03-18-2020 04:28 PM
Hello Everyone..!
I'm wondering if you are having difficulty selling your items at this time, (you know, during the pandemic.) I haven't really been trying to sell much lately because I just assume that others would have the same reaction that I have had: "I'm not buying anything from a location where there are confirmed cases of Covid19..!" I don't know about you guys, but I have avoided items coming from China, like 'THE PLAGUE..!" (how fitting, hah?)
03-31-2020 11:42 AM
03-31-2020 11:59 AM
@sodelight wrote:
China should have immediately gone on lock down. Not enough was done to take it seriously. Now the domino affect has taken over. Now we're ALL in a Life Lockdown!!
China lockdown in Wuhan started January 23rd, not some wimpy "social distancing" either but a real lockdown.
US instituted "social distancing" (lite version) TWO MONTHS later.
Who is it who didn't take this seriously?
03-31-2020 12:19 PM
I don't sell anything that people really need, so I just shut all my sites down until May 1st.
See how it goes from there.
03-31-2020 12:25 PM
I sold an item overseas and it didn't get delivered until 2 months later.
Never ship Surface.
If it took two months to arrive, and then enough time passed to open and close a Dispute, it left your country before any pandemic restrictions were in place.
If the buyer cannot afford Air Mail shipping, he can't afford to buy from you.
If the buyer demands cheaper, surface, or untracked shipping, he is setting you up for a scam.
03-31-2020 12:29 PM
@pinksakura2000 wrote:
I don't have trouble selling items, but I have trouble getting them delivered on time. I sold an item overseas and it didn't get delivered until 2 months later. By that time ebay fully refunded the buyer by charging my credit card under the eBay Buyer Protection clause. The customer now has the item, ebay has my final value fee, paypal kept my fee, and I lost everything including the item and the shipping fee. eBay does not return the amount refunded to the buyer even if you can provide proof of delivery 2 months later.
Your entire problem is that you listed the item and the listing look like it was from the United States. You then mention in the listing that you're going to be shipping from some place overseas.
Never lie about item location
03-31-2020 12:33 PM - edited 03-31-2020 12:35 PM
@reverseshopping wrote:
For goodness sake quit the politics! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
@single-g didn't bring it up, they were just correcting some misinformation.
But yes, we're all in this together!!!
03-31-2020 01:30 PM
No, I never thought I would see this day.. Not in my life time..! However; I have been a bit of prepper over the years.. Funny thing is though, I never once thought that what I was prepping for would be a PANDEMIC..!!! I have a number of tubs of food with a 25 year shelf life.. I caught myself telling my husband that those tubs are in case of a real emergency.. Than I thought to myself, " We are going through a pandemic here..! If this isn't an emergency, than what is..?" Well, those are being saved for a time when there is no grocery store to go to. Hopefully those tubs will not have to be used during this crisis. We do have reason to believe that we will get through this.. China, Italy, South Korea and now Spain all seem to have reached their peak.
Blessings to you and to all who see this..!
03-31-2020 01:32 PM
I never thought of that.. You've got a good point there.. Thank you..!
Take care,
03-31-2020 01:40 PM
I feel the same way actually.. I fear for those on the front line fighting to save lives. I have the easy job, but my family and I are doing it well.. We are at home until the order has lifted. Even then I don't know if it will be safe.. I will probably wait even longer.. My son's school may be opening back up in April.. Yet, I am not sending him back at that time. No way..! It's the bigger picture that is going to affect us all like you said.. The world as we have known it won't be the same when these orders are lifted and we go back to what is deem normal. My hope is that this will have humbled us all. We are not kings and queens of our own universe. Together we are one.. Together we will beat this..
Blessings to all..!
03-31-2020 02:11 PM
It was someone else who started with the politics. Not single-g. At least single-g was spot on with their reply
03-31-2020 03:06 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Hello Everyone..!
I'm wondering if you are having difficulty selling your items at this time.
Most are probably having a difficult time right now. Most everyone in the US is not working and are forced to stay at home. No one has extra cash for Ebay stuff right now. On the other hand if you are selling essentials you will probably be doing normal to above average.
03-31-2020 03:18 PM
Frankly the impeachment ended on Feb 5 if that is the excuse we are going with.What had been done since? Besides, even if it had happened this month, are they so inept they can't do two things at the same time?
Selling is super slow and I expect for it to get slower as people have less money to spend. Sad state of affairs for the entire world. Stay safe out there!
03-31-2020 03:26 PM
So true.. So true..
M. at 'cashmere_kittee'
03-31-2020 04:52 PM
03-31-2020 05:04 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Hello Everyone..!
I'm wondering if you are having difficulty selling your items at this time, (you know, during the pandemic.) I haven't really been trying to sell much lately because I just assume that others would have the same reaction that I have had: "I'm not buying anything from a location where there are confirmed cases of Covid19..!" I don't know about you guys, but I have avoided items coming from China, like 'THE PLAGUE..!" (how fitting, hah?)
I think it depends what you sell, if it's stuff people need or items to alleviate some boredom, you might actually have an increase in sales.
So far no one has talked to me about COVID-19, but I am self isolating (so that I don't get it), however I have no control over the mail carriers and FedEx people who handle my packages.