01-20-2024 12:15 PM
I sold a Boss DS-1 Guitar Distortion pedal that worked perfectly the entire time I owned it and tested perfectly before I shipped it out. I even included a fresh battery and free shipping. After receiving the pedal, the Buyer posted negative feedback on my page insinuating I purposely sold him a defective item. Saying it was "convenient" that the pedal stopped working because I don't accept returns. Never contacted me first, when I refunded his money and requested a feedback revision, no response. Requested through the site that ebay remove the negative feedback, but they said it didn't violate their policy. I think this was done by an algorithm and no actual person was involved in the decision. When I called ebay to appeal, they found in my favor, stating that his feedback had no basis. Hopefully this is helpful to anyone who has received false negative feedback and wants it taken down. I now accept returns, which hopefully will prevent this from happening again lol.
01-21-2024 10:29 AM
So glad this worked out for you, however you do know that they can do a chargeback on their CC/Paypal card? Lets hope they are unaware of this.
Wishing you all good things and congrats again!
01-21-2024 10:35 AM
Buyer doesn't need to do a chargeback. Seller has already refunded.
01-21-2024 11:17 AM
It may have been better if you asked him to open a case and return the pedal for a refund. He now has a good pedal and his money back. One negative will not kill you if he doesn't open a case. I think he was hoping you would refund him and let him keep the pedal.
01-22-2024 09:30 AM
He didn’t reply to any messages I sent trying to get him to return it for a refund. I doubt he would have replied to a request by me to open a case. It was a $35 pedal, no big loss. But I wasn’t gonna let him get away with ruining my 100% positive feedback.