06-02-2022 01:41 PM
Greetings to All EBAY Members I am a Happy Seller I have Enjoyed Photo Post Cards Since Age 5 still Enjoy them all Today at 67 YRS Old I've Worked IN Food Services # 30 Happy Yrs.
I Always Been Happy both Buying & Selling here On EBAY I am a Proud Member I am Hopeful for YRS to Follow To Draw in More Return Buyers & New Buyers I depend upon the Second much Needed Income I Wish U All a Bright & Safe Happy Summer Season All the Best I Do Care A Happy Seller.
06-02-2022 02:33 PM - edited 06-02-2022 02:34 PM
I’ve been an antique jewelry dealer for about 40 years and in my travels also picked up vintage postcards everywhere but can’t get enthusiastic about selling items at such low prices.
Seems like the same work needed to make the sale but it’s only $7.-12. Dollars and not a bigger chunk of money…
Oh my!
06-02-2022 03:56 PM
Well how sweet, you have a wonderful summer season as well. I have sold old postcards as well, buyers are gravitating towards old vacation spots and motels featured especially when there is 1950s cars in front of the businesses. Good luck John!
06-03-2022 03:55 AM
What is the best way to safely send out, Mail a postcard 1) using enough postage, 2) best envelope to use,
3) without making trip to post office just using any public mailbox, 4) put cardboard filler in to protect, 5) anything else needed to know in your expert eBay postcard selling & sending opinion?
Thank you 🙏 in advance…
06-03-2022 05:32 AM
I've been using a paper cutter to cut heavyweight manila folders into 3 pieces, trimmed to about 3.9 x 5.75. The card fits in this and I tape it up and tape it inside a regular letter envelope. I've mailed several 1000 like this <wipes brow> and only a couple problems. 1-2 usually = 1 oz, 3-5 get the rabbit 1 oz step up stamp. You have to use your judgement if you upgrade to tracking, and I always put that in a larger, rigid kraft envelope I get from ebay.
I have had some luck when I was living in Manhattan in finding boxes of promotional postcards that were expired and tossed out - 2 of those taped together does the same job mentioned above.
I don't use the ebay shipping system, I just put stamps on everything, or hit the post office when I do need tracking. I've been trying to streamline the product line so I'm not looking for lost of different sized envelopes.
To jewelbiz's point, it is a numbers game. I try to encourage multiple orders by combining postage, but it has gotten more difficult to administer because the system doesn't really accommodate combined orders well.
In the current environment I have been keeping sales going, but they are slow.
06-03-2022 05:42 AM
Thank you deltilogical for your helpful information…
& boy oh boy! You have lovely quirky postcards for sale!
Best of Luck…
06-03-2022 06:36 AM - edited 06-03-2022 06:38 AM
Thanks! I try and find interesting cards for collectors at a reasonable price. Also, I often find material for my own collection while searching, if you can believe such a thing. I love the picture of your collection!
I tried using the Ecoswift 6.5 x 4.5 rigid kraft mailers exclusively, so I wouldn't need to deal with the inserts, (mailer costs an extra 25 cents, and the postage increases by about 50 cents due to being nonmachineable and an additional ounce). Seemed to work great until buyers sent me pictures of how the smooth surface of the mailer would get caught in postal machinery and ripped apart. Once, only the corner was torn and the cards, although hanging out, were ok.
I have a little digital scale I got just to weigh envelopes so I pretty much always got that right with the post office. Thickness seems to be the real issue for me.
I've had some luck with carefully selected continental and rack cards and those go in yellow envelopes with a cut manila pieces, they seem to mail for 1st class rate.
..and just rereading the original post, I think I was about 5 when my grandmother sat me down with an old album, a pile of cards and bottle of elmers and had me 'organize' the cards for her and glue them in the album, that I still have!
06-08-2022 01:33 PM
Thank you I did enjoy Seeing your Note I Wish U a Bright & Happy Summer Season All the Best To U...