12:40 PM
- last edited on
04:56 PM
Why do they blame eBay for that?
The economy is down. People tend to cut back on buying when there's nothing left after paying for necessities.
Maybe people are waking up
07-10-2024 11:44 PM
BTW, since Social Security was brought up earlier. The only way to save it is to never vote for Democrats again, but since that obviously won't happen SS is bound to die. The Democrats are all for open borders and given my hard earned money, including SS money to the millions of illegals who invaded our country under Biden's rule.
07-10-2024 11:45 PM
Have you ever heard of Hydrogen Peroxide or mouth wash? Inside the mouth is in the body technically.
07-10-2024 11:48 PM
@andreyprince wrote:If we stopped giving other countries money which eventually end up in rich people's hand we could save billions and billions!
If politicians stopped lining the pockets of their friends who in return donate to their campaign, we could save billions and billions.
America gets enough revenue, its the spending that is the problem.
Whoops I didn't address your first statement. Supporting countries that are in NATO is extremely important. Supporting countries like the Ukraine, a Democracy from Russia trying to steal their country so they can grow larger is important to help.
I know he would cut off the funding to the Ukraine, he has said he would. That is scary to me.
There are geo political politics that I do not completely understand. But if you feel we can be a island of our own. Not helping other countries and we can survive in this volatile world, I do believe you are mistaken.
07-10-2024 11:50 PM
@andreyprince wrote:I disagree, Trump did not do a single thing to pay back his "enemies" while he was president. But Biden is going after him now with the full force of the government. Very scary, talk about an authoritarian!
Have a great night also!
You'd have to be specific. I'm not sure what you are referring to.
07-10-2024 11:52 PM
I'm not saying Trump will fix our deficit, I don't think anything will at this point.
But about Jan 6, Come on Man, as old Joe would say. Only 1 person died, she was shot by a coward cop.
That "insurrection" was about 1000 times more peaceful than the "mostly peaceful" riots we had all summer. How come when BLM took over city blocks in Seattle, and locked people in there that was not an insurrection? They literarily declared their own autonomous government on US soil.
07-10-2024 11:58 PM
You're going to say Biden has nothing to do with this, and I don't have the energy right now to cite articles. But for instance the case in New York, where someone from DC quit their job to work in the prosecutors office in NYC right before Trump got charged. A bit suspicious, that person took a demotion. Every case against Trump, they pretty much had to change laws just to charge him. And its very scary, in our system of Justice, there has to be a crime committed and then they find the criminal. The way they are going about this is we have the "criminal" now lets find the crime.
Anyway, it was nice chatting with you. 🙂 I'm off to sleep lol
I sound like the biggest Trump defender right now, haha. I actually don't care as much about him as just the direction the country is going in. The way they are treating him is just a symptom.
I guess, I want everyone to be treated equally even someone as hated as Trump.
07-10-2024 11:59 PM
@andreyprince wrote:LOL Fox News is the furthest from State TV as you can get. Haha, and who knew Canadians had a sense of humor.
And please tell me what you have against Voter ID laws?
I'll give you your 2 reasons since you won't.
1: Either you want voter fraud to be committed.
2: You think Voter ID laws are racist because only smart white people like you are able to get an ID.
Which is it?
Now we are getting into the weeds. Stuff like this you may want to do a bit more research on. Trump filed something like 64 is different lawsuits around the country regarding fraud in the voting for various areas / states. In may of those jurisdiction, he appointed the judges he appeared before. He lost every one of those cases as he had ZERO evidence that anything fraudulent had occurred.
I'm not sure that he fought for any "voter id" laws. At least I don't remember it. But what he did do is get an enormous about of Voter Boxes removed from many areas [mostly in the south] to make voting harder for voters in those areas. He has tried to get Mail In voting to not be counted and that includes for are Military away keeping us all safe.
The only ballots that he wants counted are those that go to voting places in person. No other votes count. That is where this Voter ID comes from because when you vote in person you have to present your ID.
07-11-2024 12:06 AM
@andreyprince wrote:BTW, since Social Security was brought up earlier. The only way to save it is to never vote for Democrats again, but since that obviously won't happen SS is bound to die. The Democrats are all for open borders and given my hard earned money, including SS money to the millions of illegals who invaded our country under Biden's rule.
That argument might work if only Democrats ever ran the country since SS started. But we have had plenty of Republican presents. In fact we had one before our current president.
