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Slow February sales

Has anyone else found that sales have come to a halt this month?  January was ok but this month just seems dead.  Not complaining, as sales seem to come in waves, lots of sales or none at all.  Just wondering if I am the only one.  

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Re: Slow February sales

I don't think all is the economy keeping our sales down. I think the weather also has something to do with it. If anyone is keeping up with it we have floods in places, mega snowstorms happening, Earthquakes, tornados etc. Seems like this year is worse than last.  People are fighting just to stay above water so to speak. I watch the news alot and there is so much going on people have to contend with it is unreal. My sales are here and there as everyone else's, I can't complain. I'm just blessed my home isn't flooded out or under 144 inches of snow or wiped out by a tornado. I don't have those worries and am glad for what little sales I do get as people and times I pray will get better as things improve for the others with all the mishaps life handed them. So, just be patient and blessed with what you do get. If this offended, you in any way I'm not sorry. As we all are blesses if we have some food, shelter, & clothing as there are many without. Have a great day.

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Message 48 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

On Dismalbay, you will find misery has company

Message 2 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

Nope. Same thing for me. Barely one sale every 4-5 days

Message 3 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

It's a roller coaster!!! Hang in there!!!

Message 4 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

January, like December, was not as good as previous years but also not as bad as it could have been. February (so far) is shaping up to be better than both.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 5 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

I sell books and media and it's standard for sales to slow down after the Dec/Jan surge.  Those are outlier months. About all one can do is keep listing and reviewing existing listings. I did a major purge of my store inventory about a month ago, a lot of it was just stale, and I'm very slowly adding listings back. 

Message 6 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

@fallgold4031  I'm OK with my Feb sales, but you are not the only one with slow sales. At any given moment, some sellers are seeing a sales decline, some are seeing an increase, and some are basically holding steady. 


That's just the way it is.

Message 7 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

I think everyone is prepping for the Big Game and Golf Tournament

Message 8 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

Nope. The first couple of weeks of January were slow for me but things have picked up since then and I've been averaging a sale or two per day.

Message 9 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

Did good up to 2/3/2023. Nothing since. Even sent some offers with no luck.

Message 10 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

Hopefully it gets better for you soon

Message 11 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

I have 4 sites and all MIA

 I dont know if people are simply feeling the economy, or What. Hopefully things will turn around soon.


As someone said Christmas was worse than other years. I say this every time. Ebay need to advertise!



Message 12 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

It probably depends on what categories you sell in, but even retail stores have a general dip in late January through early spring.  Think about it, people are keeping their belt tights after all that holiday season spending (gifts, travel, food) and all of that was wayyyy higher price than previous years, so now they probably have a higher balance on their credit cards too.  
     I'm just speculating and saying "they" because I've been poor my whole life, never could afford to do very much for Christmas, LOL!!!  But I have definitely heard about this late-winter slump from many businesses.  Heck even as a pizza delivery driver I'd notice this time of year was slow, people trying to save by home-cooking more meals.  

Message 13 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

That makes makes sense

Message 14 of 62
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Re: Slow February sales

Still chugging along here.


That's me - I never shoot to the stars, but I chug along relentlessly.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

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