05-25-2024 07:53 AM
I've been dealing with this seller for quite some time now...many years now...about over it...He sells the same type items as me...He continually steals my listing pictures, titles, descriptions, WORD for WORD....doesnt even attempt to change anything or to hide it...I even use sticky notes on 99% of my listings to show they are mine...to detour others from copying...HE STILL DOES IT!
Didnt there used to be a place to report a seller for stealing/using your stuff??? I work hard on my listings, even tho some will say otherwise...Its just how I do them...But for him just to come in and grab my stuff as his own is not right in my book...plus he is a terrible seller with lousy reviews...not sure if I can post the sellers ID, so I will blank it out for now in the screenshots...
Also, I had just sold that item and edited the auction just this morning, to the new picture, also shown below. There has to be something against 'ebay policy' for what he is doing. He is ALSO using my stuff on at least 7-8 of his other listings...all my pictures, etc...I can get screenshots...there are PLENTY...lol
Solved! Go to Best Answer
05-25-2024 02:37 PM
The photo thief hacked up your photo so badly that I can't help but think they spent more time altering it than if they'd just taken the danged photo themselves.
05-25-2024 02:52 PM
I'd say it already has...he's got plenty neg and neutral FB
05-25-2024 03:31 PM
Anyone can use your images and text for their eBay listing....
Though you are certainly correct, I still see some problems with this. Use stolen photos for something you don't have, or use the stolen photos to sell "vapor". Works for the crooks, but dilutes confidence for buying the site as a whole. Case in point the other thread on this topic:
If, as a buyer, you don't even know how to use Google Lens (which is not perfect by any means) , you would never know which listing was real. The original or the plagiarized "clone".
05-25-2024 05:12 PM
they actually are so crazy...they just sent me an offer on the item...My item I just sold a couple days ago is in his picture...lol...see how he uses my pics to cut me on pricing...what a tool...I asked him nicely to stop using my stuff...I bet he continues without a care in the world...
05-25-2024 05:17 PM
He ends up with the problem...He uses others pictures and then sends them(customers) a used one or one of much lower quality...which in turn will bring him more bad FB...karma's a b.....
05-25-2024 07:51 PM
In the past this type of theft would be covered under copyright law. Typically very difficult to pursue legally. Recent times have made this even more difficult with the advent of computers and the ease of making copies with the click of a mouse. Many younger people have no clue that it is wrong to copy someone else's work and have no qualms about doing it. Ebay makes it worse with their 'policy' of allowing, and in some cases encouraging the use of others work. Of course they have nothing to lose by letting people steal your work. It only helps them.
As an old photographer this has been very difficult for me to accept and I share your frustration. However I don't think there is much that can be done.
05-26-2024 06:28 AM
Sadly, you are right...real shame what we have come to...I messaged him...he actually replied...look what he wrote...lol...no way this guy knows I'm in here, on the community, writing this thread...coinkidink? crazy
05-26-2024 09:14 AM
"imitation" - I don't think that word means what he thinks it does. 😉
I have come to begrudgingly accept that there are many that do not recognize that they are actually stealing when the use others images. They just don't share my morality and feel it is all fair game to copy and paste. Just because it is easy with modern technology does not make it right.
But eBay also feeds this by encouraging it (sell similar copies the title for you!) and they have no skin in the game to police it. It is all good as far as eBay is concerned.
You can take some solace in the likelihood that they will get more returns/INAD issues because what they send are not what was shown in the photos.
05-26-2024 09:24 AM
I am so tempted to "ask (that other) seller a question"......
Do you actually have this item? You state that the buyer will get the exact item in the picture, but it looks like you just copied somebody else's sold listing which would make that impossible. Please let me know.
Probably end up on the BBL... not that I care.