01-18-2025 08:17 PM
Ok so before you read this, know that this is me venting about things you've probably heard before, but its new to me. So if you dont want to read someone ranting, you can skip it. ----So here goes. There are a couple of issues here that I think need to be addressed. First off, Ebay needs to stop candy coating stuff and tell it like it is. I have yet to see one truthful statement when it comes to getting paid here. Like the whole "You have been paid for this item" Actually no, I haven't. Ebay has been paid for this item, I haven't received anything. Or the "Your funds are now available." No, actually they are not. I don't see them in my account at my disposal. Or the "Seller does not accept returns." Which actually means, "Yes you do, if we say so. Then we'll force you to. And youll be lucky if we choose to give you your item back." Is there any statement that is not a half truth? I Had a buyer purchase a coat. I clearly stated in the description, the EXACT size of the coat. I took photos which also showed the manufacturers tag with the EXACT same size as I had stated. They purchased the coat and then say that it doesn't fit and they cant even button it up. Here's the thing. It belonged to my sister. She had been that EXACT size for years. It was the exact size as I stated. So it didn't just magically shrink during shipping. There's no scooby doo mystery to be solved here. Then the buyer admits they thought it was bigger than what both I and the tag said it was. But they chose to disregard all that and buy it anyway. Thinking she knew better than what I, the tag, or my sister said. So basically using my merch as their personal closet, wasting my time and money, trying to convince themselves that they are smaller than they actually are. And then, when the obvious happens, they demand a refund. So wait a minute. ...What about the "Seller does not accept returns." line? They hold up my funds because the buyer started a R-E-T-U-R-N. Have you ever bought something at a place that said " All sales are final." and returned it for a refund? No? Me neither. Now I could see if I had said something misleading, or claimed the coat was something more or less than it actually was. But I didnt do that. I mean its like EVERYONE gets to lie accept the seller? So the only way to resolve it was give a partial refund. They keep the coat and half the money. But WAIT!!...Theres more. To add insult to injury, the 'start a return' tab wont let me start the return. I keep getting this error message over and over, that also says to maybe "Try adding another payment account " to make it work. Had to call customer service to get it to work, but guess what? I changed payment accounts, as directed, which instantly puts your money on hold ....yet again. I understand the need for buyer protection but this is ridiculous. This is ebay holding onto your money for as long as possible to squeeze every **bleep** penny they can out of people and rewrite policy to justify how they do it. They get the fee, The promotion fee, and now this. Its like lawmakers on capitol hill slipping in a 25% military debt ceiling in the fine print of a national park funding bill, over the christmas holidays so know one knows until after the fact. And it's just wrong. But WAIT...it doesnt stop there.....oh noooo. Then i find this little box in which I can type in my issue to resolve the dispute. I type it all in and guess what? It the gives me an error message when i hit send, thus deleting everything i just spent 45 minutes typing when i hit the back button to try again. An endless error loop that actually goes to nowhere. INTENTIONALLY. Or the endless useless assistant loop. You cant call them but, they can call you. Because they want to dodge the issue. Why? To hold onto your money even longer. How convenient. SO here I am, ten days later. With no money, not even the half owed to me, and no coat, with the insulting little 'Your funds are now available." still plastered there for just that extra little jab that lets you know that there's nothing you can do about it ,no matter what your situation may be. Its screw you, you get your money when we say you do. So now im going to post this, so i can sit back and listen to all you pro ebay people huddle up and co-sign everything that just happened. Youll quote regulation this, and read the fine print that, and blah, blah, blah. ITS WRONG!! I DONT CARE HOW YOU COLOR IT UP. I DONT CARE WHAT 'POLICY' YOU HIDE BEHIND TO JUSTIFY IT>Theres right and theres wrong. Any dictionary you read will clearly say, when you state something that is not true or factual, it called LYING!! An apple is NOT a turnup truck. You make it very discouraging as a new seller to want to do business here. There are so many 'read the fine print hidden between the lines.' rules that if you read them in their entirety, you'd almost be afraid to sell anything. They have the right to hold your money, FOR A MONTH? Really? aside from ebay, WHO DOES THAT?! Just like banks, they hold x amount of dollars in a high interest return account and as new money comes in, other people finally get their money. If you or I did the same thing, we'd go to prison. ITS CALLED A PONZI SCHEME. You cant tell me their not doing that. Anything over a thousand and it's held for a month?!! C'mon now. Theres such a thing as buyer protection, but a month?! Really....REALLY?!! I wasnt born yesterday. Gee, are you guys federally insured? Was that a no? or a yes? Cause if your not, why arent people going to prison. Anyone else would. Yes, Im venting. No, it wasnt very much money, but when your a single father of five, disabled and trying to suppliment your fixed income, to put food on the table It matters. It matters. A LOT! But you go ahead and co sign the **bleep**. Because maybe if someone from corporate reads what you say, you'll get a brownie point. (like the higher ups in corporate actually give a crap about what you or I have to say. Their annual bonus wasnt big enough last year. were just dollar signs to them. Your naive if you believe otherwise. ) Im just another face in a sea of faces. And so are you. Squandering over table scraps to try to feed our families.) So much for supplementing my income here. And they wonder why people honest people sometimes turn to crime. Go figure.The system is rigged. And ebay's apart of it. Should have known better. So go ahead, lets hear you co sign it. Im all ears.
01-20-2025 01:24 PM
I was upset. It was one of those deals where your whole day is going horribly and then just when you think you've had all you can take..... Shablam! It was like the straw that broke the camels back. If I could have said the whole thing out loud, in one breath, Thats how it would have went. And if I was actually able to say all that in one breath, well I would probably have a job doing something else entirely. What, I have no idea, but it would be ...well...something.
01-20-2025 01:33 PM
It was a bad end to an awful day. Ya know when your just at your wits end and your sitting there going " Ok, what else could possibly go wrong?" and then ....Shablam! If I could have said the whole thing out loud, in one breath, thats exactly how it would have came out. And If I actually could have said all that in one breath, I would have been on AGT as one of those lame acts thats like cool the first time around but, thats it. Or Maybe I'd be an auctioneer, or something along the lines of that guy in the 80's that did the "Micro Machines" commercials.
01-20-2025 01:36 PM
I am sooooo glad I no longer sell on here.
01-20-2025 01:39 PM
Yes. Yes they are. But, I was upset. And if I could have said the whole thing out loud, in one breath, thats exactly how it would have went. And if i actually could have said that all in one breath, ....well.....that would be AMAZING!!!!..But dont try that at home. I'm a trained professional. Professional what, I have no idea but it keeps me busy.
01-20-2025 02:15 PM
Posting your rant without paragraphs must be part of a clever plan to rant without having anyone actually read your rant.
OK, you have succeeded.
01-20-2025 03:01 PM
@wcaw1786 You need to know your product better - the AI fluff 'summary' of your post above ignores a crucial fact - you need to provide relevant detail of what you're selling. That means measuring clothing if you're selling clothing, particularly vintage clothing, and checking a size chart (Macy's is pretty standard) if there is any question.
All this is, is a learning experience and it's better to take it so and not take it so personally. It was a mistake - everybody makes 'em - so you can take the knowledge here and use it to keep improving your sales and approach. That's all - I've been selling clothing for years and still make mistakes that make me bang my head on my desk.
01-20-2025 05:31 PM
01-20-2025 07:39 PM - edited 01-20-2025 07:40 PM
“They have the right to hold your money, FOR A MONTH?”
Yes, by listing an item, you are giving your tacit acceptance of all policies governing the platform. That includes your funds being held.
There is nothing "tacit" about it. It is explicit acceptance, written right on page when you list an item: