11-17-2018 07:40 AM
So a few days ago...I get a sale..so as usual, I package and post it...next morning about 9:30 am --i put it in the mail box(blue ones)--this one picks up during the day, but says 5PM. its a $27 +free shipping( shipping was $4) first class--with tracking(ebay lable)
on my way home..i look at my phone...and OMG yep a paypal case opened...the not my account was charged case.. so of course it says..."don't mail until this is settled" ...**bleep**.... How unlucky could i have gotten.
So I go home and cancle the transaction, refunded the account that paid...this should end the paypal case...after sending them a note also saying it was done and transaction #....but NOPE--who knows what paypal is actually reviewing....SO....NOW i am stuck and deep in it.
SO of course this reeks of a charge back scam...feedback was a zero...and no I didn;t look before I printed up postage...it was late, BUT still I would have..as I simply trust and do...have had many low feedback people....SO
SO..i think..i'll drive home(10 mins)..and Void the label...maybe it will trigger the USPS niot to send...and return it...HA! NOPE..... next day shows.accepted and moving......
So I think ok...Package Intercept...yes it like $14 but this is now: game on. I have heard it can be done, and I find the USPS spot to do it...add all the info...bing bang boom...DONE...said caqn be /will be done--and returned to me.
SOOOOO, this morning...the package is now in destination city ...NOW it comes down to if this expensive USPS system really is going to INTERCEPT it..... we will see today.... I think its 50-50 if somehow someone and someway it catches this package.....
OH seem the voiding does help....and i won't get that refund now , since it was actually mailed( think it makes me look like i was trying to scam them)...
SO you may ask is this all worth it....NO, but the person will get a refund and did...they may get the shirt...and i'm out all of it..wiser, but still scammed.... I will accept the loss and actually the learning about what can or does happen if you...try voiding a label that is already "mailed"....or Package Intercept... does it work? for expensive items , it just might be the saving to some....at least getting the item to sell again, maybe best of a bad situation...
I won;t blame ebay, or even paypal.... and I know there really isn't a way to stop this a-holes....we all are getting scammed at times...i'I've been lucky...it's been awhile since the last one....but does show me that the scamming happens even at the $27 level.....
cross my fingers..I hoping the Intercept works....just to say HA HA!, but still a pain in the butt
11-17-2018 07:52 AM
We hope it works out for you. Best regards
11-17-2018 07:56 AM
Did you send to the address that was listed on PayPal? If so, all you needed to do was enter the tracking number showing it was shipped and you were covered.
11-17-2018 07:56 AM
11-17-2018 08:05 AM
11-17-2018 08:06 AM
Sorry to hear, that's terrible.
Fwiw, if you shipped prior to the notice and within your stated handling time to the address provided there should be no reason for you to refund the transaction. The refund should either come from Paypal or eBay.
11-17-2018 08:07 AM
11-17-2018 08:10 AM
11-17-2018 08:12 AM
11-17-2018 09:08 AM
Yes, your claim will be against PayPal's Seller Protection. As long as you shipped to the address provided. The messages from ebay & paypal always advise not to ship, but if you shipped to the address provided, prior to the notification and within your handling time, it's not your problem.
11-17-2018 09:16 AM
11-17-2018 09:19 AM
It happen to me 3 months ago. This buyer kept bugging me with not so smart questions. When to pay for the item, do you accept cash, blah, blah, blah.
Since he was bidding against another buyer, I was happy, item goes above $500. I didn't pay attention to his feedback, "0".
He wins the bidding match, then I get into a calls to Ebay CS and dealing with his questions. Finally, after the second call, the CS tells me its OK to accept cash if "we meet"? Check it's OK they said. To make it short, a check is mailed, I receive it, and, stupid me, go to the bank and cashed it, making a mistake by clicking "payment accepted".
So, by clicking payment accepted or so, the clock for the shipping time started to run. I shipped that day, and two days later my wife is filing for divorce (it's a joke!). The bank has charged her back the amount of that check
Well, one lucky strike, I checked, and even though I paid priority mail, the item was still in San Francisco after 2 days. I paid the same amount I paid for the item to be shipped to stop its delivering. It gets intercepted, and returned to me. I lost $34 right there.
This happens when you have to, or need to comply with the rules, which are nothing for the scammers or dishonest buyers.
11-17-2018 12:55 PM
As other posters mentioned, normally an unauthorized transaction is found in favor of the seller as long as the seller can show that the package was shipped to the payment address. But since you have already refunded, I'm not sure how they will handle it.
11-17-2018 01:30 PM
I just had the same thing happen to me about 2 weeks ago, Unauthorized use of buyers accout, buyer had feedback score of 1726 , My oorder was about $ 197.00 , I had just shipped out the order & the next day got the email from ebay . I went on usps website to get package intercepted & it's on it's way back to me, should be here on Monday. But ebay said :: Because the account was taken over by an unauthorized party, please do not contact the member directly..If someone emails you about a refund or payment, please do not send any money without contacting eBay first. So when I get my package back I will then contact ebay to find out about the refund. The buyers funds are still in my paypal account .They have not emailed me about sending any refund yet.
11-18-2018 06:48 AM