02-24-2019 10:30 AM
So an interesting one. Thought I'd ask sellers about this rather than buyers.
I make an offer on an item.
About 12 hours later seller makes a counteroffer.
It says I have 48 hours to respond.
I click respond now and I get a box saying the seller has ended the item.
When I click on the ended item it does not say it's been relisted or anything.
I click on the sellers other items and there is a new listing for the item (not shown as relisted) at full price.
I assume the seller panicked and that's why they cancelled the item. But kind of seems like an abuse of the end an item function.
The seller could have just declined my offer.
02-25-2019 08:44 AM
@smashedbanana wrote:I understand mistakes and second thoughts. But is the reason that an offer cannot be modified not because it's supposed to be binding? I mean otherwise what's the point if can all make offers and then walk away from them?
Binding?? On EBAY??? Hahahahahahaha
02-25-2019 09:03 AM
@smashedbanana wrote:Out of curiosity, how long, into the 48 hours, after the seller responded, did you try to accept the offer? You didn't specify, that I noticed, that is - but I may have missed it.
>> With 45 minutes of the counter offer.
1) If you haven't communicated with the seller, how do you know that the seller didn't have an incident such as you listed: " Item is not longer for sale, mistake or error in listing, there was an error in the starting price buy it now price, the item was lost or broken"?
>>> The seller listed the item again identically. Identically. Same price, same everything.
2) If the seller made a material change to the listing, description, shipping or whatever, then it wouldn't be a 'relisting', it would be a 'revised' or new listing.
>>> Zero changes were made.
Not to be judgemental, but to some it might sound like you are upset because you didn't get it for the price you wanted and now it would cost more.
>>> No that was not my reason to post here. We are only talking about a $7 discount on a $57 item. I bought another from another seller.
It sounds to me like you felt you were entitled to an item that you hadn't paid for.
02-25-2019 09:29 AM
It sounds to me like you felt you were entitled to an item that you hadn't paid for.
>>> Well that's quite an assumption to make.
>>> If you think this is about the item then you are not really reading my posts.
>>> I had an auction manually ended by the seller during the make and offer negotiating. No explanation, no nothing. The seller then listed the item again (I checked the start time) without using the relist feature. The new listing was identical. If they had used the relist feature I would have had the option on the ended auction to click on the "seller has relisted or listed something similar" option to click through. Instead I had to manually search.
>>> I don't care about the item. I care about how this happened. For better or worse this is a loophole for the seller. An exploitation of features meant for mistakes, lost items, etc.
02-25-2019 10:21 AM
"Not to be judgemental, but to some it might sound like you are upset because you didn't get it for the price you wanted and now it would cost more."
I really don't understand why it is so hard to understand, the seller did NOTHING wrong. While you are saying you are not being judgmental, you are. You assume this seller is doing something wrong. Like I said before and I'll say again, if you really want this item, go to the new listing and make an offer.
Did you check to see if the original listing sold to someone else? Just asking as the seller may have had another item just like the first one and posted a new listing for it. There are so many legit reasons why the seller may have posted the second listing.
02-25-2019 10:29 AM
@smashedbanana wrote:It sounds to me like you felt you were entitled to an item that you hadn't paid for.
>>> Well that's quite an assumption to make.
>>> If you think this is about the item then you are not really reading my posts.
>>> I had an auction manually ended by the seller during the make and offer negotiating. No explanation, no nothing. The seller then listed the item again (I checked the start time) without using the relist feature. The new listing was identical. If they had used the relist feature I would have had the option on the ended auction to click on the "seller has relisted or listed something similar" option to click through. Instead I had to manually search.
>>> I don't care about the item. I care about how this happened. For better or worse this is a loophole for the seller. An exploitation of features meant for mistakes, lost items, etc.
While I don't necessarily agree with the other posters statement, it is interesting that you take issue to them making assumptions about you, yet many have no problem making assumptions about this seller.
You keep hanging onto the seller not using the actual "relist" function on the listing and I have no idea why that point is so important to you.
It is NOT a "loophole". You have an opinion that the seller was suppose to check with you before ending the listing without your consultation. It just isn't required here and never has been.
Maybe the original listing sold to someone else. Maybe the seller had another item just like it and created a new listing for the item. Maybe there was a mistake in the listing that the seller felt was in their best interest to correct. The list can go on. You are determined to make this seller look as if they are the bad guy here and they did nothing wrong.
I get it that you were disappointed. If I were the buyer I would have been too. But that doesn't equal misbehavior by your seller.
02-25-2019 11:21 AM
While I don't necessarily agree with the other posters statement, it is interesting that you take issue to them making assumptions about you, yet many have no problem making assumptions about this seller.
>> Ok. Then why did the seller choose not to communicate with me. If everything they did was on the up and up why not send me at least 1 message. If nothing else I am at least a potential customer. I was clicking respond to offer to accept it.
