04-17-2023 08:52 AM
What a surprise!!!!!! I had a spurt of sales around the time Ebay takes all their store fees. What a coincidence!!! Since they took their fees I haven't had a sale. Oh I have sent out tons of offers but no sales. Doesn't that seem odd????? Gee let's see what happens next month. Oh I probably won't have any sales because I'm a bad boy and am posting this. Some how and some way Ebay needs to be exposed.
04-17-2023 09:17 AM
In the last five weeks, I've sold 4 items. Starting in April of last year, I averaged 4 or 5 orders per week. Slowed down around mid-Nov., picked up in late Dec. thru Jan.(average of three orders per week) of this year and has slowed down to almost nothing in March and now zero.
I am getting fed up with this.
04-17-2023 09:46 AM
I am not a conspiracist. Sales come and go and nothing seems out of the ordinary to me. Life has many coincidences, and you have to just accept that fact.
04-17-2023 10:35 AM
Ebay is a corporation and as such, there is no incentive for ebay to slow down sales. They make money not on just stores fees but from product sales. To think that they depress or slow down sales on purpose to "punish you" makes no sense. And you are right-it is a coincidence.
04-17-2023 10:48 AM
The Railroad books should be listed in the transportation section of collectibles. The books category is jammed. Plus use all characters in the title. Use keywords time table. Some effort falls on seller.
04-17-2023 11:08 AM
Doesn't that seem odd?????
Not really.
I worked in retail for decades. And I've been on eBay since 1998.
Sales go in waves.
When a customer needed an estimate on an installation or for an estate*, I usually tried to set up the appointment for 2pm on Tuesday, because that is in my experience the slowest time of day and the slowest day of the week, consistently over many kinds of retail.
I find at this time on eBay, my sales are Friday to Sunday. I take a pile of stuff to the mailbox on Mondays, but only one or two a day the rest of the week.
Compare like to like.
And don't look at the short term.
Look at your sales for March 2023/ March 2022/ March 2019/March 2018. (We skip the pandemic surge years because they are outliers.) How have they changed over the years?
And if you find that you get fewer sales after the date of your subscription payment, perhaps that is a good time to update inventory, or source new product, or plant tomatoes.
BTW- A Canadian seller has been experimenting with PL vs discounts. Annoyingly, he finds the PL works better, at a lower cost, than customer discounts.
#6 of 13
It's really annoying, because eBay is our landlord and everyone hates giving more money to the landlord, but it seems that sellers do better using Promoted Listings, even at lower rates than eBay suggests, than by offering Viewers or Watchers much steeper discounts.
I guess, that a Viewer or Watcher has seen the item already and has not bought it, so his interest is not that great.
* I sold everything from woodstoves to postage stamps. The only similarity was that we always had terrible sales in December.
04-17-2023 11:17 AM
@mike_jayroe I noticed some typos in your listing titles which could impede a customer's search:
Calvin and Hobbes books--Hobbes not Hobbs and Authoritative not Authorutative
Miscellaneous Railroad items-check the spelling of miscellaneous
Railroad Employees Fatalities book--FRA should not have commas --should be F.R.A.
04-17-2023 11:27 AM
Store fees are due whether I have sales or not, so I highly doubt your theory. Ebay wants to make money, not pick winners/losers.
04-17-2023 11:47 AM
Thanks a lot. Got them all fixed. Have a great evening.
04-17-2023 12:04 PM
Thanks. Looked at a lot of the RR books and they were in the right listing. But fixed the NASCAR books listed.
04-17-2023 12:14 PM - edited 04-17-2023 12:19 PM
@debvor wrote:What a surprise!!!!!! I had a spurt of sales around the time Ebay takes all their store fees. What a coincidence!!! Since they took their fees I haven't had a sale. Oh I have sent out tons of offers but no sales. Doesn't that seem odd????? Gee let's see what happens next month. Oh I probably won't have any sales because I'm a bad boy and am posting this. Some how and some way Ebay needs to be exposed.
In your sold items:
I see sales on March 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
I see sales on April 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10
Was this the "spurt"?
04-18-2023 06:54 PM
I've been selling on Ebay for around 20+ years. There used to be certain days that were better and maybe even certain times of the month but sales were consistent. I rarely had a day with no sales. lately within the last couple of years sales have been awful!!!!!
04-18-2023 07:44 PM
04-19-2023 11:20 AM