06-05-2021 04:37 PM
First time posting on the forums! Hey,
So I have been selling vintage camera gear (mainly) for a while now but the last few weeks have been pretty much dry except a few sales. It is kinda of bizarre, nothing in my store has changed (?) and I seem to have the same amount if not more views and watchers as usual but nothing.
Anyone else experiencing this? I mean it could be a number of factors like time of year, items I have, stuff going on in the world, etc etc. But this actually feels unusual.
06-05-2021 04:52 PM
It is slower than normal according to the many posts on the boards, hopefully things pick up soon. Welcome to retail where you can just never foretell the future LOL
Most attribute it to the fact that COVID restrictions have lifted and more people out and about rather than surfing the online stores
06-05-2021 04:55 PM
Over due summer vacations .
It was a tough year and people are hitting it hard.
06-05-2021 05:15 PM
06-05-2021 05:31 PM
@ahughesphotography wrote:the last few weeks have been pretty much dry except a few sales. It is kinda of bizarre, nothing in my store has changed (?) and I seem to have the same amount if not more views and watchers as usual but nothing.
On this account I see:
1 sale in the week from Mar 19-25.
1 sale in the week from Mar 26-Apr 1.
2 sales in the week from Apr 2-8.
1 sale in the week from Apr 9-15.
1 sale in the week from Apr 10-16.
2 sales in the week from Apr 17-23.
2 sales in the week from Apr 24-30.
7 sales in the week from May 1-7.
1 sale in the week from May 8-14.
7 sales in the week from May 15-21.
6 sales in the week from May 22-28.
1 sale in the week from May 29-Jun 4.
I guess I am failing to see how the last few weeks were worse than before.
In the past three weeks you had 14 sales.
In the three weeks before that, you had 10 sales.
In the three weeks before that, you had 4 sales.
In the three weeks before that, you had 4 sales.
06-05-2021 06:03 PM
Absolutely same here. It has been worse than ever. The selling fees are high. I try everything to comply with ebay's policies but nothing works. It use to be interesting and fun to be part of Ebay and make an extra buck. I am grateful that it is not my only source of income.
06-05-2021 06:15 PM
Total sales down 74.5% and net sales are down 86.6%, I have sold some items but they were small and/or sporadic between may 23rd and now.
06-05-2021 06:18 PM
It seems silly but I didn't even think it might be covid restrictions lifting. XD
06-05-2021 06:33 PM
eBay is reverting back to the dismal days of pre-covid. Sales were terrible then & returning to the old trend. I remember last Jan/2020 when I sold $400 the entire month! My last 3 days - $27. Pathetic. It's ok - "punishing" me for 2 lousy buyers back in Dec. with an increase in FVF & taking away my 10% TRS bonus when I haven't had an issue the in 2021 PLUS their idiotic MP plan are going to turn me into an ex-seller. 🙂 Good luck to all. 🙂
06-05-2021 10:45 PM
What are the posts like on the Aussie boards concerning sales volumes? Similar?
06-06-2021 10:12 AM
There have been a few threads, not as much as here, but we always have slow June/July because that is our tax time.
We were also off lockdown long before you guys, so our 'freedom to enjoy the outdoors' has been ongoing since September 2020 so late last year was slow for us because COVID restrictions ended.
By Jan sales had picked up again, but as I say tax time is slowing it down.
Also our seasons are opposite to yours, so that may factor in - summer is normally slower for us.
06-06-2021 10:14 AM
Thanks for the perspective.
It is almost summer here also. Typically slower for us too.