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Shipping with stamps

So I sell Sports cards via eBay. I have 100s of forever stamps and now use them sparingly. Since there is no tracking included, buyer and seller never know when item arrives. This being said, buyer can claim item as not received, get their money back, keep item, and continue to do so.

So now I have to use the eBay label to ensure there is tracking. Even with this, the shipping is waayyyy too slow as I've sent out items and they showed up almost a month later.

I believe some customers are using this scheme or an employee(s) for USPS are ripping these and taking the cards, which range anywhere from 3-10$ It adds up 😕



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Shipping with stamps

I sell stamps using stamps most of the most of other stamp sellers...for inexpensive items.

For some weird reason I have had nothing lost last year or this year yet.

And yes, I have put 4 trading cards in an envelope with a stamp with no problems either using correct packing of course...Star Trek Trading I know a little.

With using tracking and item in tracking states "item not delivered" have to refund even if item arrives.

I use only the way.

My feedback show about 100+ buyers a month...which is a fraction of my buyers...not doing tracking...and no complaints...only positive feedbacks like items received in 4-5 days cross country with no tracking.

Key here is "repeat buyers" of course returning to buy because items arrive quick in 4-5 days.

Some of your buyers who ask for a refund for item not received can be dishonest.

Lucky for me so far I haven't had one...but I am sure one day I will.


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Shipping with stamps

While I'm sure some people pull that trick, most do not. That is technically mail fraud & seems pretty dumb to commit over cheap trading cards. Also, believe it or not, when most people buy something on ebay, they're not trying to scam the seller (despite what many on this board might believe). They also can't "continue doing so" that many times because then eBay would notice.


Furthermore, if you sell 100 cards & get a couple buyers claiming they didn't receive them, the money you're saving by not providing tracking will greatly outweigh those couple refunds

Message 3 of 7
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Shipping with stamps

That is a chance you take.  You have to look at the bottom line. As stated, most buyers are legit.  Top loaders in an envelope can get damaged in postal machines or torn out.  Some machines bend an envelope in a full U turn around a roller about an inch in diameter.

Message 4 of 7
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Shipping with stamps

@simba6 wrote:

That is a chance you take.  You have to look at the bottom line. As stated, most buyers are legit.  Top loaders in an envelope can get damaged in postal machines or torn out.  Some machines bend an envelope in a full U turn around a roller about an inch in diameter.

This explains why they have to be reasonably flexible. I use chipboards to pack my postcards (and some postal stuff, like FDCs). They are pretty flexible, but I have gotten the odd RTS and it's a little bended and folded when it comes back. So far I haven't gotten complaints of items arriving damaged.


For more valuable postal products and banknotes, I just ship with GA as a thick envelope and load it with cardboard.



Message 5 of 7
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Shipping with stamps

USPS employees are on camera at all times. No employee is going to risk their job searching envelopes looking for trading cards and chance ripping it open just to steal a trading card. Best of luck to you....

Message 6 of 7
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Shipping with stamps

If you are using ESE you probably need to change the way you pack your cards.


Some sellers get great results and fast delivery. Others take a month, may arrive postage due, or may be refused at the PO.


Ebay's description of what can be in the envelope is too optimistic and may result in the envelope being non-machineable. That can also occur if you ship with a stamp, but you will just get INR complaints since there is not tracking.


The stamp dealers do better than the card dealers.


My recommendation to card dealers is do not sell cheap commons on Ebay. It it cannot justify the cost of Ground Advantage it is not worth your effort.

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