07-13-2018 01:24 PM - edited 07-13-2018 01:26 PM
We can block buyers who have certain amounts of violations within a given timeframe.
Without going into the reasoning or if you even should/shouldn't, ebay should have that functionality/choice for sellers to block buyers who have been blocked by a certain amount of sellers for whatever reason within a given timeframe as well.
07-13-2018 01:28 PM
What if you, as a buyer, get blocked by a bad seller .. who was mad you were forced to file a valid SNAD case?
Would you later wish to find a bunch of other sellers have blocked you?
How would this benefit eBay's buyer experience?
07-13-2018 01:34 PM - edited 07-13-2018 01:35 PM
@18704d wrote:
What if you, as a buyer, get blocked by a bad seller .. who was mad you were forced to file a valid SNAD case?
Would you later wish to find a bunch of other sellers have blocked you?
How would this benefit eBay's buyer experience?
That's why as a seller I wouldn't set that filter to block buyers being blocked by only one seller. You can set your own limit.
Blocking buyers obviously never benefits ebay's buyer experience... yet it is still a function we all have.
07-13-2018 01:39 PM
Something like that could easily be abused by childish people. If a person gets upset with a buyer, they could just create multiple accounts ( as many as it takes) and keep blocking that buyer and eventually that buyer would find themselves unable to purchase anything from legitimate sellers that blocked them based on the false blocks that 1 childish person made.
07-13-2018 01:43 PM
@bigdeals.etc wrote:
@18704d wrote:
What if you, as a buyer, get blocked by a bad seller .. who was mad you were forced to file a valid SNAD case?
Would you later wish to find a bunch of other sellers have blocked you?
How would this benefit eBay's buyer experience?
That's why as a seller I wouldn't set that filter to block buyers being blocked by only one seller. You can set your own limit.
Blocking buyers obviously never benefits ebay's buyer experience... yet it is still a function we all have.
There are large groups that share their block lists. Facebook groups where you can post a buyer's ID ... just because, make something up, be indignant about it ... and everybody in the group agrees that all buyers are lying scammers.
BOOM!!! Buyer is on 1000 block lists. For daring to want to return the dirty, ratty thing the seller described as "minty".
07-13-2018 01:45 PM - edited 07-13-2018 01:46 PM
@bigchief2472000 wrote:Something like that could easily be abused by childish people. If a person gets upset with a buyer, they could just create multiple accounts ( as many as it takes) and keep blocking that buyer and eventually that buyer would find themselves unable to purchase anything from legitimate sellers that blocked them based on the false blocks that 1 childish person made.
True, but something like that I really believe is just focusing on the outliers which will a very miniscule percentage. If that's the actual case that a buyer attracted a seller that relentless, I'm sure the seller can find other ways to also mess with the buyer (not just solely with the method you mentioned). By then the buyer can just open another account.
Maybe a better system than creating filter depending on blocked list, is to create a filter based on the number of times they've been reported by a seller (you know that report a buyer link). The difference is that sellers must have had a transaction with you to report you vs blocking anyone nilly willy
07-13-2018 01:46 PM
I prefer to make my own judgement on whether or not to block a buyer. I'm sure we all have different frustration points and when mine is reached they go on it. I don't have a huge amount of buyers on it. Everyone is different about what limits they set.
07-13-2018 01:48 PM
@paudoh-16 wrote:I prefer to make my own judgement on whether or not to block a buyer. I'm sure we all have different frustration points and when mine is reached they go on it. I don't have a huge amount of buyers on it. Everyone is different about what limits they set.
Yea different strokes for different folks... you can just simply disable that filter.. much like how sellers can do that with the # of violations filter. You won't be forced to use it.
07-13-2018 01:49 PM
Thats not a bad thought. But they should be rated just like we are. Top rated, above standard, below standard and so on. That might work it would be at least something we can guage buyers during sales. best regards
07-13-2018 01:53 PM
@lewisburggold wrote:Thats not a bad thought. But they should be rated just like we are. Top rated, above standard, below standard and so on. That might work it would be at least something we can guage buyers during sales. best regards
Yea but the problem with having buyer ratings is that it's too close to the "buyers getting negative feedback" issue. I don't think ebay wants buyers to be publicly evaluated.
07-13-2018 01:59 PM
@lewisburggold wrote:Thats not a bad thought. But they should be rated just like we are. Top rated, above standard, below standard and so on. That might work it would be at least something we can guage buyers during sales. best regards
Never going to happen.
Name one place that has "buyer ratings" (besides specialty message boards that do buy/sell/trade)
07-13-2018 02:04 PM
Sellers could also get others to block their best buyers to eliminate their competition.
07-13-2018 02:07 PM
Yea you guys are right why should there be anything to help sellers. Best regards
07-13-2018 02:11 PM
There are millions and millions of ebay users...I can afford to lose a handful of mis-identified bad eggs and would be more than happy to if I knew I was dodging at least one bullet.
07-13-2018 02:16 PM
@lewisburggold wrote:Yea you guys are right why should there be anything to help sellers. Best regards
The point is ... it wouldn't help sellers. It would be abused (because folks is folks) and there would be innocent buyers being blocked left and right ... and leaving.
Just take note of how many sellers start ranting about their "bad buyer" on here ... and when we actually get the whole story, it is the seller being in the wrong.
Times that by a factor of 100.
Yes, there are legitimately crazy, bad buyers. But there are also legitimately crazy, bad sellers.