope everyone is having a great time so far
12-21-2019 10:59 AM
My eBay SS (Thank you XYZZebay!)
12-21-2019 11:03 AM
12-21-2019 11:34 AM
Alas my mail came today and no package... but I'm ever hopeful the mailman will come back later!
12-21-2019 01:04 PM
Looks wonderful!
12-21-2019 06:53 PM
My package arrived today!
Thank you, secret Santa!
12-21-2019 06:57 PM
12-21-2019 08:43 PM
Almost time on the East Coast
have a drink
yummy food
gifts are ready to be open
yummy eggnog!
12-21-2019 09:25 PM
Everyone always goes to sleep sooooo early!!!
12-21-2019 09:44 PM
Thank you , thank you!! to my secret pal, Andy Lisk -Sr Director of NA Customer Experience
Love all my goodies!!!!Beautiful wrapping job.... gonna bring you to Florida so you can help me wrap my holiday presents next time!
The frog from the market in Berlin is super cute!!!
The chocolate from a popular Berlin chocolate shop.... yummy.. already took a piece and tasted it!!
The soap and the lotion from the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Berlin smell soooo good!!!
The eBay water bottle.... my favorite color
The eBay neck pillow I will be using it to travel when I go to eBay open next year!
The eBay charger is also coming with me
The eBay coolie ... Price claimed that one and it is gone to keep his drinks cool!
The eBay Mints Nick grabbed
and lets not forget the eBay fanny pack which I will be using when I go on my January cruise!
Again, a big thank you!! and thank you for participating!!
Beautiful wrapping and packing
All my goodies together
Neck Pillow, Frog, Fanny Pack, coolie, mints and charger
Lotion and soap , chocolate and eBay water bottle
12-21-2019 10:20 PM
@rdjsystemservices wrote:My mail came today but no package. 😞
Its probably running a bit late so maybe Monday or Tuesday? But I will come tomorrow to ohh and ahh over what everyone else has.
ohhh so sorry that is not there yet.... but it will get there and when it does you wont have the temptation that all of us had if we got our packages before the 22nd..... just staring at it is/was PURE torture!!!
12-21-2019 10:23 PM
@creoleorchid OMG that looks soooo good... did you bake that pie?
12-21-2019 11:14 PM
First off I want to say thank you to Patty for organizing and energizing this gift exchange, without you it wouldnt have been possible.
When I received the package my daughter had intercepted it and ripped the polymailer open thinking I magicially bought her something.. .. not true.. . so I had to have it stashed in the cabinet all week. Sorry to say before I could do that she felt the contents and knew there was chocolate inside. Kids these days. I gave it a shake and knew there were paint markers inside, kids those days. I guess I am getting older though because I had the self restraint to wait.
Paintmarkers + Daughter- 0
Mommy + Knowledge - 1
Thank you so much to Catherine, I hope you have a happy and healthy new year, CHEERS!
For further reference I absolutely cannot wait to see my giftees post, I truly hope you enjoy it 🙂
12-21-2019 11:26 PM
@thatisrathernice Ohhhh I see the chocolate... yummy!! and those fat markers.... I love all sorts of pens , markers and pencils!!
It was a pleasure doing this! Thank you so much for playing!!
12-21-2019 11:27 PM
I can't open my box yet as we are still about 45 minutes away from being the 22nd. And I won't get to it before heading off for bed this evening, so I will have to do it in the morning.
12-22-2019 04:23 AM