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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge February 2019 Edition


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board in 2003.

Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.

We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.

Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!

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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

After a high of just over 60f yesterday they are threatening us with snow on the ground sunday night.  Hopefully they are right and it will be brief, we have to drive up for my FIL's valve replacement on Tues.


Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Thanks Kyal! Much appreciated.


Best to your FIL for surgery, Dtex.  


Happy Sunday!  


It was so balmy here yesterday it was melting like mad. I hear early Spring!



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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

I should have said "Happy SUPERBOWL Sunday"! ")
I won't be seeing it live, will see some highlights later or watch it online in whole?
I just watched BB from...Friday? I guess. I like that it is on often, and it's going fast now! I enjoyed the Scarramucci veto competition, and the haunted house LOL.
I always thought Tom Green was so strange, and he was, but he seems very level headed and is funny to watch. Great chance for him to change minds like mine. I think he's more funny in this experience than if he tried being funny LOL And a great competitor!
Lolo is way too emotional, last couple episodes, that might be her demise.
Message 5 of 209
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Thank you for the new thread Kyal.

Happy Super Bowl Day everyone.

We are having summer right now. 70 degrees yesterday. Snow predicted for Wednesday. They keep changing the forecast so it is hard to tell what will happen.

Hope the heart surgery goes well Dtex.

Great that it is melting fast MM.
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

223264729029 ($125 for ONE 45)  a recent sale by a very very recent buyer...I listed a bunch of odd label 45's this morning and they sold to the 24th viewer, h/she buys a lot but this sale was a "HIT" 🙂 


Message 7 of 209
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

WOW@ 70 degrees out there yesterday, Sun!! And more snow to come but I do think the predictions of an early Spring will be!
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

A new month. Guess I should have remembered that 😛

Kyal, thanks for the shiny new thread.

Dtex, wishing your FIL well with his surgery.

M*M, nice sale on the records.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Anyone watching it? Football is not my thing, but DH will be tuned in so I'll probably see some of it.

It warmed up here too. High 40s and after the bitter cold days it feels like spring.
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Now you need to list some more. never know if people will buy or not. May as well try.
Message 10 of 209
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

I'm a huge football fan, but this game has been a snooze-fest.
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Yep Kyal.  All you had to do was watch the last 10 minutes or so.  Yawn...

And what's with all the fire burst during the half time 'show'?

But will say Arthur Blank should be happy with how the stadium worked.


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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Mornin' all!

snooze fest eh....guess I won't bother then. 

Is that a brand new stadium, Patd?


gotta go to work today, weather should be decent, thankfully.


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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

Kyal thank you for the new shiny


 Dtex, wishing your FIL the best w/his surgery.


Wow, what a difference a few days makes!  We were at 55 degrees yesterday!  Most of the snow has melted.  Supposed to be pretty nice the rest of the week if their forecast doesn't change from this morning....

   Wow on your temps being in the 70's Sun!


 Have to leave in a few minutes & get packages to the po.  Plus a few other errands...


We didn't watch much of the SB, but what we did see was pretty much a ho hum game.  Mr. had shows recorded so we watched those, since our regular shows weren't on.


 Guess I'd better get my packages loaded up & head out.


Have a good day all~

Message 14 of 209
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge (Stay Warm in) February 2019 $$$

M*M, the stadium is 2 years old and cost 1.5 BILLION!!!

Not all that went into the stadium.  Arthur had to buy and move 2 churches and make huge donations to surrounding 'poor' communities.  The city paid 28 million to build a pedestrian bridge but forgot to get it approved by the massive security forces that were here.  Security put in 10,000 cameras in the area.  Hope he has some $$$ left from his Home Depot stocks.


MARTA ( ATL rapid transiit) seemed to work pretty well but they had to bring in 'drivers' from other areas as a number of drivers staged a sick out over their recently approved contract.


It is interesting to live near a  large city that is run by a rather corrupt bunch and a newspaper that loves to use the freedom of information act and digs to get information.  Crime is up 38% in the most expensive part of the city - because funds have been sent 'elsewhere'.


But the city is still patting itself on the back for a job well done!



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