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Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

Tested this twice..over 500 listings but only *newly created* listings sell. 


Method 1 March 5/6: end desired items (200+)..go to them, sell similar.

Batch edit revise promotions...make up dated name (mar6), choose rate..tells you it's done! No, it's not!!

Testing said newbie listings: revise item, gander promotion info: OLD past campaigns!!!! This indexes you as old old listings via date! Plus, it's trying to acquire fees wrongly. 


Method two: 150 listings, first Stop Promoting. Then End listing. Grab, sell similar, choose dated name March9, new rate%> tells you it's done!

NO, it is NOT! Revise item to peek at new work listing--- has OLD campaigns dates!!!!! This is why a ghost town since Xmas week. Btw, if I stopped promoting, where is it pulling ANY campaign dates from???

Xmas was insightful. 500+ listings, nary a view or sale. Three days of typing, templating, batches of 50, manual end/create new by template 1by1.


Quadrupled sales. 


Sorry but promoted listings are a hobbling device, not a boon. And or taking inapropos fees without user permission, and scarily, if I hadn't checked n peeked inside listing, aha it lies.


I'd be still duped. 





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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

I end my listings all the time and post them as new. It then goes back to top, (AS A NEW LISTINGS).  MANY times the item them sell within days, sometimes even hrs. I've been doing that for a loooong time. Its somewhat time consuming, but otherwise my listings just get "lost in the shuffle" and NEVER SELL! If you continually  just relist and relist it doesn't get seen and stays where it was in "the shuffle" never to move again.

I don't use promoted listing, I think its a waste of money. And with the fee increase just implemented, even more so. Just my personal, humble opinion. However, i have been selling here for almost a quarter century, so SHOULD count for something. 😊

Message 2 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

End listings and end promotions. Then, wait a week before sell similar.  
You are correct. Best Match is default and most buyers search and don't sort.
Best I can tell, Best Match is (mostly new items, some bigger promoted items, some things I can't figure out).
SO, newly listed items tend to sell before older listings.  Older may be a week or a month depending on your market.
BUT, if left alone, they will come back to the top in time.  Seems like a few months on my older items.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

I use Inkfrog to list.  They have a widget that ends the listing and relists automatically.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

Looks like maybe 6 months for them to come back up to where shoppers can see them.
I walked past a shelf with three clutches on it a couple weeks ago.  I wondered what happened?  Those used to sell real fast. 
They've been listed awhile.  Maybe something changed?  Maybe I'm too high $?  
So, I checked.... No, I'm not too expensive and...other sellers are selling their clutches?  I dunno, got sidetracked and that was that.
One sold Monday, One sold Tuesday, the third just sold.
All three were listed September 3rd, 2022 (6 months ago).
   Sellers are at eBay's mercy as to what gets seen and when.   There "may" be little things you can do to alter that, but....for the most part.  We are just along for the whatever ride they want to take us on.

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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

I delisted some high end promotions. I am curious to see if eBay will try to push these listings to sell since I will still get charged for the 12-15 % promoted listings I took off in a 30 day period. It was just a thought on doing this. I mean, after 30 days I took off the listing eBay will lose the extra money if they don't sell.

I also noted since I stopped promoted listings..I only have 265 promoted out of 2000+. And I have went from almost no new Domestic Buyers to International Buyers. This is interesting because eBay makes more from my International Buyers than Domestic Buyers. I was only getting Domestic Buyers for months and now it's mostly International Buyers ...I also charge for International Shipping and not Domestic Shipping which is free.

Luckily, I have repeat buyers.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

ebay has failed to deliver with promoted listings, they are essentially worthless and I saw no traffic from its use. ebay traffic figures show the platform gets roughly 700 million visitors a month, likely all bots.


I had over 1,500 promoted listings at one point, all with virtually zero views month after month.


The reality is ebay wants to force every last seller to pay for so much as a single view with their promoted listings advanced, which they wont deliver on either.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

Promoted listings work very well for me, but I'm not crazy about the way they're being used in the new money grab - I think it's killing the goose that lay the golden egg.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 8 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

Exactly the types of reasons that Promoted Listings come to be and the search engine becomes more than a search engine but also a suppression engine.  This is exactly what happened at Yahoo and Amazon former auction site.  Listings go into the "search bog" .vs. "New Listings" so sellers instead delete listing, relist so they appear new and others that actually are new get pushed down page order.  Amazon considered it "Manipulating The Browse/Search Process" and suspend any account that engage in it regularly.  I'm rather surprised eBay allow for it as it's an attempt to gain advantage (Views) over other sellers.  Imagine if every seller did so? 