I feel a real tone change in your posts this evening. We are not going to solve the problems of the world here tonight. Illegal immigrants is a complicated issue. You seem to want to portray that only the Democrats are to blame for some very serious situations within our government with a halo hanging above the Republicans because they have only done good things.
Do you really want to get in the weeds of this one too. How families were separated at the border. How many of them to this day the children have NOT been reunited with parents. How families were FOREVER damaged.
07-11-2024 12:07 AM
@andreyprince wrote:Have you ever heard of Hydrogen Peroxide or mouth wash? Inside the mouth is in the body technically.
Not put into your blood stream. You want to compare apples and oranges.
BTW Hydrogen Peroxide is a great ear cleaner and it feels great if you have an ear that is hurting.
07-11-2024 12:17 AM
@andreyprince wrote:I'm not saying Trump will fix our deficit, I don't think anything will at this point.
But about Jan 6, Come on Man, as old Joe would say. Only 1 person died, she was shot by a coward cop.
That "insurrection" was about 1000 times more peaceful than the "mostly peaceful" riots we had all summer. How come when BLM took over city blocks in Seattle, and locked people in there that was not an insurrection? They literarily declared their own autonomous government on US soil.
OK, I likely have reached my limit here. We are losing the civil discussion of last night and really going to things that are insulting and so completely untrue my all accounts.
You should remember that Joe is ONLY 3 years older than Trump.
I am really sad that this is what you feel you know happened on January 6th.
Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes [I believe their were heart attacks], including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.
As for as what happened in Seattle, it wasn't anything like January 6th and is often used in an effort to deflect what January 6th was and meant. No need to school me on what happened in Seattle, I live in the area.
FYI I'm an Independent. Part of a group of people that cause the most concern for both parties.
I will leave you to your beliefs.
07-11-2024 05:51 AM
Where & when did I say anything for or against voter ID laws? I never mentioned them at all. Just making things up, I see. This is how Trump supporters try to make a point or win an argument. Without facts.
07-11-2024 05:53 AM
lol Grabbing at straws.
07-11-2024 06:14 AM - edited 07-11-2024 06:17 AM
Almost 140 police officers were injured on Jan. 6. Why don't you write letters to each of them & their families explaining how peaceful it was? So much for the party of law & order.
Trump ADDED about $8 trillion to the deficit. Another 4 years of him would cripple it. lol
"There were 138 officers (73 Capitol Police and 65 Metropolitan Police) injured, of whom 15 were hospitalized, some with severe injuries. All had been released from the hospital by January 11.
Shortly after 2:00 p.m., several rioters attempted to breach a door on the West Front of the Capitol. They dragged three D.C. Metro police officers out of formation and down a set of stairs, trapped them in a crowd, and assaulted them with improvised weapons (including hockey sticks, crutches, flags, poles, sticks, and stolen police shields) as the mob chanted "police stand down!" and "USA" At least one of the officers was also stomped.
Some rioters beat officers on the head with lead pipes, and others used chemical irritants, stun guns, fists, sticks, poles and clubs against the police. Some trampled and stampeded police, pushed them down stairs or against statues or shone laser pointers into their eyes. One D.C. Metro officer was hit six times with a stun gun, was beaten with a flagpole, suffered a mild heart attack, and lost a fingertip. Three officers were hit on their heads by a fire extinguisher allegedly thrown by a retired firefighter.
According to the Capitol Police officers' union chairman, multiple officers sustained traumatic brain injuries. One had two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs; another lost an eye. One was stabbed with a metal fence stake. One was crushed between a door and a riot shield while defending the west side of the Capitol with other officers against rioters; he later had headaches he believed stemmed from a concussion. One was dragged by the leg and, a year later, still did not have full use of one arm.
As of June 3, 2021, at least 17 police officers (10 Capitol Police, seven Metropolitan Police) remained out of work due to injuries sustained in the riot five months previously. Of that number, six Metropolitan Police officers were still on medical leave in mid-July; the Capitol Police did not disclose how many of its officers were on leave, but confirmed that some officers had acquired career-ending disabilities."
07-11-2024 08:53 AM
Illegal immigrants cannot receive Social Security, SNAP, public housing or any other public assistance. Stop spouting that nonsense.
07-11-2024 09:24 AM
But did you know they can vote? 🤣🤣🤣