08-15-2022 06:31 AM
I am wondering if there is any advantage to starting an eBay Store. Any advice is welcomed!
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08-15-2022 11:02 PM
If you're planning on listing and running a lot more, a store is a good idea as it gives you a discrete 'presence' or footprint here. I have people who bookmark my store and return to browse. I keep my starter store even though I only have about 150 items on average (I used to be full time with a premium store) because of repeat business and I sell in a bit of a niche - the categories help.
If you're not planning to expand your listings, I wouldn't bother because your small group of listings will be easy to search and accessible under your account ID.
08-15-2022 11:31 PM
You haven't come back to participate in your thread. It would really help if we knew what you were planning to do? On an average, how many listings do you plan on running a month? Stuff like that.
08-16-2022 12:56 AM
NO! No advantage from my POV. I had a store for a year and at the end I closed it because the fees were ridiculous.
It only helps if you have a "collectible" like baseball cards, or a lot of Valuable DVDs. Otherwise, if you're selling clothing, books, things like that.....do not open a store.
08-16-2022 10:25 AM
@liawrig.nq8rdwqa3 wrote:NO! No advantage from my POV. I had a store for a year and at the end I closed it because the fees were ridiculous.
It only helps if you have a "collectible" like baseball cards, or a lot of Valuable DVDs. Otherwise, if you're selling clothing, books, things like that.....do not open a store.
If a seller has a store that is a Basic level or above, you pay LESS in FVFs than you do without a store, it is one of the perks of having a store. So without a store you fees are a little higher.
I don't sell any of the stuff you suggest are the only products suitable for a seller having a store. I do fine. I enjoy the lower FVFs, the coupon for branded shipping supplies is useful, the store front where I can have my own categories is extremely helpful, etc. Etc.
Since you know nothing about what the OP is planning to do or how many listings they plan on running on an average month, none of us knows if a store will benefit them or not.
08-18-2022 08:33 PM
Thank you all for the suggestions and information. I guess I will be smart and keep doing what I have been doing for years now. Peddling a few things on eBay. When I decide to turn loss of a treasured item or get myself out to an estate sale to find something interesting to list.
08-18-2022 08:36 PM
Thank you for the sound advice! You as well as others have shown me the way. I need to keep costs down and try to have a little fun time working.