04-13-2022 01:57 PM
Just days ago I had pulled a report for a previous year. It had the date range I needed at the time, the zip code and state of the buyer and the sales tax collected. Trying to finish this up and I need one more report 5/29/20 thru 12/1/20 and now I can only pull reports for the past 90 days and the one report I could pull only let me do 30 days from 5/29/20 which would be fine and good for me to pull 6 monthly reports but the report did not have buyer info state/ zip code. Entirely useless for sales tax. How do I pull a custom date range report showing all the information from each transaction. I need this to file sales tax in my state that I forgot to file and the computer crashed that previously had this information recorded.
04-13-2022 02:20 PM
Go here and run a transaction report with the data you need:
04-13-2022 03:44 PM
I can and have run the reports from there and they only go back as far as 9/3.20. I need 5/30/20 thru 9/2/2020. The last piece to complete my book keeping rebuild.
04-13-2022 03:48 PM
I would expect eBAy to provide and give access to at least 3 years of past reports.
04-13-2022 05:16 PM
@odinbear wrote:I would expect eBAy to provide and give access to at least 3 years of past reports.
I think this link will let you get your entire history of data:
04-13-2022 05:44 PM
I can run a report for that time frame. Are you on the correct page? Be sure it is the Payments tab in Seller Hub.
Also note that changing one date may change the other, so I try to change the first date before changed the second date.