05-07-2021 08:22 PM
I just had a case open over a $2 trading card plus 91 cents tracking (like the customer could not just contact me first). Fair enough, it looks like the last tracking update was Out For Delivery about a week ago (I mail within 24 hours). The ebay details are limited. I ran those shorter tracking numbers through the USPS site, and they are just rejected as invalid. The normal tracking shows every thing from label created, item picked up, through the local PO, through the local sorting, out to where ever's sorting, to the customer's po, out for delivery and delivered and whatever else. I just refunded and asked customer next time to just send a message and not push a case if seller did not refund, thanks for the year long ding, and double thanks USPS. I have not gotten the item back yet, guessing it is stuck in the Postal Truck somewhere. But my beef was with eBay and that they better bet tracking that IS TRACKING because this is USELESS. The gal was not even getting that this was printed, as are all my labels, via eBay! Sigh. Might as well stick a freaking stamp on for all the good this new label does in finding it if lost (only thing it give is the scan upload. She said to make an insurance claim. Hello, off a 91 cent first class label, haha!
05-07-2021 08:43 PM
It is best to read the ebay page on Standard Envelopes. There is NO actual USPS tracking, ebay is very clear on that. And yes, there is a risk of either non-delivery or delivered but not recorded as such:
05-07-2021 08:49 PM
You ARE essentially sticking a stamp on it with this shipping method. There is NO door to door tracking using this option.
Which is exactly why I will NOT participate in this poorly thought out program. This is basically letter tracking, that is NOT run or endorsed by USPS. There is NO protection. Other seller have complained that this does NOT protect sellers from INR cases and it does NOT protect seller metrics, despite the "promises" eBay has made.
05-08-2021 08:48 AM
, out for delivery and delivered and whatever else.
Apparently with this method "out for delivery" is as close as you are going to get. These are not regular USPS numbers, but can be tracked on your eBay page or here:
If you get an INR claim for any of these, ebay expects you to refund:
"From time to time, eBay standard envelope shipments unfortunately may not track all the way through delivery to your buyer. If your buyer opens an “Item Not Received” request, please work with them to issue a refund in a timely manner. In these cases, you may also consider raising a claim to recover your lost funds."
You can also file a claim for getting an INR as result of using this service here though I don't know if they pay out:
05-08-2021 09:08 AM
That changed. I remember when it was first announced that if there was any problems Ebay would handle it & refund if it was not received. That was the hook to get people to use it. If you have to refund anyway why go through this dog & pony show? Just stick a stamp on it if there is no protection anyway!
05-08-2021 10:38 AM
Well, the the OUT FOR DELIVERY should be enough for eBay and if a customer complains, then eBay should cover the price. I have been listing a lot of my small old stuff on here, but might be thinking twice about it now. And perhaps ebay should track if someone has lots of out to delivery but never arrived cases, I have not ever had one thing go totally missing in years of selling and personal mail. Even the old stuff before tracking on first class.
05-08-2021 11:52 AM
Well, should be and is, are not the same. This program is what it is. Use it or don't. List or don't. It's each seller's decision. No sense beating the dead horse about it.
Bottom line, this standard envelope is nothing more than an expensive postage stamp. Doesn't protect the seller. If you want to use it, fine. If you don't, that's fine too. Wishing eBay would do something different isn't changing anything, it's just whining. Make your decision and move on.
05-08-2021 12:04 PM
Some people find it difficult to just move on when the description for a program that the seller pays for and is not held to the word of the provider is costing them money and defects. Particularly when the provider is making money off of it and the seller is losing money on it.
05-08-2021 12:12 PM
I plan on listing some postcards within the next few weeks, and will see how it goes. I've heard from a number of sellers who have said they've mailed a lot of these and had very few INRs, so I'm willing to test the waters. If I get too many, I'll reconsider.
05-08-2021 12:36 PM
This is how it works:
It's basically a letter stamp, with some enhanced features. It costs less than sending a letter - 51 cents for 1oz, 71 for 2, 91 for 3. Standard USPS rates are 55/76/97.
It's not full tracking. There's no entry scan at USPS, and no exit scan when a carrier delivers it. During each leg of the journey when it travels through the machines, it gets a scan automatically. Basically, you just get the middle portion of tracking.
For low dollar items, that's usually "good enough". Additional to that, it's supposed to come with up to $20 insurance (provided by Ebay, not USPS).
So in the case of INR, Ebay is supposed to:
1) Be responsible for refunding the buyer (technically, you refund the buyer, Ebay credits you)
2) Remove all negative feedback related to INR
3) Protect your metrics
Now, this is also Ebay we're talking about here, so the above doesn't always occur.
05-08-2021 07:53 PM
True, and I understand AND get it.
However, this is eBay's program. It's eBay we are talking about. If you have sold here very long, you should already know/understand eBay isn't good at doing exactly what they promise. At least not in respect for sellers. You as the individual, have to decide what you are going to do to protect YOURSELF. eBay certainly is not the least bit worried about seller's interests. This standard envelope program is nothing but an attempt to get more sales for low dollar items, at the cost to sellers.
eBay is going to promise whatever it takes, to get the majority or at least a fair share of sellers, on board. Let's just sit back and see how long sellers are "insured" before it's turned back around on sellers for not having a "delivered" scan, or whatever excuse they use to stick it to sellers.
Because in the end WE SELLERS are the only ones with ANY skin in the sales.
So baring all that in mind, what is the sense in dwelling on "how it should be" or "but, but, eBay PROMISED!". Just look at 50% or more of what eBay says as bull puckey and plan accordingly. There is money to be made here, but you need to be smart about it and realize not every sale is going to be good. Not every "offer" eBay makes is a good one for sellers to choose. Dwelling on how it should be is a waste of everyone's time. eBay isn't listening and they plain don't care.
In the end, the standard envelope program is junk. All a buyer needs to do is say they didn't get it. All eBay has to do is say, we aren't covering the loss for "X" reason. Or plain just terminate any "insurance".
08-15-2021 02:56 PM
I checked and mine actually show delivered. I am not sure how or where they scan these.
08-15-2021 03:26 PM
Standard envelope tracking is NOT run through USPS. It's another program that only shows "movements and delivery" as it moves through hubs and sometimes at the end post office. A "delivered" is only really indicating that it was scanned at the ending PO. That does NOT confirm delivery to a mailbox/P.O. Box.
Yes, this IS a useless "tracking" that IS NOT the bill of goods sold to sellers.
My advice, would be to use a SEPERATE account to sell items that are shipped standard envelope/regular letter. Don't sell anything on a main account where metrics matter, that can cause you issues.