06-23-2021 06:29 AM
Hi, I listed some items on other ebay sites using eBayMag and I got few sales from that site. but sold amount is less than listed price. its nearly 10% less. when I check the listing it shows original price I listed but get it sold to lesser amount. in the listing its show I made revision on buy it now price at the time of sale , but I didn't.
06-23-2021 06:40 AM
How are you getting legal payment in your country payments???
Sri for folks that do not know......
As for " I made revision on buy it now price "
I would advise a password change to be safe. It says revised it was revised. if you did not do it some one else did.
I see you are getting negatives and neutrals already on the drop shipping and the low quality products from such companies. It will cause you more and more problems.. Just saying.
06-23-2021 07:22 AM
If you keep selling at the rate you are? You will not be here long. With 3 Negs and 1 Neutral FeedBack in 12 months. Drop Shipping is going to put out of business. Just my opinion. Best of Luck to you
06-23-2021 07:26 AM
@donsdetour wrote:How are you getting legal payment in your country payments???
Sri for folks that do not know......
As for " I made revision on buy it now price "
I would advise a password change to be safe. It says revised it was revised. if you did not do it some one else did.
I see you are getting negatives and neutrals already on the drop shipping and the low quality products from such companies. It will cause you more and more problems.. Just saying.
Falsely registered originally as USA then changed to Sri Lanka once Paypal was set up. They will get caught, and won't be able to sell here again even if their government does change the rules regarding payment
06-27-2021 02:09 AM
We get our payments by eBay managed payments directly to our bank accounts through Payoneer. Sri folks now recognized as eBay sellers.
Yes, I better changed my password. and regarding negatives I have 2 neg and 1 neutral so far. Im working out with my suppliers on quality. Thanks for your kind advice.
06-27-2021 02:11 AM
Thanks for your kind advice. I working on with suppliers on quality of my products.
06-27-2021 02:18 AM
For your feedback, I would try to make a revision request (after you remedy the buyer) if you still can 😛
I do have to say, you have a lot of items for sale, are these from wholesale suppliers? Or do you Drop-ship (Just curious)