04-24-2021 01:30 PM
Anyone else having slow or no sales this week? I have almost 300 listings and zilch. BTW: I list Daily, Almost Everything is on Sale and/or Best Offer-(though I haven't gotten any), and EVERYTHING is Promoted. Beginning of April was good.. now just one sale in past 5 days. I appreciate EB but when it declines it really goes deafly silent, like nothing. I usually see this whenever they are rolling out anything new, so I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this to this extreme? Thanks,
Signed, (A usually -:) Grateful Girl
04-24-2021 02:58 PM
Don't feel bad, you are not the only one. I have had zero sales going on 10 days and this all started around the middle of the month. even my best selling items just stopped completely. I have no clue what eBay did, but something is really screwed up.
On Wednesday's chat I asked this same thing and this is one of the answers I got from Tyler:
"I can recommend resources available to you through Seller Hub like Sourcing Guidance, or with Terapeak's Product Research, but it sounds like you're very aware of your category, seasonality and price points. If your impressions and clicks have both declined there may not be as much appetite for your items currently. "
That response tells me something is or has gone wrong and they don't know what it is or don't know how to fix it.
Right now I am down 43% for the last 31 days and 61% for the same time period last month. I did call CS per one of the responses from Wednesday and I got the same old "canned" answers:
1. Everything is working right.
2. I should offer same day shipping.
3. Offer 30 day returns. (I do that already)
4. Offer free shipping.
Then the CSR said she would reset my store and it should help. Well 3 days have gone by and nothing has helped.
04-24-2021 09:00 PM
Agree Tyler's response struck me as odd during the chat for him to say and I was puzzled.
Very interesting about CSR promise of store reset. Wondered about that myself since many have reported the same reset / refresh. I asked via PM on Facebook eBay support. They told me that is not a thing they ever had / have or do! But yet phone CSRs keep promising that. I wonder where the truth is on this? Somebody is fibbing and I tend to trust eBay for business on Facebook the most.
So yes, sales are way down month over month and year over year but don't think this supposed reset is helping. Or if it seems to, that is likely just coincidence? Think we have to keep looking elsewhere for answers.
04-25-2021 07:54 AM
I also am being affected by low sales volume, Before I switched I was averaging at least 2-3 sometimes as many as 5-6 sales a day. Now I am lucky if I get one in 3 days. This month of April looked to be one of my best months ever in total sales, then the switch happened, now, I am worried, I am retired and I depend on Ebay to pay the bills.
04-25-2021 12:50 PM
I suspect many Ebay people are depressed like me over the ebay switch and take away of the old formats. I listed an item today and the only way I can find my listing is to search for it It does not show up on any of my selling pages. I deleted several drafts but they are still on the screen. So I am researching to find a new place to resume selling items Ebay has become to cumbersome. Right now I am "scared" of anything I put on ebay. My sold items take over a week for ebay to get the money to my checking account.. Personally I quit buying and have gone to Amazon for most of my needs that I use to buy on ebay. I suspect they have "Tecnology-ed" themselves right out of business taking all us sellers with them..
04-25-2021 07:20 PM
04-25-2021 07:25 PM
@babclassics wrote:Agree Tyler's response struck me as odd during the chat for him to say and I was puzzled.
Very interesting about CSR promise of store reset. Wondered about that myself since many have reported the same reset / refresh. I asked via PM on Facebook eBay support. They told me that is not a thing they ever had / have or do! But yet phone CSRs keep promising that. I wonder where the truth is on this? Somebody is fibbing and I tend to trust eBay for business on Facebook the most.
So yes, sales are way down month over month and year over year but don't think this supposed reset is helping. Or if it seems to, that is likely just coincidence? Think we have to keep looking elsewhere for answers.
No, there is no magic reset/refresh button for CS to click.
They just tell you that to make you feel better and get you off the phone.
04-25-2021 07:29 PM
There's a lot of reasons for slow sales.
A lot of people still out of work.
Saving up for vacations.
It's warmer so people are not spending as much time inside.
It's takes a paycheck now to fill up your vehicle.
Time of year and taxes are due.
04-25-2021 09:04 PM
The problem is that the advanced search, when you select title/description, is not working. Therefore, if someone is searching for something specific that you have included in your item description, it will not come up in search results. I implore sellers to check this out for yourselves. Go to your listing, select a specific word or something that is unique to your listing. Do the advanced search for that word. You will find out that your listing will not come up. Right now, it's possible a word in your first three lines might come up, but after that, the search doesn't work. This is a REALLY BIG problem for sellers who invest the time to write up a complete description of everything that may be included in a book. Buyers cannot find what they are looking for, the search will only include headlines or maybe the first three lines. And sellers cannot sell their item because buyers can't find it. If sellers have a very detailed item description, all of this is won't be found by potential buyers like it used to be. I hope Ebay resolves this problem soon.
04-26-2021 08:44 AM
Yes, I have nothing in 5 days now. My last sale was April 21st. Been crickets! I have stuff marked down all the time and I have been listing this weekend in hopes to generate some activity. Nothing! I'm not a big volume seller to begin with, but I at least have one sale a day?! If not every other day. So I guess just remain calm and see if things pick up this week. Very discouraging that Ebay is not what it used to be :*(
04-26-2021 04:34 PM
@618unicorns wrote:Yes, I have nothing in 5 days now. My last sale was April 21st. Been crickets! I have stuff marked down all the time and I have been listing this weekend in hopes to generate some activity. Nothing! I'm not a big volume seller to begin with, but I at least have one sale a day?! If not every other day. So I guess just remain calm and see if things pick up this week. Very discouraging that Ebay is not what it used to be :*(
Congratulations, you sold something today.
eBay has about 2 billion transactions per day, so clearly sellers are selling. If eBay isn't what it used to be for YOU, take a look at your competition, you assortment, and your listings to see what you can do to improve your sales. It could be that buyers aren't shopping for your items.
When I think back on how my assortment has changed over the years, that tells me a lot. I remember two categories of items that used to be hot for me are as slow as molasses now. Why? Because I have a LOT more competition than I used to. When I first started selling one of those categories, there were 60 listings on eBay and I had 39 of them. Today, there are 1200 listings. You have to evolve as demand and competition evolve.
Also bear in mind that April through September are slower months for most sellers (not just on eBay... in retail in general). So most sellers should EXPECT sales to be slower.
04-26-2021 07:09 PM
The difference my numbers are showing since the last (spring) update is my organic sales have dropped 50-60% yet my promoted sales increased more than that, sometimes hitting over 100% increase. Also the site is still having major issues, today for example. I averaged 5-6 items sold an hour and then will hit a 3-4 hour stretch with only 1 items an hour and they were offers and the only offers, which is another odd thing. All traffic numbers staying steady, having my highest sales days/months in the last 5 years but there are pockets of issues going on. (note: I am not on managed payments, paypal only still)
04-27-2021 09:24 AM
Yep same here. Only one sale in two days or so the week of April 18-24. Thanks for your post. I have been frantically searching for results whether other sellers are experiencing this slowness.
04-27-2021 09:26 AM
You are right. My sales are so down this last week that I was feeling very low. The weekend was the worst weekend I have had so far. Something is not right. How can sales just drop drastically.... I did read somewhere that buyers are experiencing problems in payment. So maybe that is also a factor.
04-28-2021 10:06 AM
Sales have been at a record low this week for us as well. Very odd.