03-18-2020 04:28 PM
Hello Everyone..!
I'm wondering if you are having difficulty selling your items at this time, (you know, during the pandemic.) I haven't really been trying to sell much lately because I just assume that others would have the same reaction that I have had: "I'm not buying anything from a location where there are confirmed cases of Covid19..!" I don't know about you guys, but I have avoided items coming from China, like 'THE PLAGUE..!" (how fitting, hah?)
03-18-2020 04:52 PM
03-18-2020 04:57 PM
Did you ever think that you would ever ask that in your life time??
Still seems so unreal.
A bad dream that I want to wake up from.
03-18-2020 04:57 PM - edited 03-18-2020 05:00 PM
List & sell, sell, sell now, before the truly desperate, needy for cash begin listing some of their valuables on ebay, & perhaps at bargain prices
03-18-2020 05:19 PM
I have not been selling much lately. At this point I'm not even worried about myself or what I'm selling. I'm concerned about the country and world as a whole. Because it's that bigger picture that is going to affect me and everyone else. But I've still been buying some items from Ebay because I will not live in that kind of fear. If I need something I buy it. But if it's something I can do without for now, I'll wait til this situation plays out.
03-18-2020 05:35 PM
This is precisely why those selling non-essential items are really going to suffer. Folks with no other income who rely soley on ebay sales may struggle to pay everyday bills.
This is why I never understood it when people would state their entire family sells on ebay! It's always best to at least have one other household member with a reliable job, at least if they're laid off they can collect unemployment.
The world is a total mess right now! Congress should have spent their time early this year with concerns over this virus and a plan to keep it from entering the US, instead of trying to impeach a President. They totally ignored the reality of it!
China should have immediately gone on lock down. Not enough was done to take it seriously. Now the domino affect has taken over. Now we're ALL in a Life Lockdown!!
03-27-2020 08:15 PM
03-28-2020 02:58 AM
03-28-2020 05:39 AM
03-28-2020 05:53 AM
have you tried to get customer service , wow just when you thought it couldn't get worse .............. well it did , email customer support , wow they barely understand what our needs are on the phone and know ebay has email and social media help ( only ) what a joke , i am having to cancel orders because there reps wil not credit me for known issues when they are 9 months of notes on my account pertaining to it ........ funny thing other big companies were preparing for this not ebay they give the impression they do not care ........... thanks ebay for making this harder then it needs to be
03-28-2020 06:34 AM
@pinksakura2000 wrote:
eBay does not return the amount refunded to the buyer even if you can provide proof of delivery 2 months later.
Correct. I believe you only have three days after the INR is filed.
"Once a request is opened, you have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, either you or the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue."
03-28-2020 06:39 AM
@Anonymous wrote:I'm wondering if you are having difficulty selling your items at this time, (you know, during the pandemic.)
This pandemic has profoundly affected the economy, health, employment, travel, restaurants, grocery stores, courts, doctors, borders crossings, hospitals, theaters, stores, businesses, sporting events, family, shopping, food safety, public gatherings, retirement savings, lending, the housing market, etc.
In other words, pretty much every aspect of life.
So it is a pretty safe bet it is affecting eBay sales, too.
03-28-2020 06:50 AM
I'm not having any problem making sales. I saw a couple days without any, which is normal, but the beat goes on.
03-28-2020 07:35 AM
03-28-2020 08:30 AM
Low and behold...I posted that last reply...and what do you know...I get a $5 sale today! Actually made my day. I'll take it. 🙂