Its exactly why when you try such things the listings remain "Stale."  I've never been on any web sales venue that allows for it, its usually an immediate suspension. 


Message 9 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

Exactly the types of reasons that Promoted Listings come to be and the search engine becomes more than a search engine but also a suppression engine.  This is exactly what happened at Yahoo and Amazon former auction site.  Listings go into the "search bog" .vs. "New Listings" so sellers instead delete listing, relist so they appear new and others that actually are new get pushed down page order.  Amazon considered it "Manipulating The Browse/Search Process" and suspend any account that engage in it regularly.  I'm rather surprised eBay allow for it as it's an attempt to gain advantage (Views) over other sellers.  Imagine if every seller did so? 


Its exactly why when you try such things the listings remain "Stale."  I've never been on any web sales venue that allows for it, its usually an immediate suspension. 


It's a regular practice on Poshmark (encouraged), Mercari and Etsy to name three (besides eBay). 

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 10 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

I try to avoid buying from "sponsored" listings.


I disagree with the whole premise of them.



For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 11 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

@chapeau-noir wrote:


Its exactly why when you try such things the listings remain "Stale."  I've never been on any web sales venue that allows for it, its usually an immediate suspension. 


It's a regular practice on Poshmark (encouraged), Mercari and Etsy to name three (besides eBay). 

That's a real surprise, perhaps not so much Posh or Mercari but I'm not really familiar with their consumer model.  Etsy it's a surprise.  When stuff I have people actually wanted (PC software etc) there were myriads of B2C, P2P sites all over the place, Onsale, iDeal Networks, uBid, Auction World, Surplus Direct, Amazon auctions, Amazon zShops, Yahoo on and on.  List software you'd about two hours browse visibility and same with many products before things push down out of "New listing" browse views but New Listing browse views bring in a lot of sales to those venues.  With uBid and Onsale not so much a problem in our categories back in the day but iDeal, Amazon the others was horrible they lost money hand over fist due to it.  Dead inventories appearing over and over again as "new" and they'd act on it, was rather constant battle.  Actually cited as part of the reason Amazon's Auction/BIN venue failed and they went the current format that negates all of it.  All "Offers" appear on the same page so "New Offer" from whatever seller makes no difference in vendor equal visibility.  Then they invented the "Buy Box" and well... Night and day, being sued for it now for 1 billion in the UK.  If that suit actually flies gonna spell big problems for the Orange Box here I bet.


Here, obviously eBay does try suppress the activity or one could just delete all listings, do a bulk upload and presto, all "New Listings."  It would explain why with the search engine they suppress rank based on not just per product sell through but overall seller sell through vs attempting pursue it which is certainly a sort of shell game, constant battle.  It explain Promoted Listings making a negative into a revenue generating positive affording further suppression of "New Listings" that actually are not new at allto make vendor's pay for rank due to those who suppress their products by manipulating the system.  That's pretty smart and then make those Promoting have to compete against each other for Promoted Rank.


Eventually with enough promoted ranks completely suppress "New Listings" in browse/search context so even those that manipulate have to opt in, make the search "Fuzzy" towards better suppression.  It's actually pretty brilliant from an algorithmic view.  Eventually people who delete/relist to get "New Listing" rank of what amounts to basically dead inventory are still left with dead inventory unless they care pay a whole lot more per sale to have rank.  It's genius.

Message 12 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

so you are willing hurting sellers who are trying everything to make a sale when some of them are going days without sales?  Thanks for letting me know!!

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 13 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

     It's actually worse than you think.   

     First let me demonstrate why it's as bad as you think.  The reason why "stale" listings slip further and further down search results is that the longer they go without selling, also the longer they go without a decent amount of views (and maybe watchers, not sure about that), the less your promotion rate "matters."  What I mean is, the worse the item seems to be at getting views, the higher its' SUGGESTED AD RATE goes.  Several months ago I got into a debate with at least one person here about the suggested rate; they were insisting that it only changes according to categories and seasonal demand, etc., NOT a specific item's performance.  I argued that if that were true, then why do suggested rates always rise on an item; shouldn't they go down sometimes?  But here I can give actual proof.  You see here 3 of my listings in the same category, listed on the same date.  They are 'stale" for sure, even though they're only a couple months old, because they haven't gotten many views.  I've been meaning to "refresh" them, but it's going to be a pain, certainly no "batch" maneuver, in fact I'll have to create them from one-by-one AND FROM SCRATCH, as I will demonstrate here. 

