07-31-2021 10:05 AM
See many Sellers, even long- timers, changing up their Store/Selling IDs to be their "real" picture.
Think this helps Sellers connect to a potential Buyer? Personalizes your offerrings? Helps if using social media to connect to e-Bay to sell your wares?
07-31-2021 12:48 PM
@inhawaii wrote:I don't see anything wrong with that ..... unless you look really creepy. 😉
There's looking creepy, and then there's looks that draw creeps. Several years ago a seller with a pretty girl avatar posted that she was being sexually harassed. Several of us pointed out her pretty avatar was likely the reason, and us old fogies still felt that way even after someone pointed out that the photo was actually Ariana Grande. On the other hand, when I commented on a travel group that I didn't appreciate that the guy trying to sign me up for a timeshare presentation had holes the size of dimes in his earlobes, and I couldn't look him in the face as he spoke, I was immediately pegged as old and ugly because one of our cats is my avatar on that group too.
07-31-2021 01:25 PM
A bunch of marketing studies have shown that a 'real photo' personalises a transaction and that people like it - in areas where trust is a big issue, like real estate for instance, it might be useful. I personally don't feel the need to do so (no one needs to see my mug plastered on various websites because I just sell stuff), but it doesn't bother me when people do it. I notice a lot of people have a fixation with their faces and upload photo after photo of themselves in various 'moods' on Fakebook (for instance) - mostly a lot younger people, but I kinda understand this - it's a time of individuation and self-identification. When I was a kid we were always snapping photos of each other - same reason.
07-31-2021 02:07 PM
Avatars are "branding" just as our selling IDs are.
It's a mistake in my opinion not to have one, and its a mistake to pull your avatar out of eBay's stock book, because both miss the point of branding.
Having said that, I'm not sure to what extent eBay buyers (most of whom are not sellers) know that they are buying from an individual business when they shop here. And most don't know how to return to that business if they have a good experience.
Which may be why putting a business card or the like into each shipment with your eBay (or other) web address on it becomes important.
I would add to that, using your eBay ID as your shipping name. We see complaints from time to time from buyers who can't figure out where they bought a particular item because the seller didn't have any packing slip in the package and used their personal name on the outside.
07-31-2021 02:51 PM
07-31-2021 02:55 PM
07-31-2021 02:58 PM
07-31-2021 03:19 PM
@coastaltechsolution wrote:who couldn't love @silverstatetreasureboxes
We know what's in silver's treasure boxes now. 😉
07-31-2021 03:39 PM
yes Navel
07-31-2021 05:41 PM
07-31-2021 10:27 PM
@silverstatetreasureboxes wrote:I broke outta my shell and now I'm an eBay cheerleader!
Okay - that MI cheerleader outfit is adorable!
You wear so many hats!!! And you're a cheerleader too!
07-31-2021 10:48 PM
Thank you for the nightmare Fuel
07-31-2021 10:49 PM
Then in that case this will be my new Profile Picture
If you get the reference, lol
08-01-2021 12:11 AM
It is definitely time to Bring Back the Kewpie Doll!
They're about a century old now right?
Huh -- even older! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kewpie
I remember them still being made (probably counterfeits) when I was a child in the 50s. And there was a stall every year at the Canadian National Exhibition that sold loose lavendar flowers and lavendar soap in the shape of naked pink babies which my little sister and I saved up for.
08-01-2021 12:39 AM
I saw the show.
08-01-2021 12:41 AM
It's a stamped sample to see the results of different color embossing powder on dark paper, with little embossing tools around them.