09-24-2021 01:32 PM
Multiple times I have drafted selling ads that sometimes take one or more hours to finish. If I take pauses, I sometimes try to continue my draft edit, but the draft locks up and I can no longer continue. Instead, I have to start all over again. This happens whether I'm starting an ad from scratch or draft or template. When it locks up, I cannot even do a draft save because the screen is locked. Evidently, eBay has a time limit for an ad being drafted or updated and being left alone or paused before finishing. If so, what is the limit and under what condition(s)? Thx
09-24-2021 02:04 PM
If you are taking a break, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "save as draft". Then when you are ready to continue open the draft and continue.
09-28-2021 11:22 AM
If I let a working draft idle for a period of time without activity and without doing another "save as draft," the next time I try to "save as draft" the draft freezes and cannot be reopened or saved. Instead, I have to close the frozen draft and return to my earliest saved draft and start all over again. Thus, I return to my original inquiry: Does the eBay draft process time out after a certain length of time of inactivity? The answer seems obvious: Yes it does time out and lock the screen. So what is the eBay draft process time threshold before the draft can not longer be continued or saved?
09-28-2021 11:25 AM
It's like a lot of forms - there's a time-out written in. Not sure if it's eBay's rationale but in most cases it's a security measure.
09-28-2021 09:42 PM
I think there is a time-out aspect of this problem but it seems to be tied in with problems with the "change category" feature freezing also. Puzzling. What I do is try to retain access to the frozen listing, and copy and paste the elements I have already entered one-at-a-time to a new listing.