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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge October 2018 Edition

Harvestig Sales still seems fitting. As the leaves change to autumn colors may the widgets turn green!


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board in 2003.

Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt.

We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.

Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!



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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Dtex, how is your hip doing?  Did you figure out what was hurtin' ?


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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Kyal, hang in there. A chopper ride sounds bad. Hoping that things start spiraling in the right direction for you.

Nothing new here but figured it was about time for a new thread.
Message 3 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Thank you Kay for the new thread. Hoping for a good green month for everyone.
Message 4 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Thanks for the October thread Kay!  I forgot all about it, didn't even dawn on me til today.


Hi Sun!  Ditto and same to you on the good green month!


Just watched the premiere Survivor again, think I'll stay up and watch tonight's show...I guess it's on tonight?! 

CBS gave us a new freebie for a few new shows. I like Mom and Young Sheldon so I watched those two earlier. 

Not much new here either...other than I found out I need a new washing machine, the guy said it is probably a circuit, THAT ain't gonna happen for who knows how long.  





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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Oh well crud MM that stinks. Washing Machines are pretty high priced. Maybe you could find a used one that would not cost so much. Or something?
Message 6 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Yes, Sun, I have seen a few here and there on local buy sell trade so will have to hunt around. Not yet but it will happen!

Loaded up some recycle to take out today, truck was completely dead.  GRRR. Stupid rain the last few days, daytime driving with headlights on, didn't notice obviously, so tried jumping it and had smoke comin off both batteries. I SWEAR the cables were hooked up right, but mechanic says I had to have had them on wrong. No way. black black and these cables were yellow ended, so yellow red. I was very careful to notice HELLO.  I should have used my new cables. These were some old rusty junk of my sons...and the rubber cables were pretty hot when I took them off but hey, not gonna argue with him/mechanic.   He has a "jump box" so came over and did it for me.  Boy that thing is slick. I want one. Said it has another reading for the alternator and that was good so WHEW...that was close. 

At least the rider is fixed so I mowed the front and most of the back waiting for him. Have a bunch of leaves blown into rows as far down the yard as I could get them, to put in my compost bin. 


The GOOD NEWS is and I needed some, my prop tax refund came in yesterday!! I was so shocked. 

Now I can pay that and my car insuance to boot. What a relief that is. 


Kay are you listing yet?  I was gonna look but didn't, yet. 






Message 7 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Listing yet? No. But I'm out of excuses.
I have a couple easy widgets, just can't find the motivation. Had hoped to work on pictures this week. Didn't happen. Soon.

M*M, nice that your mechanic makes house calls. Glad that he was able to get you up and running. Too bad about the washing machine. Hope you can find a deal on a used one.

Hi Sun. How's weather on the farm?
I though of you when my DD mentioned planting winter wheat in her backyard. We shall see, their plans change faster than I can track.

Last weekend DD and SIL harvested a big bunch of black trumpet mushrooms from my unkempt yard (lots of trees, moss and shade, no grass) apparently the ideal environment. They sell for a few bucks but I'll probably let the little vegans forge at will.

Hope Pat checks in soon. Last word she was worried about DH having a screen removed. Hope all is well.

Message 8 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

forgot the "a"
Message 9 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Thanks for the well-wishes Kay! I was on a ventilator on the chopper so don't remember any of it.

Recovery has been going slower than I would like, but after an overnight stay at the local hospital for AFib, things have smoothed out and I'm feeling almost chipper.
Message 10 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Well Kay that is great that you had some mushrooms for them to harvest. Weather here needs to be warmer for harvest. Just needed about 2-3 more warm days. It was 55 for the high yesterday and 40 and dark most of the day. Crazy cold for this time of year.

I hope that Pat is doing ok also. I thought it had been a while since she checked in.

Glad you are feeling better Kyal.
Message 11 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Thank you for the new shiny Kay.


  Needless to say it has been a busy week here.


Mr. had the filter removed from his carotid artery on Monday.  The hosp. goofed again, as far as his blood thinner meds & his was blood was thinner than they wanted it, when messing w/the cartotid artery, but they did it anyway.  Needles to say I was a nervous wreck...  But thankfully all went well..  I just hope to heck he doesn't have anymore clots anywhere....


Kyal, you poor man...  I'm glad to hear your doing better.  Slow n steady wins the race, as they say. 

  We have to watch what we eat too & also get lots of exercise, which needless to say w/Mr. laid up most of the summer, I've been getting more than my share of exercise 😉 Smiley Frustrated


Sun, sorry your weather isn't co-operating.  We were in the mid 80's yesterday & sunny  & today it's dark & 50.  Crazy weather to say the least...


Have to scoot as we're going to the gr. store after lunch..


Have a nice day all



Message 12 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

"Almost Chipper" is goooood news!

Hope that listing mojo finds you, Kay!

Don't you like mushrooms? I'd eat em all! Sauce....mmmm
Message 13 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

45 high here at 3 pm yesterday Sun BRRR and more rain last night. Glad I got the mowing done.
Message 14 of 129
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$$$ Scrounge Lounge - October 2018 $$$

Hi Pat. Hope things continue well for DH. What an ordeal y'all have been through. CHANGE for the better has to be next!

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