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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

Starting today, you will see changes on eBay item description pages that contain non-compliant HTTP content. Google Chrome has pushed their browser update which includes stronger security standards. As a result, eBay will be adding a "see full item description" button to all listings that contain non-compliant HTTP content.


This new experience will look very similar to the way mobile buyers already see listing descriptions today. It also ensures that we comply with the Google mandate and prevents your buyers from seeing a “Not Secure” warning when they’re shopping on eBay


Please review our landing page for more information and tools to help you identify any of your listings that may contain non-compliant HTTP content. 


EDIT 11/8/17 @ 12:23 PT 


We are aware of an issue where the eBay HTTPS identification tool is showing listings that were revised to be HTTPS compliant after 10/31 as non-compliant. We are actively working on this issue and plan to have a quick fix for any new or revised listings. Any existing listings that have been updated to be HTTPS compliant but are still showing as non-compliant in the tool will continue to show as non-compliant until the listing is either revised or renewed. If you do not revise or relist, the issue will automatically correct after 30 days.


Please note that if your listings are compliant, they will show normally to buyers and have the “secure” message in the URL. You can confirm this experience by looking at the live listing. This issue is confined to our tool that identifies non-compliant listings, which is currently failing to update to show listings as compliant after you have updated your http content to be compliant.


We apologize for this issue and will update you here as soon as the issue is resolved.

Message 1 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

@z50com wrote:

eBay's being bullied by Google and it should be the other way around.


G is strongarming sites all over the web and they really need to be stopped.  People need to stand up to them.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 31 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)


Another seller showed me a listing that clears the Sandbox tool, yet the "See full description" button appeared on my Firefox.


In that case, the listing contained linked stylesheets, but the linked stylesheets further included non-secure references, and the scanner does not scan that deeply.


So, sellers who are using designer templates that clear the Sandbox tool, should look deeper into their linked stylesheets.


ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 32 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

is https why ebay is going so slow for me? It's taking me 2-3 minutes to respond to my buyer messages through ebay.
Message 33 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

I mean no offense, but I call **bleep**.


I use Chrome exclusively at home on my personal computer and various devices.  Nearly every person I know also uses Chrome (a few Neandrathals use IE 😉 ).   I have NEVER had a warning that eBay was unsecure or otherwise dangerous just because of a lacking "s" on the hypertext protocol. 


The number of eBay buyers using Chrome, as I was informed this morning by a CSR, is actually 68%.  While technically that is a majority, it is not "most" and should not initiate such a sweeping chaotic change.  Especially when eBay has many other much more serious and glaring issues.



Message 34 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

>The pictures I currently host are hosted on Go Daddy with http


Same here.


I like inline images. No waiting for that stupid popup and the zoom tool and whatnot.


Godaddy charges a lot for a HTTPS and a free one is impossible to setup and expries every couple months. Yes, I'm pretty much an IT professional, but see no need to encrypt the inline images in my page. I'm too busy to take care of this now, so I'm just going to leave it as it. If I lose sales over it, so be it.

Message 35 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

Any idea when the bulk edit option is going to begin working again?  I cannot get any to go through without a "there was a system error, please try again later" (paraphrased, but pretty close to the error message).  


Been at it for nearly 2 hours now - have 8580 or so listings to "correct".  Not a single one has been possible with the bulk edit due to eBay's ineptitude.



Message 36 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

@terrycanarsky wrote:


The number of eBay buyers using Chrome, as I was informed this morning by a CSR, is actually 68%. 

I'm guessing that's a relatively artificial number inflated by the number of mobile device users that don't know there are other mobile browsers.  One of the first things I do on a mobile device is disable that and install the AdBlockPlus mobile browser.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 37 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

Shipscript, one of the listings I looked at from one of these members, has the See description button (did not see any links), but the See description button itself is a http link. Could this be the reason for the Not Secure message?


Are we sure that all of eBay's links are now https?

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 38 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

Hi @sandyoutlet

When I click on your Landing Page link
and then click "Check Your Listings"

I get the report

Results: 0

You currently don’t have any listings with HTTP content.
I believe this to be true as my listing descriptions only have Advanced Formatting (bold, fonts, colored fonts) and no funny stuff at all.  Just text.
Yesterday when I was editing some boilerplate text in many of my listings I did see, for the first time ever, the linked box that you describe that Chrome will be showing for non-compliant listings. 
Rather than show the description on the listing page, it would show "View Full Item Description" (or similar words) in a box.  When I clicked the Box, it would take me to my descriptions, on a separate page, that had a URL that started with cgi.ebay (or something like that.)
But I think that when I refreshed the item's listing page (not in edit mode) the same box would go away and show the Description where it should appear on the item's page.
So the behavior of this was inconsistent and unreliable.   I haven't yet gone through all my listings, to see if the same thing is still happening.
I don't know if it's a Chrome issue or eBay issue, but I definitely saw this on 4 or 5 listings yesterday.
I don't need help or a fix.  But you may see similar reports.
Windows 10, Creator's Update, Chrome. Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) (today, probably the same version yesterday... and there is an update downloading)

Typos courtesy of Lithium.
Message 39 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

Did you see that where buyers need to ask questions (with a message) has been changed. And now the questions for an item being sold go to the community of buyers and sellers? I did find another way to contact seller (the only way) I see now. Go to the particular seller's store who has item you want to question. The word contact is over on right corner. It took a long time to find that Contact word! What's going on???
Message 40 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)



On item pages...


1) Buying guides link still http...


2) The See description button is http.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 41 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)



eBay Money Back Guarantee link in Seller Return terms is http.


Are these just examples of issues that have not been updated on all servers yet?


Just let me know if you wish me to stop.


PayPal Credit logo is //p.ebaystatic. Is this https?


Terms for PAyPal Credit is http.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 42 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)



Estimated delivery date link in Seller Shipping and returns area is http.


Sell Now button next to 'Have one to sell' text is http.


See conditions on eBay Bucks message is http.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 43 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

@readabouthorses wrote:



I'm seeing the See Item Description button on some of my completed listings that I did check with the i-way tool when they were live and they all passed. So I just checked one of the completed ones again with the i-way tool and it still checks out OK but it has the See Item Description button. Are you putting this button on all the closed listings or was there something in those listings that i-way is not catching?

Would you mind sharing a couple item numbers that we can look into? Thanks!

Message 44 of 213
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Stronger Browser Security Standards (HTTPS)

I am done for now. Either the https changes have not filtered to all of the servers, or there is still much work for the teams to do.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
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