04-27-2022 05:26 AM
I recently had a return for two items both were sold separately to the same buyer at the same time so shipping was in one carton, items arrived and they asked to return the items as they were faulty, I accepted the return and created two returns labels, the buyer then sent both items back on one return label and discarded the other (makes sense)
On receiving the items back I had a balance waiting for payout from ebay from another sale
I processed the first return adding my card at the point of refund, to deal with the balance deficient this was approved via my banking app and then failed to process !!! I thought because the expiry date was wrong so corrected and tried again. It failed again !!!
I tried to process the 2nd return and the same thing happened.
After adding my card to the payment options in ebay I tried again and the first item refunded
Now here is the odd bit
My payments balance reads massively in the negative now from the first 3 failed refunds and the payment that was held pending these refunds shows as released but is not showing in my bank nor as a credit to the balance
Has anyone any clues as to how long this takes to sort its head out ?
Can I claim the unused label back ?
Or who can I contact and HOW !! to talk through this and sort out the balance issues ??
04-27-2022 05:52 AM
Just a quick update
Ive processed the 2nd refund and low and behold the balance has gone even further into the red The refunds now show as complete and my balance should be zero !!
I think what is happenned is the speed of the process at ebays end shows as negative amounts in the "available balance" until the money has been confirmed in the account it has left my bank but says pending !!
In my On hold funds there is an amount that once added to the 2 amounts refunded = the available funds negative balance
So once it clears it should all be good ! I hope
Thanks to those who read this
Note to anyone having failed refund attempts - Try adding the payment option to your account first that seemed to sort out the refunds for me
04-27-2022 08:29 AM
Did the funds show as held?? Such is that the refund will show as red until funds are released...
If so you cost will come out of your payment method, check there to see if such is a pending payment to eBay..such as you are thinking.. should when clear straighten out the total back to zero or positive....depending on what you are selling etc....