     The 4.5% ad rate I chose to promote them at is a reflection of the suggested ad rate back when I created the listings (I typically promote near the suggested rate, sometimes a little below or above).   But look at what it says for the suggested ad rate NOW: 9% for the top two items, 10% for the bottom one.  They have incrementally GROWN that high, the longer these listings sat, especially without lots of views (note how the bottom one at 10% has had only 2 views --that's why its' suggested rate is even higher than the other two).  This not only disproves the "by category and seasonal changes only" theory, because these are all in the SAME category in the same season, but it also shows how suggested rates grow according to poor view-attractability.  In other words, it's suggesting a much higher ad rate because that's what it would take for these sucky listings to get views.  

      But of course it's a double-edged sword; part of why these listings aren't getting views is because they're showing further down in search results than in the past.   So they're getting less CHANCE to be seen, causing a downward spiral effect! 

       Now, in the past I would just end/sell similar these listings.  And VOILA, they would be shiny and new again, with promoted rates on par with the current 'default' suggested rate for sewing patterns.  But recently (like within the past month????) I noticed something very troubling: The 'sell similar' listing page of a stale item I was trying to refresh still showed the inflated suggested ad rate!  

      Allow me to demonstrate.  First I'll end one of these listings, the one currently suggested at 10%.  Then go to Ended Listings.  Then click 'Sell Similar.'  Then see the item as a "new" listing on the creation page, as always before.  


     But of course we know it's NOT a new listing, and apparently Ebay has now programmed the bots to recognize that.  See here, the suggested ad rate for this sewing pattern is still 10%!


     So nowadays, doing this ^ would be a complete waste of time, as this listing would still be an "under-promoted" item.  Granted, just having a start date of March 11 might make it go to the top of 'Newly listed' if a buyer used that sorting feature, but as someone stated here already, most buyers stick with 'Best Match.'  And I want this to go to the top of that  result page.  
    So what happens if I were to create a truly new listing, starting with the 'List An Item' button?  Let's see.  


     Ah, there we go.  5% suggested ad rate, the apparent "default" for this category (and why I set all these  to 4.5% back in January).  But if I want to make allllll my "stale" listings truly new again, that means I'd have to copy-paste all their titles, descriptions, photos (I've already deleted all my sewing pattern photos from my computer btw, so I would have to two-step harvest them from these listings), and re-do allllll the horrendous item specifics.  It wouldn't be too bad for the 7 or 8 stale sewing pattern listings I have, since after brand-new-creating the first one, I could use it for the 'sell similar' springboard to list the rest of them, but I have a bunch of other items over a month old that are the only ones in their categories, so I'd literally have to do all their item specifics one-by-one.   

    Now, for why this is even worse than you thought.  When you do 'sell similar' using ANY item (not just Ended,  but also Sold and Active ones), it will import the suggested ad rate for whatever that item has/had at the time.  So say you acquire a truly new item and want to make it easier on yourself by using 'sell similar' of a truly similar item you're selling or already sold, if that item sat for any period of time before selling, this truly new item will be treated like that old one.  And by the way, if you want an idea how FAST suggested rates can start climbing, see below.  A couple of vintage brooches I listed just over a WEEK ago.  The default suggested ad rate for vintage brooches is 6.8%.  But look how high it has risen for these two, even though they've gotten a decent amount of views and even watchers!!   Their suggested rates are spiking way faster than the sewing patterns did, because vintage brooches are so much more popular, therefore the expectation is higher that promoting at the default rate "should" have sold them by now (apparently).  And if I used one of these to sell-similar-list a truly new, never previously-listed vintage brooch, it would have the same ridiculous 12 or 13% suggested rate.  

Screen Shot 2023-03-11 at 6.34.41 PM.png

       So what I'm saying is, end/sell similar is basically off the table, you pretty much can't use it anymore, not for refreshing old listings, and not for creating new ones, unless you pick an old one that hasn't "crept" upwards already.  

Message 14 of 26
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Re: Serious errors in promoted listings& sell similar..ghost town no sales effect

Have you tried an experiment on selling similar from a freshly SOLD listing?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 15 of 26
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