You keep hanging onto the seller not using the actual "relist" function on the listing and I have no idea why that point is so important to you.
>> Because when you relist an item it directs people who click on your ended item to the new item. Something in the order of "the seller has relisted the item, click here to proceed to the new listing". By not using the relist feature the seller made it harder for me to find it. And it defies common sense. Relisting is way easier than creating a new listing exactly the same as a previous listing.
It is NOT a "loophole". You have an opinion that the seller was suppose to check with you before ending the listing without your consultation. It just isn't required here and never has been.
>> I don't agree. Not when the use of these tools was to just get out of a best offer. These tools were put in place for certain issues (e-bay only gives you 4 choices for justifying ending an auction early - none of them are I have a pending offer I don't want to have accepted by the buyer).
Maybe the original listing sold to someone else. Maybe the seller had another item just like it and created a new listing for the item. Maybe there was a mistake in the listing that the seller felt was in their best interest to correct. The list can go on. You are determined to make this seller look as if they are the bad guy here and they did nothing wrong.
>> I've said repeatedly that the item did not sell on e-bay. It's not there when you pick sold items. The new auction is identical to the old.
I get it that you were disappointed. If I were the buyer I would have been too. But that doesn't equal misbehavior by your seller.
>> I am not disappointed. I am angry at the way the system was abused. Anytime a seller abuses the system it will inevitably come back to hurt legitimate sellers. I didn't know about the use of the end an auction feature could even work when an item had an active offer. I bet most people here don't because they wouldn't even do it to a buyer. And IF they had to it would be for a real reason and they'd communicate WITH the buyer.
02-25-2019 11:34 AM
Maybe the seller just decided that they didn't want to sell to you and decided to end tbe listings rather than allow you time to accept the offer. So they ended and used sell similar rather than relist because they didn't want to alert you to the new listing.
It doesn't matter. The item belongs to them.
They can tap dance on it and light it on fire. It's their item.
They didn't do anything wrong. It's well within eBay policy that they did what they did. If you didn't feel you were entitled to the item, you would not be posting a rant about it being relisted.
Honestly, if you communicated with the seller in the same brusk manner you use here, the seller may have been turned off by it.
02-25-2019 11:56 AM
Ok. Then why did the seller choose not to communicate with me. If everything they did was on the up and up why not send me at least 1 message. If nothing else I am at least a potential customer. I was clicking respond to offer to accept it.
You are trying to hold the seller to a rule that doesn't exist. The seller isn't here to ask that question of, but I'm sure they had a reason. You may not agree with or like the reason, but then there is no requirement for you to agree or like their decision. You had not yet purchased the item. Some sellers may communicate with you when they see the need to close and list the item again, some may not. IDK why the seller chose the latter, but it was their choice to make.
You want it both ways, you don't want others making assumptions about you as you have previously stated, yet you take no issue with your assumptions or other posters assumptions about the seller as long as they agree with your assumptions.
Which of course is your right. You have every right to your opinion and concerns and I fully support that. I'm just saying you are expecting something from this seller that is just not something supported by the rules in which sellers must function here on Ebay. And believe me the rules are abundant and many are difficult to achieve.
Because when you relist an item it directs people who click on your ended item to the new item. Something in the order of "the seller has relisted the item, click here to proceed to the new listing". By not using the relist feature the seller made it harder for me to find it. And it defies common sense. Relisting is way easier than creating a new listing exactly the same as a previous listing.
I explained earlier in this thread as to some of the reasons that a seller may choose not to use the relist function but instead choose the sell similar function. The choice of which function is to be used is not yours to make nor does it signal the seller doing something improperly. For a more detailed explanation I invite you to revisit my earlier post on this specific portion of your concerns. It does NOT defy common sense. There are VERY good reasons for a seller not to use the relist function, you just may not understand or agree but that doesn't change the fact that there are legit reasons. Relisting IS NOT easier than Sell Similar. They both require the SAME amount of time from the seller.
I don't agree. Not when the use of these tools was to just get out of a best offer. These tools were put in place for certain issues (e-bay only gives you 4 choices for justifying ending an auction early - none of them are I have a pending offer I don't want to have accepted by the buyer).
I know you don't, but that doesn't make it any less true. You are assuming again that the seller was trying to get out of your best offer. You don't know that to be the case. You just feel that is the case. Was it an auction or a BIN listing with a best offer option? Actually it doesn't matter. A seller can close a listing for any reason they see fit to do it for. And you do not know what that reason was anyway. You are assuming it was to get out of the offer you made, you do not know that to be a fact.
I've said repeatedly that the item did not sell on e-bay. It's not there when you pick sold items. The new auction is identical to the old.
I apologize, you have said that before. My bad. The seller may have had more than one of the item you wanted to purchase, which could be the reason for the new listing. Or it might not be. It may be the same item you originally wanted to purchase, but we may never know what is the truth of the situation.
