01-20-2020 07:58 PM
Dont know if this is the right place to post this but a buyer bought a phone of me used it for over 2 weeks then got in contact to return it surely this cant be allowed when it reached them in perfect condition theres now a hold on there PayPal payment and if they get there way they,l get a refund and il get back a phone that they,ve broken hows that fair or right .
01-20-2020 08:06 PM - edited 01-20-2020 08:09 PM
All sellers on eBay provide our buyers with eBay's "Money Back Guarantee" ... if they didn't get what they order, then they can return it and get their money back.
With the Money Back Guarantee, it is very important to realize that only the person who gets to decide "they didn't get what they order" is the buyer. Your opinion as a seller doesn't matter.
So, as much as it might upset you, you simply need to accept the return and refund the money when it comes back to you ... if you try to fight the buyer by escalating the return, eBay will most likely punish you and force the refund.
That said, if the phone is returned in a condition that is significantly deteriorated, then you can appeal the situation to eBay customer service.
PS. I just bought a phone that was in "perfect" condition, but the seller had not removed their account from the phone, and it was locked and unusable ...
01-20-2020 08:10 PM
Even if they,ve been happily using it for over 2 weeks .
01-20-2020 08:11 PM
30 day money back guarantee
01-20-2020 08:14 PM
So I'm out of pocket if I refund and have to take a broken phone back which happened in there possession that's crazy that would put you off selling .
01-20-2020 08:17 PM
Never list anything you can’t afford to lose
01-20-2020 08:18 PM
I'd see through it if it was my fault but they,ve been using what was sold as a second hand phone not new but no faults which was evident in them using it for over 2 weeks successfully then all of a sudden they say its faulty if ebay look at that wont they think well happened weeks after so there fault.
01-20-2020 08:20 PM
That's crazy doesnt ebay look at things and think well that seems bit dodgy they,ve had something been using it and the only way to make a viable claim is a fault.
01-20-2020 08:33 PM
I’m not quite following you, but:
This is how it works. EBay gives a 30 day money back guarantee.
Buyers can use an item then claim its broken or not as described. Seller is forced to provide return postage or they lose both money and item, plus get a demerit.
Electronics has the biggest scam rate. I’ve personally had no problems with the policy.
01-20-2020 08:38 PM
Thanks for your replies but I will fight it as I'm not in the wrong .
01-20-2020 08:42 PM
You don’t understand.
This is policy.
You MUST accept the return. You can report the buyer for abuse after you receive it back.
01-20-2020 09:00 PM
I understand what your saying I already reported them as it let me take that form of action.
01-20-2020 09:12 PM
There are several reasons why selling a phone on Ebay is foolish. First of all as you have learned a buyer can claim that anything you sell to them is not working properly after they use it for one two or more weeks. When this happens you get to pay them to borrow your phone for two weeks and then you pay them to return it back to you for free. In my case a buyer purchased a phone from me working perfectly along with another phone the same day. Back in those earlier days Ebay did not do as good a job at hiding **bleep** buyers by making only seller information available. Today I would never be able to see this wonderful Ebay buyers purchases and returns which were abundant. The other part of this problem is that all cell phone carriers have areas where their towers are too few and if you sell an ATT phone which works just fine where you are it may not work where the buyer lives. Conclusion avoid selling phones on ebay unless you are willing to deal with these problems.
01-20-2020 09:43 PM
01-21-2020 02:29 AM
Thanks for your reply I cant believe how these buyers get away with it especially if they,ve been using it happily but trust me lesson learned its put me off selling.