10-09-2024 03:23 AM
OK so I just recently sold a proof quarter to a just wonderfully pleasant KAREN, oh sorry her name is **** and don't wanna throw her under the bus until I am able to my own way, but anyways she bought a 9.00 proof quarter off of Me with free shipping, she recieves it, no problem but there is a hand written .46c on the envelope which doesn't make sense anyway, because the shipping was .69 for me ebay shipping and 1 quarter in a plastic sleeve attached to a shipping page doesn't even come to 1oz I've weighed it a few times since I got my scale now.... but she posts negative feedback by saying she had to cover the .46 cents which her message to me also states she didn't care about it and when I responded I said contact your local post office or ebay and she states I was blaming her and gave me neg feedback, and also stated people dealing with me will get a medical disease and ebay told me now twice on the phone they would remove it and they haven't what can I do, because is that not defamation of character stating something like getting a medical disease if they deal with me and ebay is in my view allowing a physical impossibility to continue so, I mean what if anything can I do from here?
10-09-2024 01:35 PM
Unfortunately, less and less people leave fb nowadays. I think my ratio is about 30%, where it used to be 50. I would much rather have quality fb than quantity. You have nice fb so far!
"I would actually like some advice on getting customers to leave reviews, as simply requesting it in an email a couple days after they receive the item is not working."
Some things I do Is I watch tracking to see if there are any potential problems. Quite a few times I've taken care of things before the customer even knew there was a problem, but then I reached out to them to let them know what was going on and how I was addressing it. I pack things so it is attractive for a customer to open. Respond to emails quickly. I have always, in all my years of having stores, sent follow up emails to the customers ~ immediately upon my shipping and leave fb right away too.
I think you are doing fine. Just keep doing it and the fb will come.
10-09-2024 01:49 PM
You indicated that you have experience in running a store which I assume you mean a B&M. That is not the same as selling on eBay and when you make incorrect statements on this board about the way things are done , you should expect someone to correct you. If you make incorrect statements and no one corrects you, how is that helping anyone?
@albertabrightalberta was trying to point out some things that you said that are not correct, she was trying to help you, and you should not take offense to it. There are many sellers with many years of experience on this board and they are willing to help anyone who asks for it. Read this board and I guarantee you will learn something new everyday.
10-10-2024 04:04 AM
I noticed that you dropped the price on your Disney® Jungle Book Baloo Mowgli Pillowcase from $130 to $30.
Still overpriced, but you're headed in the right direction.
10-13-2024 07:58 AM
Actually if you bothered to actually read the feedback it says that specifically, when I even contacted ebay about that and her lying about the shipping costs also that was free, btw and all this was after she was already I might add very happy with her purchase, so I'm pretty sure that's what feedback is supposed to be for in case you didn't realize that, and ebay like I said earlier wanted me to give her the chance to remove it before I followed up with legal action. So thanks for the very unhelpful response, tho just keep scrolling looking to see if anyone else cares about your replies. Have a great day...... and sure I will let this go, but when someone posts in the public domain nowadays they should Def be careful what they say period....
10-13-2024 09:29 AM
Having been on here a little while (by no means as long as others), I can say that, based on their posting history, @albertabrightalberta was absolutely not trying to insult you at all, just trying to give some advice.
Soliciting feedback is very definitely a case of 'be careful what you wish for'. In addition, the feedback the OP left in response to buyers feedback is definitely something they should worry about. That is the ONLY impression other buyers get of the seller and how they handle issues. I certainly do NOT want an 'emotion based response'.
Selling locally (as you appear to have ample experience of) typically involves face to face and so there are many other cues to evaluate a buyer or store. Not the case on eBay. The only thing any buyer has for the OP is their feedback responses. Any savvy buyer looks at a sellers feedback. They then filter by negative and neutral to see if that feedback looks 'fair'. They pay particular attention to the responses. The OP definitely did not 'win' that encounter.