I am not disappointed. I am angry at the way the system was abused. Anytime a seller abuses the system it will inevitably come back to hurt legitimate sellers. I didn't know about the use of the end an auction feature could even work when an item had an active offer. I bet most people here don't because they wouldn't even do it to a buyer. And IF they had to it would be for a real reason and they'd communicate WITH the buyer.
I am sorry to hear that you are angry. The seller did NOT abuse the system. You simply don't like how this seller handled things. And that is your right. Maybe you could look at it that it was better you found out before having a transaction with this seller that you didn't like their work ethics than after a purchase. Maybe you dodged a problem.
You appear to be confusing an offer with an actual purchase contract. The purchase contract does not happen until a buyer accepts a counter offer, not before.
I do agree that the seller could have and probably should have communicated with you about the need to close the original listing. But the fact they didn't doesn't mean that there was abuse or a wrong doing.
I hope your future purchases meet your expectations and that your sellers take very good care of you.
02-25-2019 12:28 PM
"Honestly, if you communicated with the seller in the same brusk manner you use here, the seller may have been turned off by it."
Firstly, I have not communicated with the seller at all. It's kind of part of my point. I received no communication. Just the actions of this seller.
Second, I think my manners have been fine. I am certainly getting no devils advocate for my side here, but I am only answering the points put forward in no rude manner. Show me one thing I have said that was rude and I will eat my word right now.
02-25-2019 12:42 PM
Thank you for reading, considering and responding.
I do believe it was an abuse of the system. We will have to agree to disagree.
In the end this will be an isolated event or maybe it will become a regular thing and e-bay with end up putting in a change. Like they have many, many time over there years. Sadly almost always to the detriment of honest sellers.
I thought it was interesting and wanted some input.
Not really getting new input and it's not adding any value to readers so I will check out.
02-25-2019 12:42 PM
Speaking for myself only. I don't think you have been rude. I think you are just explaining things from your view point. While it may not agree with mine or someone else's view point, I think you have been doing fine explaining your take on the situation.
02-25-2019 12:48 PM
You guys can skin it, spin it, deflect it the way you want, but one issue here remains. It is the integrity and seriousness of a seller who sends a counter offer, then, takes down the listing without informing the "soon to be" buyer of that action. NO changes were done, same thing, same price. Is he smoking it?
Don't we honor a word of mouth contracts anymore? Have we lost integrity and honesty?
I keep telling my experiences at the flea market. I have had the chance to buy things that would make me $ thousands, but to my fortune, they are already "promised" to someone, they haven't paid, and no matter how sleazy or conning I become, the sellers are bound by their word to the unpaid buyer. I admire that, because I don't want to be a victim of a seller not delivering their promises. In my world, a word of my mouth equals integrity. If I promise something to be done or delivered, I will do it! Period!
Whether it is a loophole, or a seller doing what he pleases with his items, the fact remains, he left his promised buyer hanging like a cat from a taller tree and no ladder nor firemen to the rescue.
If I ever going to send a counter offer, I am pretty sure, as I've done before, I will wait for the buyer to click and buy it now. I had plenty of time to think about it, now my moral value is to go forward and accept responsibility for whatever comes my way.
By taking down the item while the buyer is in the process of purchasing it, I am pretty sure it qualifies as "I am kidding you!". Will my buyer have reasons to not buy from me ever?
Of course! I am tainted, my word is garbage.
02-25-2019 01:14 PM
A seller can end an item at any time for any reason. They are then free to use either the relist or sell similar functions, whichever they choose, to post the item back for sale. Whatever was in the seller's mind when they ended the listing is irrelevant. A SALE is binding (supposedly), not an offer or counter-offer.
02-25-2019 01:29 PM
::General Reply::
Has it occurred to anyone that the seller simply made a fat finger mistake? Either by sending a counter offer or by ending the listing ? Stuff happens like that.
OP, the reasons given for ending a listing are supplied by ebay and many times over the years I've had to end listings for reasons that absolutely do not fit in those parameters. Those parameters are - let me say this again - made up by ebay and aren't laws or rules. So, I simply choose "error in listing," which is the most innocuous.
02-25-2019 01:37 PM
@sharingtheland wrote:::General Reply::
Has it occurred to anyone that the seller simply made a fat finger mistake? Either by sending a counter offer or by ending the listing ? Stuff happens like that.
OP, the reasons given for ending a listing are supplied by ebay and many times over the years I've had to end listings for reasons that absolutely do not fit in those parameters. Those parameters are - let me say this again - made up by ebay and aren't laws or rules. So, I simply choose "error in listing," which is the most innocuous.
YES. But it is important to understand that this entire thread is made up of assumptions and not facts. None of us knows why the seller did this. But the point really is that the seller had the right to do it no matter what their reason was. The product did not belong to the buyer nor did the buyer and seller have an accepted agreement for the purchase.