12-02-2022 08:12 PM
I think there might be HOPE for mankind YET!
Last Holiday season I started a thread about Buyers who wanted discounts, items for free, were hard on their luck, etc. Most of those really annoyed me and it is impossible (at least for me) to discern "who" is legit and who is not................most who posted on that thread indicated they were all scammers looking for "free" goods.
Received a Christmas card in today's mail. Nice short note inside - "thank you for the doll to my daughter last xmas. Meant alot. Merry xmas. Shirley XXXXX
The card had a $20 bill inside it.
Took me a little bit to figure out which order this was - I did 4 or 5 where I sent the item discounted or for free and I only figured it out from searching the address in excel. It was shipped about this time last year - spent $39.80 total with shipping and shipped a Holiday Barbie and some sweets.
Gonna treat myself with that $20 - McAlisters Sweet Tea and Peppermint bark.
(Every day I kinda say bad things about buyers. And then one goes and makes me cry. In a good way.....)
12-02-2022 08:23 PM
That's great! It's times like these and buyers like this that make the eBay grind worthwhile. Enjoy this gesture! It's a rarity.
12-02-2022 08:28 PM
@thefunkyfern wrote:That's great! It's times like these and buyers like this that make the eBay grind worthwhile. Enjoy this gesture! It's a rarity.
Yes it is and I never give Buyers the benefit of the doubt any more. With this last chargeback I lost, I have been very glass half-empty about buyers and this site in particular.
I don't know when I became so **bleep** jaded, but I need to really work on that as we get to 2023. There are really great people out there - I just don't typically think that way and I should.
12-02-2022 08:29 PM
I've run into many more wonderful buyers than troublesome ones. Once a buyer found cash in a set of books I had sold him. I told him it wasn't mine and it was his to keep. He sent me half - almost $200. (Since then I've been very careful to check books for cash between the pages, but haven never found any.)
12-02-2022 08:33 PM
@carolynnq wrote:I've run into many more wonderful buyers than troublesome ones. Once a buyer found cash in a set of books I had sold him. I told him it wasn't mine and it was his to keep. He sent me half - almost $200. (Since then I've been very careful to check books for cash between the pages, but haven never found any.)
WOW! What a neat honest Buyer! Thank you for sharing that - we need more of these types of posts vs the carpy Buyer ones. This job is so hard some days - great to remember "why" we do this for our buyers.
12-03-2022 07:17 AM
I'm glad you started a thread about this, the simple appreciation this person gave you is beyond words. I'm finding myself a little testy lately at the thrift, now I'm going to practice being calmer and kinder towards others. Thank you!
12-03-2022 08:13 AM - edited 12-03-2022 08:13 AM
Thanks so much for sharing. I think we all have that special customer who never forgets the hard work and effort that we put into our sellers sites. So nice to be appreciated and even nicer with a bonus!!
12-03-2022 08:26 AM
Oh, Kat! I wondered what you'd started with @mr_lincoln the other day... quite the quick return on your 'paying it forward'...
12-03-2022 08:39 AM
@carolynnq wrote:I've run into many more wonderful buyers than troublesome ones. Once a buyer found cash in a set of books I had sold him. I told him it wasn't mine and it was his to keep. He sent me half - almost $200. (Since then I've been very careful to check books for cash between the pages, but haven never found any.)
This brings back memories.
I collected horses and had a batch of horse books that I was giving to a neighbor. I started to page through them and found money that I stashed in them. This was my way to save money as a kid so that I could pay boarding my horses, new equipment, the blacksmith and such.
I had well over $1k in the books. I now make sure I check books and other things that I would stash cash in and get it consolidated.
12-03-2022 09:03 AM - edited 12-03-2022 09:04 AM
@mtgraves7984 wrote:Oh, Kat! I wondered what you'd started with @mr_lincoln the other day... quite the quick return on your 'paying it forward'...
I meant pay it forward with MR L.....he is so kind. He sends me PMs, offers me tips/suggestions on selling, PLs. He is unfailingly kind.... @mr_lincoln . I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
i have been very buyer jaded lately.
Also have been pretty ill - I think that skews your perceptions- when you do not feel good/great.
It has been so long, I do not even remember "why" I agreed to send the doll for free. All those old emails are gone now - I show I wrote off $39.80 (my doll cost + shipping+ candy + supplies + fees charged). She paid, I refunded her in full. My memory is shot, so her name did not ring a bell. The address matched from her card to an order - otherwise, might still be stumped.
Posted as I feel bad that I rarely give a buyer the benefit of the doubt anymore. Not good and I need to do a better job on that front or stop selling online.
About to turn off my e-Bay accounts soon for the Holiday Season. Have not sent out 1 free order this year - worst case of the Grinchees (mine)
12-03-2022 09:14 AM
I Sell Many Books, But Only Found Cash Once, $3, Went & Got Myself An Egg McMuffin!
12-03-2022 09:17 AM - edited 12-03-2022 09:18 AM
@meme6253 wrote:I Sell Many Books, But Only Found Cash Once, $3, Went & Got Myself An Egg McMuffin!
Love all these Cash in books stories!
Have never found Cash in a book or placed it there for safe keeping.
When I buy used books, I find old light bills, newspaper clippings, recipe cards, index cards, bookmarks and once tiny bit hair in a ziploc bag.
No money! lol🙃
12-03-2022 09:30 AM
I found a large MJ leaf pressed between the pages of a 1980s Norman Rockwell coffee table book once, but never any cash.
But I always flip through books I'm selling if even to check that all pages are there and in good condition. The pressed leaf left a rather large pressure indentation, so I donated the book.
12-03-2022 11:45 AM
@krazzykats wrote:I found a large MJ leaf pressed between the pages of a 1980s Norman Rockwell coffee table book once, but never any cash.
But I always flip through books I'm selling if even to check that all pages are there and in good condition. The pressed leaf left a rather large pressure indentation, so I donated the book.
I need to start buying more online books and searching for cash/treasures!
Feel like Charlie Brown....."I gotta rock".....
Yes, this thread was about grateful buyers and we have morphed.... all good, learning something new!! 😀
12-03-2022 12:51 PM
@krazzykats wrote:I found a large MJ leaf pressed between the pages of a 1980s Norman Rockwell coffee table book once....
Something about this really tickles me.